Consider this a Christmas Bonus - The Epilogue

Six Months Later -

"Katara, come on." Mai tugged at the younger girl.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Katara hollered at them as Gran-Gran ran behind her with her grand daughter's bag bouncing along.

"Is she always late?" Mai asked Aang.

The monk turned from petting Appa and jumped down to assist the waterbender onto the animal. "Yep, I've grown used to it. You might as well too."

"Grown used to what?" Katara panted while Gran-Gran threw up her things.

"Nothing." Mai and Aang said in unison as he took Appa's reins in his hands. Katara leaned over the horn and dropped a kiss on the top of his silky hair.

"Feel free not to do anymore, I might get sick from the sweetness." Mai mumbled receiving a good natured peck on her cheek from Katara. Mai pushed her away in retaliation.

"So how have you guys been?" Katara asked.

"Busy, the temple restoration was hard work and were still not done."

"Not true, we finished the Western Air Temple and some of the Eastern Temple." Aang's voice floated over the saddle.

"We live at the Western one, it would have been really sad if we hadn't finished it." Mai explained.

Katara lowered her voice so Aang wouldn't hear,"true but are you gonna do anything about the Southern one?"

"He doesn't want to go back there. Too many memories. I didn't have the heart to push him."

"What are you guys whispering about? Are you talking about me?" he asked the wind carrying his voice back to them.

"Of course. You know how us girls love to gossip." Mai drawled. Katara laughed at Aang's silence.

"We should've arriving in a few hours," he said.

"A few hours? Aren't we going to the Fire Nation palace?" Mai asked.

Katara threw in her own question, "we've only been flying a few hours. How hard are you pushing Appa?"

"I forgot to tell you. We're not heading to the Fire Nation. We are going to Ba Sing Se." Aang held the reins loosely and poked his head over the pommel. "Iroh sent me a messenger hawk yesterday. The meeting was set back for two months but we will have an impromptu one at the Earth Kingdom Place with some of the generals."

"Are we going to be announcing what I think we are?" Mai asked Aang. His expression was one of deep contemplation. "Yes, I believe now is the time. We've held the secret long enough. Its time they knew."

Katara had been with Aang for over three months and in those three months she had experienced first hand how much he loved her. She wasn't jealous but she did feel a bit left out by his obvious attachment to Mai.

"I hope you know what you are doing. I'm don't feel ready." Mai mumbled.

Her palatable fear made Katara drop her misgivings and pat Mai's hand. "Whatever you guys have been working on will definitely work. Aang has never done anything to hurt anybody he cares about."

Mai colored and Aang grinned at his girlfriend. "Thanks, Katara."

Several hours later as promised they landed at Ba Sing Se's capitol. Since they were expected the trio went straight to the Earth Kingdom Palace. Aang jumped down and helped first Mai and then Katara off the bison. He held Katara a little longer than necessary and she pecked his mouth as a reward.

"I must be the luckiest guy here." Aang commented cheerfully.

"Why?" Mai asked.

"I have the two most beautiful ladies accompanying me." he stated.

Katara groaned but Mai said, "I blame this on you, he's been spending too much time with your brother."

"That's what I get for trying to give a compliment," he mumbled rubbing his arm where Mai had hit him.

The group fell silent as the imposing doors of the palace opened before them. They were quickly greeted with happy shouts and hugs and kisses all around.

Apparently Sokka and Toph had been waiting for a while. Off to the side Zuko watched from a respectful distance. "Zuko, we don't bite." Aang said motioning the royal over. "Well most of us." He quickly stepped away from Mai's side.

Zuko hugged Aang and the others before softly embracing Mai. "It's nice to see you, Mai."

"It's nice to see you too, Zuko."

"Avatar Aang, We have been awaiting your arrival. The Council of Twelve is already here." The manservant intoned in gravely tones.

Zuko, Mai, Aang and Sokka followed the man towards the Great War Room. Katara and Toph hung back but the man stopped and waved at them. "You're presence is also requested, Lady Katara and Lady Toph."

Surprised they followed the others. The Great War Room of Ba Sing Se had not changed and it was as Katara remembered it. The map and war pieces were missing and the table had been elongated to accommodate them.

The Earth King sat at the end with his faithful Bosco dozing beside him. He warmly greeted them, "Avatar Aang and FireLord Zuko as well as Delegates of the Water Tribe, welcome. Please be seated."

