Okay so I read this the other day and wanted to gouge my eyes out of my head at how flipping horribly written it was. (Which makes me think I should reread all my older stuff and see how horrible it is but that would probably make me give up writing forever! I shudder just thinking about how bad it is.) But anyways... so we're under reconstruction here and we'll see where this takes me. Have fun reading and I hope I do better this time around than I did initially. Much love for you all. Keva


Oh how he hated the way they were swooning all over him. Their disgusting tears and their pleas for him to acknowledge them in hopes that they would be the woman for him. He would never give any of them the time of day let alone indulge a single one of them with any sort of anything. He did what was expected of him as his contract stated.

This was one of those days and he was working hard to control his ire. Making an appearance at a mall indeed. Who ever decided that this was a good idea was going to suffer. Only has-beens did that sort of thing and he was far from being a has-been.

He didn't speak to these people that's what he paid his press agent for. He was here for nothing more than a pretty face so all these disgusting females could drool all over him. As his agent was answering the same old questions that were asked every time he made an appearance. He scanned the area mentally snorting in disgust at all these females. They like so many others seemed to think that if they could get his attention with wither skimpy whorish clothing he would sweep them off their feet.

'Fools!' He snorted to himself.

His eyes suddenly landed on two females towards the back of the crowd and he could easily tell they were arguing. 'Probably arguing over which one would be the best match for me.' He thought cynically but as he continued to watch them he realized that that wasn't what they were arguing about at all. He easily caught the movement of the raven haired girl's lips saying something about stupid and going home.

He shifted his eyes over to her dark brown haired friend and noted that she seemed to be whining to her friend with the word of 'please'. That was when the dark haired girl turned and locked stares with him and to his surprise she narrowed her eyes deeply, curled her lip, and let off a grunt followed by her lips forming the word 'fine' to her friend.

He had never had a female look at him like that and it unnerved him slightly but with his superior will he suppressed it like it was nothing. Because after all it was nothing to him just as all these people around him were nothing.

He continued to watch as the other female grinned hugely and turned to face him in the typical swooning female manner that every other female stared at him with... Well every female but the one standing next to her, who was currently staring at him like he was the scum of the earth and hardly worth the time to look at let alone stand there to swoon over.

He watched as she looked around at all the females standing in front of him with a look that said she was disgusted that she was of the same species as the rest of them then again locked stares with him. As she stared at him he could easily pick out the revulsion she held for him in her dark chocolate eyes and could almost hear the word that fell from her lips as she stared at him. 'Pathetic.' She had said as she turned and made for a bench against the far wall.

He found it hard to believe that there was actually a female out there that was revolted by him. Not that he was conceded by any meaning of the word but after so many years of being wanted, drooled over, and admired by every female that crossed his path or watched him fight; it caught him off guard to find that there was actually one that didn't want him... or at the very least find him somewhat desirable. Not that it mattered all that much to him she was just another female and with his mind focused completely on his career there was no room for a woman in his life right now anyway.

The championships were still several months away and this was his last appearance (thank the Kami) until after they were over. He had a title to defend and nothing was going to interfere with his training; especially a female.


Kagome sat in the chair watching all the women fawning over the silver haired fighter; if you could call him that. She knew who he was and was hardly impressed with him or anything he did for that matter. Not that she didn't like watching martial arts she rather enjoyed watching the graceful movements of the competitors. No what irked her most about it were those who took the traditional fighting style and turned it into a common sport, like American wrestling. Not to mention that those… or should she say the one who only used the sport for his own selfish gain.

Holding press conferences yet never actually speaking for himself, staring at everyone around him like they were well beneath him and let us not forget the 'Even though there are none worthy of facing me, I will continue to fight and prove that I am the master of the sport.' speech.

"Cocky bastard." She hissed as she again locked stares with his honeyed and told him with her eyes exactly what he could do with himself. She would leave right now if Sango wasn't her best friend and hadn't been drooling over the self proclaimed Lord of the Arts Sesshoumaru since he made his first appearance on the fighting scene. She only hoped that this appearance of his would come to an end as soon as possible so that she could go home and get on with her life.

These were ten minutes she was never going to get back.


