Thank you so much to everyone who offered advice and encouragement throughout the making of this story! It's finished, guys... for REAL, this time!

Chapter 50: Home


We were married the very next month. Meg and Mama Valerius were the only ones in attendance, but there was more love in that chapel than most people experience in a lifetime.

I continued working with the opera, and in another two years, I was earning lead roles. My first lead role was Marguerite in Faust.

My success at the Metropolitan Opera has been beneficial for Erik, too. He claims he was weary of his... less honorable employments, and he told me he has severed all ties with his former associates. But, I know he did it for me. For us. Now, he's a rather notorious opera critic known as "The Phantom." I must say, his pseudonym fits him quite well.

I won't lie and say everything was perfect from that moment on. Erik was still Erik, temper, jealous nature, and all. And, I'm still human, too, and worry and have female moments. But, he is learning to control himself and has come leaps and bounds from where he was, and I try to always be patient and gentle with him. Both of our lives have produced scars, but we're healing together.

We have two children now, Danielle and Robert. To Erik's never-ending relief, they both look like me. Robert has his father's temper, but together, they are both learning to restrain from acting out. Though he was nearly terrified of having children, Erik really is a wonderful father. There are now three people in the world who love him with all of their hearts and look upon his face without fear.

Raoul eventually met someone. He is married, and from what Meg has gleaned from her gossip chain, very happy. I wish him every joy.

I can hear Erik calling me now. He wants to sing together. That man is insatiable. I love him more than I ever thought I could love anyone. He rescued me from my broken life and given me what I've always wanted: a home.

As they say, "home is where the heart is," and oh, I am home. I am home.