They sat at various points of the table and Zuko was aware that him and Katara had been seated together just as Mai and Aang had. He pulled Katara's chair out and she thanked him before sitting down.

"Let the meeting begin." the King announced as fragrant bowls of fruits, cheeses and pastries were placed at various points on the table. Flagons of wine and juices were also within reach. Aang served himself a large glass of mango juice to clear his dry throat.

Mai squeezed his hand reassuringly and he stood up. "Gentlemen. I have an announcement to make. As you know for the last few years we have successfully rebuilt the peace between nations. Today we have two new delegates."

He turned to Sokka and said, "This is the new delegate of the Water Tribes, Chief Sokka will take the place of Chief Hakoda from now on." The generals applauded and offered their congratulations. Aang waited til they quieted down before continuing.

"I know it has been a very big concern that I have children." The general to the right of Katara heartily agreed and her and Zuko glared at the man until he shut up.

"I am pleased to announce that I am no longer the last Airbender." All eyes turned to Katara and she turned every shade of red that was possible in a three second period. Zuko offered his congratulations but he realized that Mai was laughing and Aang was smiling indulgently.

"Let me clarify. Lady Katara is not pregnant. I was referring to Lady Mai."

The war room erupted into a chorus of whats and hows and noise as everybody began yelling over each other trying to understand what had just happened.

"If everybody would just let me explain---" Aang's voice was drowned out by the angry exclamations from Sokka and the general confusion from Katara and Toph. Zuko just sat back and watched as pandemonium reigned. He was the only one aware that Aang had begun to glow. 'This should be interesting.'

"Quiet!" the glowing Avatar spoke and the many voices brought order to the room.

He took a deep breath and continued in his normal voice. "This must not leave this room. Is that understood."

Only a few had ever seen the raw power of the Avatar State but they had all heard about it. And though it was terrifying to behold the young Airbender in his bright light it was even more fearful to see his normal charming demeanor turn into a cold stony one.

"Just like I was able to remove the previous Firelord's bending. I can also bestow it on another. I can only bestow my own element and only if the participant is willing." All eyes were trained on the stoic Mai.

"Lady Mai very graciously has helped with the clean up of the four Air temples. She has not only the will and love for the Nomad traditions but she is also spiritually embraced my culture. I have a sacred duty to bring back my people to this world but I cannot do it alone. She will now be the new Delegate for the Air Nomads as well as my assistant in all things that concern the return of our people."

General Maishi rose from the table and glared at the Avatar, "Forgive me Avatar but your story seems a bit farfetched. If you are able to give bending why not just rebuild the Air Nomads right away. There are plenty of Nomadic people around the Earth Kingdom as well as the Fire Nation isn't that right Fire Lord Zuko?"

Zuko rose from the table, "I'm afraid General Maishi is correct."

"Not just any nomad will suffice. They must be in tune with the beliefs and be ready to subject themselves to the will and practices of the monks. Only a select few have the love of the wind that an Airbender must possess. The only way to determine it is to absorb it, if you are unacceptable..." Mai explained, "the person will be destroyed."

Zuko addressed her, "You did this not sure if you would survive?"

"Yes. I had to be free of my fears and be willing to risk my very being. I did and was found suitable." Mai turned to Aang and bowed to him.

Aang bowed back and both Zuko and Mai sat down. "She is now an airbender and as more benders are located I will have them sent to the temples to begin their training. Lady Mai is not yet a master and she will have to resume her training with me. In the meantime she will take care of some of my duties so I may continue my journey in rebuilding the Air Nomads."

"Could we see a demonstration?" General Riohko asked hesitantly. Toph stood and raised a boulder from the ground narrowly missing General Maishi.

Mai stood and moved some distance from the table. She placed her right foot in front of her and pivoted on her left, she inhaled rapidly as her right hand came down in a slashing motion. The rock parted perfectly down the middle.

Everybody crowded around the boulder and Mai once again bowed to her Sifu. "Well this is extraordinary. I am most pleased to have witnessed such a marvelous event. The origin of her bending will be kept confidential for the time being but she will be accepted as the new delegate of the Air Nomads."

The generals heartily agreed and several other pieces of news were treated. After a few hours the meeting concluded. Together the gang departed to the Jasmine Dragon to tell Iroh the good news.

Sokka and Toph decided to sit up front and steer Appa, leaving Katara and Aang in the saddle alone.