Sesshoumaru looked at the girl glaring daggers at him and narrowed his eyes in return which caused her to glare even harder by narrowing her eyes to thin little slits. He was to his shock beginning to get offended by the way she was looking at him and were she a man he would seriously consider lopping her head off for daring to look at him in such a fashion.

Then he caught the words from her lips and his ire got the best of him. Slowly rising to his feet he made his way through the reporters and gawking females until he came to stand in front of the girl. "Do you have an issue with me." He growled as he stared down at her coldly.

Kagome looked up at him not feeling intimidated in the least. "Not at all." She smirked cockily as she crossed her left leg over her right and her arms over her chest. "I just don't see what the big fuss about you is. I mean you're just a fighter who uses his talent to boost his own ego; nothing special in my book." She shrugged dismissively.

Everyone watched in shocked silence as he stared at the girl awaiting his response. "You know nothing of me or why I do what I do." He said coolly though his voice held a deadly edge to it.

Kagome rose to her feet and arched a brow at him. "Oh? Near as I can tell all of this…" She waved her hand towards all the people watching them. "Is for you to boost your over inflated ego and not for the honor or respect of the sport. Pretty much sums you up. No?" She locked stares with him for a moment before she turned on her heel and walked away from him smirking in victory.

He watched her walk away and blood red rage shot up his spine. She had made a fool of him in front of everyone and he did and said nothing. This would not do; not do at all.

Kagome placed her hand on the door handle to pull it open and suddenly found it shut tight due to a large pale hand holding the door closed. She turned to face him and found his face right in hers practically nose to nose. He was so close she did have to admit that his eyes although cold were very beautifully colored.

"What does a lowly female," he sneered. "know about the arts?"

Kagome smirked at him. "Enough to know that a true lover of the sport doesn't flaunt himself around in such a manner. It's not about the man it's about the heart and soul put into the love of the movements and the meaning behind each move." Again she arched a brow at him. "To which you obviously do not have. Now if you will excuse me I have other things I'd rather be doing than standing here talking to you." She pushed his hand away from the door and opened it. "Like pulling my fingernails out." She hissed under her breath as she stepped through the door.

He watched her through the glass door as she left and with out a word he left as well. He had to relieve himself of his anger and the only place he could do that was at his personal training studio.


"Wow Kagome I can't believe you talked to him like that." Sango said as she buckled her seat belt.

Kagome put her key into the ignition and started the car. "Yeah well someone had too." She snorted in a very unlady like manner. "That pompous ass thinks he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. When in reality he's just an overly sculpted high and mighty nobody."

Sango shook her head. "True, but you have to admit that he's extremely easy on the eyes."

Kagome had to concede to that. "Yeah, that he is but his ego takes away from the overall effect."

"I suppose your right." Sango said with a sigh. "He's untouchable anyway." She smiled lightly. "Plus I just don't think Miroku would like me running off with another man and leaving him and the twins behind."

"So how is Miroku doing with the twins?" Kagome asked as she merged onto the highway.

Sango laughed. "Well we decided that we would trade jobs for the week."

Kagome arched a smirking brow at that. "We or you?"

"Me of course." Sango nodded smartly as she crossed her arms over her chest. "He's going to see that getting up all through the night and being up early in the morning to get them ready and himself ready for work, then taking them to my mom's isn't all peaches and cream."

"I told him his thinking would come back and bite him in the ass sooner or later." Kagome responded with a chuckle.

"Actually I look at this as revenge for all those times he couldn't keep his cursed hand to himself. Nothing like being groped in front of your parents." She snorted.

"You're evil." Kagome said laughing as she pulled up in front of Sango's house."So you want to do something tomorrow night?"

"I can't. I promised my mom I would have dinner with her and dad. Maybe next Saturday." She opened the door and got out.

"Sounds like a plan." Kagome said with a wave as Sango shut the door.


Sesshoumaru sat on his black leather couch watching a video of his opponents monitoring their moves and searching for their weaknesses when a knock came on the door. "Enter." He ordered without taking his eyes off the TV.

"Hey bro." Inuyasha called as he entered the media room. "What's up?"

Sesshoumaru cringed inwardly at the sound of his sibling's voice. "What do you want?"

