Disclaimer: Own twilight I do not.
A/N: Yes I know you are all very mad because I haven't updated in almost two months. This is the very last chapter, and I hope you all like it.
"This is your pilot, ladies and gentlemen. We are about to land, so fasten your seatbelts!" I did as I was told, and so did Nahuel. I could hear the click of seatbelts all over the small airplane. I looked outside at the runway. I wondered how my parents would greet me. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine different scenarios. In one, Mom and Dad and all of the Cullens would run up to hug me and shower me with "we missed you!"'s and "we're so glad you're back!"'s. In another, they are all waiting by the car with stern looks on their faces. No one would say anything. I stopped thinking about that scene because it was too depressing.
I felt the bump of the airplane hitting the runway. Nahuel got my bags from the overhead compartment, and we walked to the terminal and out the airport door. That's where the Cullens were standing, waiting for me. I stood, paralyzed in fear and wondering how they were going to treat me for running away with the Volturi. Technically I was kidnapped, but they probably didn't know the difference.
Mom stepped forward and hugged me.
"I missed you," she said to me. Then, Auntie Alice gave me a huge hug. It's surprising how much strength she has. One by one each of the Cullens embraced me. Last of all was Dad.
"Renesmee. I do not believe you ran off with the Volturi, and neither does anyone else. We all know they kidnapped you, and we're just happy to have you back," he said. He must have heard my thoughts earlier. He wrapped his arm around me and led me to his silver Volvo. He got in the driver's side, Mom got in the passenger's, and I slid into the back. Uncle Emmet, Nahuel, and Uncle Jasper got into Emmet's jeep, while Grandpa Carlisle, Grandma Esme, Aunt Alice, and Aunt Rose all climbed in to Carlisle's car. We drove home in silence. Not the awkward kind, though. More like the enjoying-each-other's-company silence.
We pulled into the driveway. I got out and took my bags from the trunk. I wheeled my suitcase to the cottage door, and found it unlocked. That was odd. But good, since I didn't have my key anyway. I walked into my room and found someone sitting on my bed, looking in the direction of the window. He looked up when I let my suitcase fall to the floor. I walked over to him, and he swept me up in a giant bear hug, and then kissed me.
"Jake, I missed you so much!" I told him when we were done. He just smiled.
"Come on," he said finally, "I have something special planned for your return." I followed him out of the cottage and to the big house. We walked in through the door and to the dining room. This wasn't the dining room that I was used to, however. Instead of a giant table that could fit all of the Cullens, there was a small table for two. On it was a lit candle and two covered plates.
"Oh Jake!" I exclaimed. It was wonderful. We sat down and he uncovered our plates. For him, two giant well cooked steaks. For me, one giant, very rare steak. We dug in. It was absolutely delicious. We talked through the meal about little things that none of us would remember after we finished. When I was full, I put my fork down.
"There's one more thing," Jake said. I noticed he looked a little nervous. He got out of his chair and walked over to where I was sitting. He pulled something out of his back pocket. Something small, black, and velvet. Oh my.
"Renesmee Carlie Cullen," he started, getting down on one knee. "The first time I saw you, I knew that I would love you forever, no matter what. Will you marry me?" he opened the box to show a beautiful diamond ring. The band was white gold, with diamonds on either side of a large diamond in the middle. I loved it.
"Yes!" I said, wrapping my arms around him. I couldn't be happier. Then my parents came in, with huge smiles on their faces. Obviously, Dad was reading our minds and knew when Jake proposed. Then, the scariest thing of all entered the room. Auntie Alice, the wedding planner.
I stood in my room in the cottage, looking myself over. Aunt Alice picked out my dress, and it was beautiful. The bodice was white with little rhinestones scattered about it. The skirt was very large and full, but it looked great. It trailed around me. Aunt Rose did my hair up so that my curls were neatly placed in a sort of bun-ponytail on my head. Aunt Alice came with mom and placed two silver hair combs inlaid with sapphires.
"They were my grandmother's," mom said. "Grandpa Charlie and Grandma Renee gave them to me for my wedding." I smiled at mom and looked at myself in the mirror. The blue looked beautiful with my red hair. Aunt Alice put a veil over my head and ushered me out the door. Dad held out his arm for me, and the lifted me up. He was carrying me like Jake did.
"Ready?" he asked.
"Ready," I answered. He took off to the meadow, where the ceremony was set up. He set me down when we were close enough that I could walk without ruining my dress, and we walked down the aisle. I looked up at Jake, smiling and handsome in his tailored tux. The ceremony flew by, and before I knew it we were kissing.
"I love you," I told Jake as we walked back down the aisle and to the house, where the reception was being held.
"I love you too," he said, and he kissed me.
A/N: I really like this chapter. You're all probably wondering about those results for the poll I put up. 19 people wanted Nessie to be with Jake, and two wanted her to be with Nahuel.
Thanks for reading my story!