Authors note: Takes place after 'acting' scene.

Zoey watched Erik slam shut the door to his office. Ohmigoddess. She was still reeling from their very p.d.a. kiss and the fervent way Erik had responded. She wanted to grab him and make him really see how sorry she was for being with Loren. She wanted to yell at him, hold him, hit him, and be with him. Why does he get to run away from something he doesn't feel like dealing with and leave her confused and alone? No. He isn't getting out off that easily.

Zoey, bubbling with anger and indignation, strode over to Erik's office and roughly flew open the door. Erik was crouched over on a black leather couch, head in his hands, elbows on his knees. He looked up, startled at her approach.

"Did you mean what you said or were you playing a game?" he asked bitterly.

Zoey walked sharply over to him and gave him a sharp, stinging slap across his face. He grunted at the impact and brought a hand up to cover his red cheek. Zoey's hand was stinging but she ignored it.

" I meant every word. How dare you treat me like that, embarrassing me in front of the entire class, in front of my friends! Treating me like a"-

"A whore?!" Erik had shot up, his handsome face red and contorted in rage, hands fisted at his sides. "That's what you've been acting like Zoey! You weren't even cheating on me with just one guy, but two! Did you think I was stupid? How long did you think until I would have caught on? Were you planning to tell me or did you only want to add me to your growing list of ignorant idiots stupid enough to even contemplate the idea of falling in love with you?"

He was looming over her, and she probably would have been scared shitless if she weren't so angry. She took a step closer, bringing them nose-to- (very strong and sexy) neck.

" It was never a game Erik! You knew about my imprinting with Heath! I couldn't control that! And yes, maybe I should have told you about Loren, but even I didn't understand what was happening! He used me, and not even because he thought I was pretty or sexy, but because Neferet told him to! She made him seduce me and alienate me from everyone I cared about so I would feel alone and powerless. It almost worked too! Loren imprinted with me for Neferet. You know this Erik, you heard what happened between her and I after the announcement."

Now that everything was out Zoey felt exhausted. That burst of furry seemed to have passed and now she only felt battered and used. Erik was staring at her, his face touched with tenderness.

"I'm sorry Erik, for everything. I hurt you, and Heath, and our friends, and myself and I feel so helpless all the time." Zoey's voice was soft now.

Erik sighed, visibly releasing the rest of his anger.

"Oh Zoey, you are anything but helpless. You are the only vampyre to ever have affinities with all the elements and you say you're helpless." Erik smiled slightly down at her.

Zoey smiled back hesitantly. "I'm sorry I hit you. I didn't know I was going to do that."

Erik ran his hands up her arms, sending delicious tingles up her spine. "It's okay Zoey, I did sort of deserve it. Besides, I thought it was kinda hot." He was smiling, but there was a flare in his eyes that she knew quite well. She smiled up at him, glad that they were back, almost, to their normal selves. "You think everything is hot." He gathered her close and breathed in the scent of her dark hair.

"Only you Zoey. Only you." Erik tilted her chin up and softly brushed his lips against hers.