Written by: MyLoyalGuardian
Dark Ace
I smiled, a laugh rising in my chest. "You're one hell of a--" Though, once I got to opening my eyes, I realized I was on the ground. Aerrow was as well, but he was still out cold. "Of an idiot...," I continued.
I struggled to sit up; I was a wreck. The entire 'battlefield' was a mess as well. Aerrow's skimmer was no longer identifiable. Somehow, Aerrow managed to think up that daring pan and rid us of the beast. I was still in awe of how his small, childish brain was able to conjure up something on the spot like that.
I groaned loudly, itching the new scabs on my scalp. The large, gaping gashes on my back were still fresh, raw and bleeding. The boy was bleeding as well. Shouldn't he be awake? If I'm awake…
"Boy, you better wake up!"
Still nothing.
Maybe he lost more blood than I did? In that case... he's in critical condition. That means I am as well! "Aerrow, don't do this," I stood up, rushing to his side. I placed the back of my hand on the boy's cheek - cold. I flipped him over and pressed my ear to his chest - he was still alive. "Damn it, wake up!" I shook him.
Aerrow groaned.
I sighed, "Aerrow?"
"Go away, I'm tired," he pushed me away.
I growled, "Damn it, don't do that!"
He smiled. "Leave me be, I'm tired." He rolled himself over.
"You need to wake up. We're in a shape something bad. I'm not sure if we have enough supplies left to take care of our battle scars, either."
"We'll be fine," he told me. "I imagine we're both in pain, but we're not dead, are we?"
"Not yet, no, but we don't have much longer in the shape we're in." I stood up. "I suggest we leave immediately. If that beast is anything like what I've seen, there's more on the way. He's fast, but he couldn't track my scent. I don't care if you're tired. We have to go."
He grumbled, cursing under his breath as he got to his feet. "I took care of that one, I can do it again!"
"Oh, for the love of... For just once, could you put your ego aside, and look at what's at stake?"
Aerrow sighed, and agreed. "Fine. Let's go, then."
Word count: 400 ((Though my word counter likes to lie. Says its 399...))
I'm really sorry for making you all wait so long. I seem to be the one keeping the story from moving along. Though, I think it's procrastination. Some of you may know I was able to start up another story, so you may have guessed it was procrastination xD So anyway, I'll try my best not to be so lazy.