"So she's an airbender." Katara said.

"Does it bother you?" he asked wrapping an arm around her. She pushed her head against his chest listening to his solid heartbeat.

"Yes and no. I know why you did it and I'm glad but at the same time I guess because it's a bond you and I can't have."

He raised her face to look at him, "Katara we do have that bond. You were my first teacher and my first love and my first everything. I learned all I know alongside you. I am no longer the last airbender and this will leave me free to do other things.

He wiped the happy tears from her cheek, "It leaves me able to search the world for others like Mai. People who will embrace everything the nomads believed. Even better I get to do it with the woman I love by my side. If she'll come. Will you travel with me, Katara?"

Sokka looked over glad to see his little sister entwined with his best friend. It was nice that after everything they suffered they were finally gonna be happy together.

The Streets of Ba Sing Se - A few hundred feet below Appa.

"So you are an Airbender. Wow." Zuko said walking beside her.

"It's something isn't it. When Aang first suggested it and told me what could happen to me I was terrified but afterwards I felt like I finally found my place in the world."

Zuko had been wondering this ever since his own father had his bending removed. "What did it feel like? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he said embarrassed.

"It felt like my soul was being sucked out but then given back with an extra bit of joy added to it." She laughed at herself, "I think I've been hanging around Aang too often. I sound positively disgusting."

Zuko joined in on the laughter but he quieted as they came to the doors of the Jasmine Dragon. "Mai if you need anything. I will be happy to assist you in any way I can."

"Will you spar with me once I get better?" Mai asked moving a little closer to him. "Aang is still learning to use Air more offensively but I want to see what I can do against the other elements. Katara has already agreed and I know Toph will do it just to kick my butt.

"Sure, I can imagine how fun that will be." he said sarcastically.

Mai kissed his cheek and was amused as his face glowed red. "What was that for?"

"For being my friend." she replied disappearing into the tea shop.

"Whooo-hooo, did I see some kissy action right there." Sokka yelled from a distance. Zuko smacked his hand to his head. He escaped into the tea shop ignoring the laughing behind him.

The Jasmine Dragon -

Iroh had closed the shop and opened the private parlor to have a better celebration. "So I hear we have a new bender, that calls for my special brew."

Sokka and Toph sat next to each other. "Great now, I'm the only non-bender. Thanks Aang!"

"Sorry Sokka but if you want I could try turning you too." Aang replied helpfully.

"Are you kidding Twinkletoes? No way. He's bound to let it go to his big head. Just yesterday you should have seen how he was acting with all those girls asking about his big shiny space sword. I knew we should have never gone looking for it." Toph said in disgust.

"I can't help that the ladies like the Sokka." he said.

Everybody winced as Katara reached over and whacked the back of his head. "Oh Katara, that hurt."

"Serves you right, you big idiot." Katara announced.

Iroh began serving but Zuko took it from him and he finished pouring for everybody else. Once they were taken care of he sat and proposed a toast. "To our new Delegates and friends, Sokka and Mai."

"Sokka and Mai." They all chorused.

"So those this mean you'll be traveling less, Aang." Zuko asked.

"No, if anything I'll be traveling more." Aang replied sipping his tea.

Katara took over for him, "...but he won't be traveling alone anymore. I'll be with him every step of the way." Katara said curling her hand around Aang's.

"I guess, I'll be seeing you more often Zuko." Mai said.

"Really?" Zuko tried to keep the excitement out of his voice but failed miserably. Iroh laughed but turned it into a cough at Zuko's dirty look.

"As the Air Nomad representative, I'll have to attend meetings in Aang's place."

"So you'll have lots of time to be together, huh. Huh?" Sokka elbowed Mai gently and she flipped her hand sending him flying into the wall.

"Great idea, Aang. Give her air manipulation along with her already deadly knife hobby." Sokka's complaint was muffled by the wall.

They all laughed and nobody but Katara noticed that Aang had slid Mai closer to Zuko. "You're not supposed to use airbending for stuff like that," Katara whispered into his ear.

He grinned and drew her closer without once touching her, "hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all." she said and pulled him in for a kiss.

Iroh shook his head, young love. Mai and Zuko were closer and talking quietly. Toph was helping Sokka while placing little kisses on his face which he pretended not to like. Katara and Aang had yet to resurface from their kiss.

He sighed contently and drank his steaming tea.

The End.