DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the YYH characters. Not at all.

NAME: Ayako Sasara
AGE: 17
SPECIAL SKILLS: Hacker; can hack into anything

NOTES: Aya has a habit of calling males "sir" and females "miss." She is almost always eating a lollipop while working on an assignment. Her father is Japanese, but he moved to England after marrying her British mother. They lived there for fourteen years after Aya's birth before moving back to Japan, so Aya, her mother Evelyn, her younger brother Tomosuke, and her younger sister Kiyoko (Tomosuke's twin sister), all have British accents.

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I pulled the lollipop out of its wrapper and popped it into my mouth as I waited for the program to load. 50%…80%…100%. I blinked in surprise at the ACCESS DENIED message that flashed across the computer screen. I rotated the lollipop in my mouth with my tongue and sat up closer to the keyboard. This firewall was going to be harder to break then I first thought. Good.

The lollipop lay forgotten in between my teeth o get me into the system, but it held a higher risk of detection. ACCESS APPROVED flashed back at me as a reward for my efforts. I cautiously moved the cursor around the site, searching for the file my client wanted. I held my breath. I wasn't home free yet. There was still time for a security program to catch me, alerting the National Police Association to my presence, and locking me out of the system. I located the file and popped a blank disc into the computer. The file began downloading to the disc. I waited with bated breath.

"Aya! Dinner!" Mum's voice called from the other side of my bedroom door. I nearly jumped out of my skin and involuntarily chomped down on the lollipop, crushing the strawberry candy to pieces. I pulled the now useless stick out of my mouth and waiting for my heart rate to slow down again.

"Okay, give me a minute. I'm on a job." I called back to my mother between pieces of candy. The file was fully downloaded on the disc and I had successfully eluded detection. I slid the disc out, and typed in another code to the NPA database. A small brown mouse danced about the screen, showing off the barcode tattoo on its pixilated left arm. It was my own personal calling card, something that had alerted the world to my existence. The mouse was partially covered up as a program began to lock me out of the system. Before it got a chance to, I clicked out of the database. I had got what I needed. A moment later, my mother pushed open the door to my room.

"Honey, you're going to get in trouble someday." Mum's concern was apparent.

I sighed. We had gone over this a million times. The only trouble I was ever worried about was failing a job. I was practically invincible in all other aspects. "Mum, I won't get in trouble with the law. Members of the government are my clients more than half of the time and arresting me would only force them to admit their own crimes. Because of that, they can never - will never- catch the super-hacker Mouse. They know that. Besides, the money I get from this job is the only thing keeping up in a house with bread on the table right now. We need for me to do this."

Mum sighed. "I - I know, But I worry about you, Ayako."

"I know," I replied softly, "but don't. This is only temporary, after all. Once we get in a more financially stable situation, I'm going to quit hacking and go straight." That was a lie, of course. I loved hacking way to much to give it up. But I had to reassure my mother somehow.

At that moment, my computer dinged, the bell-like sound signifying the arrival of a new email. Considering only my recurring clients knew my email address, we both knew what this meant: a new job

My mother smiled a little sadly, and walked out the door, closing it behind her. "I'll bring you your dinner." I sighed, and turned to the task at hand.

The next morning, I stepped wearily into the shower. I had been up for hours writing a strong security program (I was just as good at making them as I was at eluding and breaking them) and frankly, I didn't feel like going to school today. Still, I couldn't skip just because I was tired.

Minutes later, I stepped from the shower, wrapped only in a towel. I stood in front of the mirror and frowned. I was small and skinny, with pale skin, and a boyish figure with very little in the way of womanly curves. I had thick blonde hair that fell to my waist and bright blue eyes. Even though in Japan light eyes and blonde hair were rare, neither was my most unusual physical feature. I had two, in fact. On the upper part of my left arm, there was a large barcode tattoo. I had gotten this tattoo at the start of my hacking career, when clients I met in person had doubted whether a tiny high school girl like me could be a dangerous technological criminal. Now, since the super-hacker Mouse lived in a shroud of mystery, the tattoo on the arm of the dancing mouse that was Mouse's calling card was synonymous with the name. Indeed, my tattoo was as infamous as I was. The other significant feature was a red, ragged scar that stretched from under my right arm all the way down my side to my hip bone. The ugly testament of the worst night of my life.

I sighed tore myself away from my reflection, and set about getting ready. I was a bit of a tomboy, so I didn't wear makeup. But I had pretty enough features, so I didn't think I needed to. I dried my hair and brushed it. The only thing consciously girly about my appearance was a thin black ribbon I bound around my head like a headband. I donned my red and white school uniform, and I was ready for Meio High.

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