Inuyasha plopped himself down into the leather chair, leg dangling over the arm causing his kaki green shorts to ride up to the point of almost showing what made him a man. He narrowed his eyes irritably at his elder brother. "You called me over here."


Inuyasha stared at his brother for a few moments before he began to get thoroughly irritated. "WELL? What the fuck do you want?"

"You will hold your filthy tongue behind your teeth." Sesshoumaru growled in a low dangerous voice.

Inuyasha stared at his brother for a moment then let a smirk pull on his lips. "Someone must have pissed you off. What'd they say? That you're a pompous ass or something?"

Sesshoumaru cut his head over to his bastard of a half-brother and glared at him.

"So they did!" Inuyasha pointed at him and laughed. "I'd sure like to meet em'. They obviously got your number."

"That will be enough." He growled at his idiot sibling. "You will go to the studio and bring me the videos of the past years competitions."

Inuyasha's laughing came to an abrupt halt. "What? I was just at the studio! You could have told me that's what you needed when you called instead of having me come all the way over here just for you to tell me to go back!"

Sesshoumaru smirked evilly. "You should have asked me what I wanted when I called."

"Fuck that! You called me!" Inuyasha bit out.

"Enough." Sesshoumaru ground out. "You will do what I pay you to do. Now leave my sight."

Inuyasha stared hard at his elder brother. "Keh, bastard." He bit out before he rose and left. After he shut the door he smirked to himself. "Yea I'll get em' to ya… before midnight." He laughed and made for his truck.


Kagome lay on the couch surfing though the hundred-some channels. "There's so nothing on." She groaned. "And I'm soooo bored." She sat up and stared around her apartment and sighed. "I need a hobby or something." She looked at her cell phone. "Nah; I'd never stay focused on a hobby long enough to have one. I know; I'll call…" She trailed off as her phone rang. She smiled at the caller id before she flipped it opened and answered. "Hey! I was just thinking about calling you."

"I'm sure. I'll bet you have been sitting there talking to yourself." The deep voice on the other end responded.

"Was not." Kagome said with a huff.

"Sure and my name ain't Inuyasha."

Kagome narrowed her eyes as if he could see her. "If that's all you called me for then thanks for calling and maybe I'll see ya around."

"No that's not what I called you for." Inuyasha snapped. "I was calling to see if you wanted to hang out. Unless you'd rather continue to sit there and have conversations with yourself."

"I swear Inuyasha if you don't shut up I'm sooo gonna kick your ass."

"Keh, I'd like to see you try it." He responded with a snorting laugh.

"Oh shut up and come and get me already." She hissed.

"No prob. I'm already outside waiting for you."

Kagome curled her lip at the phone. "You're such a jerk Inuyasha!" She said then slammed her phone shut. Grabbing her purse and keys she slipped her shoes on and left the apartment.


"So what are we going to do?" Kagome asked as they pulled away from the curb.

Inuyasha shrugged his shoulder. "I have to run an errand for my bastard of a brother then I'm fee to do whatever ya want."

Kagome looked over at Inuyasha with her brows furrowed. "Your brother? I didn't know you had a brother." She punched him in the shoulder. "Why did you tell me you had a brother?"

He cringed deeply. "If you knew him you wouldn't talk about him either. He's a sorry bastard who thinks he's the greatest thing since electricity."

"Oh come on he can't be that bad." She responded with a giggle getting a grunt out of him. Inuyasha was the most infuriating person she knew and she could only imagine what his brother was like. "So when am I going to meet him?"

Inuyasha cut his eyes over to her. "Take my advice and pray that you never have to meet him."

Kagome widened her eyes and stuck her bottom lip out at him. "Please?"


"Pleeeease?" Kagome whined.

Inuyasha watched her from the corner of his eye then gave a shrug. "Your funeral." He snorted with a shrug of his shoulder as he pulled into the parking lot of the studio.

"Cool. Can't wait to meet him." She grinned hugely.

"Yea whatever; but when he makes you cry don't come running to me." He opened the door and got out. "I'll be right back."

Kagome gave a shrug of her shoulder and turned on the radio. "I wonder what Inuyasha's brother is like?" Inuyasha is brash but very handsome yet foul with a chivalrous caring attitude about him. "I bet he's just like Inuyasha." She gnawed her bottom lip. "Hmm… do I really want to meet another being like Inuyasha? I bet my curse word dictionary would increase by about a thousand pages if he IS anything like Inuyasha." An excited giggle passed her lips. "I can't wait to meet him."

