The Other World Meets Naruto
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. I own all Mythrans and the planet of Mythra.
"Hurry up and open it, Doorman! We are getting impatient!" yells a short red-haired young woman at a large man clad in green. His hood casts a shadow over his face, bringing out his glowing yellow eyes.
Doorman crosses his arms, "I will not open it until the others arrive, Natasha."
The young woman bares her fangs and her forehead turns wrinkly. "Open it now!"
"No, vampiress," states Doorman firmly. She snarls and crosses her arms. Despite her vampiric visage, she pouts. Two strong arms wraps around her from behind, pulling her close. She struggles briefly. Her pink cloak restricts her movements badly in the person's tight grip.
A deep voice murmurs in her ear, "Patience is a virtue, my dear."
She grins as her face turns back into a more human appearance. Natasha spins around and glomps the person holding her. "Wolfie!" she squeals. "We missed you!" She purrs and snuggles against him.
He chuckles, "I missed you too, Natasha." His dark brown beard brushes against her forehead as they share an embrace. "Be nice to Doorman. He will open it when they all arrive for the journey."
She turns around and growls at Doorman, sounding almost like a fox, "We want to go Now!! Open it or we will tear off your arms and force feed you them through your rear!"
"No," he says simply. Natasha crosses her arms and pouts cutely. Wolf rolls his eyes and holds her from behind, resting his head on hers.
The man whispers in her ear, "Jamen is coming."
"Jamen?" she inquires with a frowns. He nods. "Jamen, big green fighting machine Jamen?" He nods again. She squeals and jumps up and down, "Jamen! Jamen! Jamen!" He sighs and pats her head.
"It'll be okay, love," he says, looking down at her hyperness with amusement.
A loud voice yells from above them as a shadow passes over them, "Oh great, Miss Personality is here. Why did we even invite her? Ouch! What did you hit me on the head for, Jamen?"
"Because you are an idiot, Murgetroid, and you seem to forget that she invited us, not the other way around! So be polite to your hostess!" the goblin snaps. The oversized muscular griffin lands next to Doorman, rubbing his feathery head.
Apparently oblivious to the griffins dislike of her, Natasha rushes over to the creature and hugs its neck. "Murgy Birdy," she purrs.
"Let go of me! I am Murgetroid! Say it with me! Mur-ge-troid! And I am a griffin! Not a bird!" She ignores his protests completely and keeps hugging him.
The 8ft tall muscle bound goblin dismounts the large griffin and walks over to the excited young woman and the man.
"Wolf," he says as he holds out his hand. "A pleasure as always."
The man takes his hand and shakes it with a grin, "Likewise, friend Jamen. Natasha has missed you. She never ceases to speak your praises after that last time you saved her."
The young vampiress releases Murgetroid and leaps the entire six feet to land in his arms with ease. "Hello, Natasha," he says as he catches her.
"Jamen!" she squeals, making Murgetroid and Wolf wince from the volume. "Did you bring me anything? Did you?" He smirks and pulls out a nicely carved dagger from his belt and hands it to her.
He explains as she takes it and examines the intricate designs, "I got that on special order from the elves. It cost half a job's pay to get you that."
She hugs him tightly, making sure she doesn't stab him. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
He sets her down next to Wolf and nods to Doorman who merely glares up at the goblin. A large brown dragon drops from above the clouds and lands with a thud, a small shockwave washing over the group. A small black haired woman climbs off of the dragon and slides down its back, down its tail, and landing right in front of them.
She gives the dragon a small kiss on the jaw. "That will be all, Jax. See you when we return!"
The dragon slowly morphs into a handsome brown man. He kisses her back softly and smiles, "Be safe, Chloe, or I'm coming in after you with the Elite Dragon Corps." She smiles and makes a shooing motion with her hands. He smirks and takes a step back, quickly transforming back into a magnificent dragon. He nods quickly takes to the skies, disappearing from sight.
A dark figure approaches, a black cloak covering his entire body. Black leather gloves cover his hands. His eyes glow under the hood, his pale face easily visible. "Hello, Castor," Doorman states ominously.
"We are here, Green Man," Castor growls. "Let's go."
Doorman's hands glow brightly with green energy, and a circular doorway opens up in the air. He pulls it open, revealing a dark swirling mist. "Portal opened. Enjoy the adventure."
"What's on the other side?" Chloe asks curiously.
"I don't know," says Doorman seriously. "Now go or stay." One by one, they walk through the portal. Once they are through, he closes it behind them and it disappears. He chuckles darkly, "Well, I'll check in a few weeks. That should give them enough time to explore and enjoy themselves."
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