Hi everyone,

As everyone knows authors notes are really frowned upon but when it's necessary we have to do it. So this is just a quick note to all that have been reading my story Sarmatian Knights.

Thank you for all the reviews I've received and I really appreciate them every much especially Sera Femme for all the encouragement you've given me. If you think this is a note to tell you I'll not be continuing with this story, then you would be completely wrong. I've been seriously rethinking and rereading my story and I've found that it is missing things in areas of it. So with that in mind I've decided to reedit all my chapters that I have already done and have put up here, they include more on the background of why Helena doesn't know things due to her parents not telling her as well as lengthening areas so it doesn't sound too rushed. Though there have been a few mistakes spelling and grammar wise that have been fixed, some people might not see too much of a change in other areas in some chapters as I couldn't see they needed any fixing. I just hope when I start posting the new revised chapters that people will continue to enjoy this story more or just as much as they have previously. I've seen some others do it to their stories I've been reading and hope you'll be just as patient with me as I do this as I have with them.

Just to let you know I've now completed editing the first 4 chapters of this story and in a few weeks time I will be replacing the chapters. You will notice some really major changes in chapter 7 & especially chapter 8 from the original. I hope what I've done to improve and lengthen to story will work out as it's got me doing major rewrites for a few chapters to come.

I know the updates at the beginning were quick but as I redo the story that might not be possible. Between work (real early start), home duties, swimming club (my daughter's who I happen to be involved in on the committee with four positions) and other things including getting ready for Christmas, it's pretty hectic. So please don't worry if the updates take longer than I want. Everyone has the same problem I've noticed with the stories I read on here myself. Oh and that's another reason as well, I tend to read more stories on this site than working on my own.

Also to let you know I've started 2 more King Arthur based stories, one is a time travelling story with five OCs, and the background story of Helena's parents (my OC in this story) and how they met and got together. This was originally going to be a prologue chapter to Sarmatian Knights but it's ended up way too long for that. Unfortunately because it doesn't have Arthur or any of his Knights (that is Lancelot, Gawain etc) but other Sarmatian Knights I can't really post it here so it will eventually be posted on my webpage (see my profile page for the link) so if you're interested in that please don't hesitate in reading it. I've also got a Stargate SG1 and a Stargate SG1 based story on the go as well. These two were my first stories I ever wrote but like all my stories they need to be edited before I think about putting them up. I've also got a Robin Hood BBC story started and have plans to maybe do a Lord of the Rings story as well. God I wish I had more time in the day.

Again thank you everyone who has reviewed my story, as well as those who have my story as a favourite of theirs and those who have story/author alerts for it and me. This is not the end of me writing, no way, especially this story, and hopefully I will have the new revised chapters up soon.

So with all that said I hope you'll keep reading and enjoying. If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, please let me know I welcome the help. Also I have a particular Knight in mind for my character to be with which is heavily hinted in the chapters already, but if anyone can suggest another Knight she should be with and why please let me know and I'll consider it. Nothing is set in concrete and anything can happen and usually does.

Please note this note will be deleted when I start replacing the chapters.

Thanks all


PS: Just a thought if anyone doesn't want me to change anything to these chapters also let me know.

PPS: My daughter who is pestering me and sitting beside me as I do this wants me to mention she has stories on this site as well. Her user name is Melody Faith The Fox she only does Sonic the Hedgehog stories so far.