
One Year Later

I kneeled on the stone ground in front of the tombstones, praying. Yes, I know I was a demon. But still, I was allowed to follow human traditions. As soon as I was done with my prayer, I leaned forward and ran my fingers along the engraved names.


1961 - 2005


1967 - 2007


2000 - 2007



I let my fingers linger on the last name. Memories flooded back, and I felt my heart grow heavy.

I stared at an empty spot on the other side of Tomosuke's grave. Someday, I hoped to be buried there when I died. But, in however many centuries that might be, this graveyard might not even be here then.

"Aya?" A beautiful, silky voice called my name. I turned to see my redheaded fiancé smiling at me from the path, a few meters down. I shook my head to fee my mind of the memories, before standing and walking over to Kurama.

He held out a hand to me. "Are you ready to go?" I smiled as my simple engagement ring glittered on my finger as I took his hand.

Holding hands, we turned to walk out of the cemetery.

"Perhaps we shouldn't have come to the cemetery today," Kurama mused, "it could be bad luck."

"Hmmm? What do you mean?"

"Well," he chuckled, "Keiko's teaching Hiei to cook right? He'll probably poison us all."

I laughed. "Give him a break. He means well. What was that he said? That he'd probably end up being the one taking care of me when I'm 'barefoot and pregnant?'"

Kurama bent down and stole a kiss from me before I could do anything about it. "I'll never let that happen. I'm the one you're going to be screaming at when you're in labor, so I think should try to make amends before that."

This time, I was the one who stole a kiss. Only, Kurama was ready for it, and pulled me closer, preventing me from breaking the kiss until I was quite out of breath. I was thankful there was no one else in sight.

It had been a year since Tomosuke's death, yet it still felt like he was always with me, watching over Kurama and I. I felt safe, and happier than I ever thought possible. My life had been changed more than I could have imagined, yet perhaps it was fate. I know I was looking forward to spending the rest of my life with Kurama, and having a family with him. It was something I'd always dreamed of.

I let go of Kurama's hand, and turned back to look once at the gravestones of my family. I smiled, feeling the familiar warmth, saying to me that Tomosuke was looking after me. Without further ado, a thought sprung into my mind. I whirled around to Kurama, a wicked grin spreading across my face. Kurama's expression smiled back, but he was wary.

I leapt at him, too fast for him to move. I sunk my teeth into his neck, right on his jugular. I bit just barely hard enough to draw blood. I licked the blood off then, and gently kissed the wound.

"Hey!" Kurama protested, laughing. He reached out to grab at me, but I danced away from his arms. "What do you think you're doing?"

I began to run away from him, to the direction of our house. Laughing, I called over my shoulder, "You'll have to catch me to find out!"

It felt like I was racing to our future. I couldn't wait to reach it.


It's all over...Ah well. I hope you guys enjoyed it! I just want to say thanks for all your support!

Sequel is coming soon. It starts with Honeymoon Mouse (which is out now) and next will be Little Mouse (which is coming soon).

Thanks again!