"You should really see someone about that." Inuyasha smirked as he opened the door.

"About what?" She asked innocently.

Inuyasha looked at her like she was crazy as he got into the truck. "Alright let's go pay a visit to my asshole of a brother and you can ask him if it's normal for someone to talk to themselves all the time."

Kagome crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. "Well if there was someone around who could hold a decent conversation with me then I wouldn't have to talk to myself all the time."

"Keh." Inuyasha grunted as he pulled off.


Kagome stared at the large house as Inuyasha pulled into the driveway. "Wow! This is your brother's house?"

Inuyasha made a deep chested snorting noise not bothering to answer the obvious.

She got out of the truck wide eyed as she and Inuyasha walked towards the door. The yard was perfectly maintained, the bushes trimmed, and not a single dead leaf anywhere to be seen. She turned to face the door when Inuyasha knocked and when the door swung open her eyes full of wonder and awe narrowed to dangerous little slits. "You!" She hissed as she locked stares with the golden of the large male who answered the door.

Sesshoumaru stared down at the girl glaring deadly at her then he cut his eyes over to his sibling. "Who is this wench you have brought to my home?"

Inuyasha looked from Sesshoumaru to Kagome and back again. "You know her?"

"Oh hai he knows me alright." Kagome answered then turned to Inuyasha. "Why didn't you tell me that this was your brother? If I had known I would have made you take me home before you brought me to this bastard's house."

Inuyasha stared at his brother and could see the tension in his shoulders and began laughing. "Ha! I knew someone rubbed you the wrong way!" He laughed with a finger pointed in his brother's face.

Sesshoumaru glared at his sibling and ignored the girl standing next to him. "You have brought what I requested." He growled coolly.

Inuyasha handed over the bag with the videos in it while still chuckling.

Kagome kept her narrowed eyes on the God of a man who had an ego the size of the universe. "Inuyasha lets go." She hissed when the male standing in the door stared down his nose at her.

"Nah." He said as he grabbed her arm. "I wanna hang out with my bro here." He looked up at the glowering being standing in the doorway. "Well are you gonna invite us in or what?"

"Well I don't." Kagome snapped as she attempted to jerk herself free of his hold upon her.

"The feeling is mutual." Sesshoumaru said as he turned to enter the house and shut the door in their faces.

Kagome spun around and huffed in irritation. "He's such a jackass!" She then looked up at Inuyasha with heart melting sympathy. "I'm so sorry for you."

Inuyasha stared at her with his brows furrowed at the face she was making at him. "Huh?"

"To have a brother like that must be hard for you." She patted his shoulder in a gentle understanding manner.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes at her. "Whatever. Lets…" He turned when he heard a car pull up and narrowed his eyes.

Kagome looked over to the white mustang that pulled into the driveway and an ear to ear smile found its way across her face. As the male got out of the car she took off running at full speed and when she was three feet away from him she leapt into the air launching herself at him. "Kei!" She squealed.

He easily caught her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his muscled waist.

"Kagome?" He asked in shock. "What are you doing here?"

She pulled back and looked into his strangely colored copper eyes. "I could ask you the same thing."

Kei stared at her for a moment still holding her in his arms. "I didn't know you knew Sesshoumaru."

Kagome snorted in a very unlady like fashion. "I don't." She bit out. "And would have preferred to have never met him in the first place." She gave a small nod of agreement with herself. "He's a pompous ass who's so into himself he probably has women throwing rose petals at his feet everywhere he goes."

Kei chuckled at the image. "No, he would if he didn't like the over flowery scent of them. However, I'm sure he would be more than happy to have a female or several females kissing the ground with every step he takes." Suddenly both turned their heads when they heard a deep rumbling growl.

Sesshoumaru was getting ready to watch a video of his strongest opponent when he heard a loud squeal outside his door. It was a rather strange sound and it sent a strange tingle up his spine. He didn't know if it was a good tingle or not but either way he didn't like it.

When he opened his front door to see what was going on he was met with a lightly growling Inuyasha and that damnable female in the arms of his sparing partner. How was it that this girl knew two people closely associated to him and neither of them had no knowledge of the other? Not that he wanted to know the female she was mouthy, cocky, and spoke to her betters without a shred of respect. He returned the glare he was receiving from the girl and watched as she dismissed him like he was nothing more than a clod of dirt at her feet and returned her attention to the male she was wrapped around.

"How long are you in town?"

Kei looked at the girl and smiled. "Well I'm not sure how long I will be here this time. I stopped by the apartment to let you know I was here but you obviously weren't home."

Kagome drew her brows. "You must have got there shortly after I left." She gave a shrug of her shoulder. "Oh well, so what are we going to do while you're here?"

Before Kei could respond Sesshoumaru spoke up. "He will be doing nothing with you. His time belongs to this Sesshoumaru not some worthless female like you."

Kagome went stiff in Kei's arms, released her hold upon him, and turned to face the large bastard. However, before a word of response could leave her lips, Kei wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her against his chest and clamped his hand over her mouth. "Come now Sesshoumaru." Kei started with a smirk on his lips. "You will have the time I have allotted to you for your training but when I'm not devoted to you my time is my own and will be spending that time with this." He finished with dragging the backs of his fingers of the hand that was covering her mouth down the side of her neck.

Inuyasha growled and Sesshoumaru glared at the two beings in front of them. "Very well; so long as the wench doesn't interfere with your schedule you can do as you please with her."

"WENCH?" Kagome stormed up to the cocky bastard before Kei could make a move to stop her. "Who the hell do you think you are?" She questioned with a jab of her finger into his chest.

Sesshoumaru grabbed the offending appendage and curled his lip at her. "You dare to touch me." He growled with an edge to his voice.

Kagome narrowed her eyes at him. "I do." She hissed. "And what are you going to do about it?"

He began closing his fingers around her wrist tightly causing the bones shift uncomfortably under her skin.

She ground her teeth together in pain but she'd be damned if she was going to show him how much it hurt instead she opted for something very different and quite unexpected. She leaned down, ran her tongue up his thumb until she came to the fleshy base and sank her teeth into deep into his skin.

Sesshoumaru looked down at the girl with her teeth sunk into flesh and couldn't believe she was actually doing what she was doing; that and she had coated his thumb in a thin layer of her spit. Granted her teeth weren't sharp and it was only slightly painful but he could handle it he was after all the strongest being in the world. "You will release me." He ordered with a deadly edge to his voice.

"Youfff… irst." She said around her teeth causing a several large drops of her salvia to dribble onto his hand.

Sesshoumaru was nearly cringed when he felt the wetness of her spit roll down the side of his hand. He released her wrist and jerked his hand away from her mouth before she even had a chance to release him. He looked at the wetness and the teeth impressions on his hand in thorough disgust and wiped it away on Inuyasha's shirt before turning and entering the house without a word; shutting the door behind him.

"Bastard!" Kagome hissed as she turned to face the two shocked males standing behind her.

"I can't believe you did that AND got away with it!" Inuyasha said mouth wide open in shock.

"That's my girl." Kei chuckled. "Well I'll see you at home." He said then placed a kiss on her forehead.

Kagome smiled up at him. "Alright but you better come home with dinner when you do." She cocked a brow at him. "And it better be sushi."

Again he chuckled at her. "As always." He then stepped past her and entered the house.

"So…" Kagome started as she turned to Inuyasha. "What other surprises do you have that I should know about? Secretly married with kids?" She stared at him and smirked evilly. "Or perhaps you're actually a female?"

Inuyasha opened his mouth apparently in order to catch the few flies buzzing around looking as insulted as possible. "Female! Bitch do I look like a girl to you?" He questioned with a pointed finger in her face.

Kagome tapped her finger to her chin in thought. "No, but you rant and whine like one…" She cocked her head to the side slightly. "So who knows?" She finished with a shrug of her shoulder then made for his truck in order to put a lot of distance between her and his bastard of an ass elder brother.

Inuyasha huffed in irritation and thought that if he wasn't already involved he would show her how much of a man he actually was. Though if he did Kikyo would waste no time in kicking his hanyou ass from Japan to Canada and back again without mercy.