A/N: This is an extremely short fic about Syrus and my OC. I'm half done so I'll hopefully be done in a few days. I'd say there'll only be like, four chapters and they'll all be extremely short, something very strange and unusual for me. I'm not sure what to think about this story, but it's been on my mind for like... a few years!! lol. So i had to get it out. hope you like it.
Disclaimer: Don't own Yugioh GX or any of the characters.
"Those were some awesome moves there Rini! I think you get better with every duel!"
Rini smiled as she put her deck away.
"Thanks Jaden." She replied in her sweet, quiet voice. Then her opponent approached her.
"I'm impressed! You took me out in just three turns. That is one amazing deck you have there girl!"
Rini smiled again.
"Thanks Alexis! But it was just lucky that's all, you almost had me there on the second turn!"
"Pft! Yea right! That was all you!" Alexis replied, giving Rini a high-five. Rini smiled again, then opened her mouth to say something else, but she was interrupted.
"Hey Alexis! You were really good in that duel! I'm sure you'll win next time."
Rini blushed when she saw the new arrival.
"Oh, hey Sy." Alexis greeted. "That was just a friendly duel, but the one you should be congratulating is Rini here!"
Syrus looked at Rini, who was still blushing and she gave him a shy smile.
"Oh, congratulations." He said. Rini beamed, and opened her mouth again to say something, but once again, she never got the chance.
"Anyway, if you asked him, I'm sure Bastion could help you come up with a formula to beat Rini's deck Alexis."
Rini's smile faded and she felt like she'd been slapped across the face. She swallowed and blinked a few times to hide her now emerging embarrassment, then turned to Alexis.
"Um Alexis, I think I'm gonna head back to my dorm... I'll see you later..."
Alexis watched in sympathy as Rini turned and walked away.
"OK Rei.. See ya later.." She replied, then she turned back to Syrus once Rini was gone with an angry expression.
"Syrus! That was so mean!"
"Yes, quite uncalled for if I do say so myself." Bastion agreed.
"Yea, way to go dork!" Chazz said. "Even I'm not that big of a jerk."
"Yea Sy, why'd you say that?" Jaden added.
Syrus looked back and forth between them all in confusion.
"What??" He asked.
"You totally just hurt her feelings Syrus!" Alexis said angrily. "If you asked him, I'm sure Bastion could help you come up with a formula to beat Rini's deck Alexis. That's what we're talking about! How could you say that right in front of her!"
"Yea, that wasn't cool Sy." Jaden said, sounding very disappointed in his friend.
"Oh wow.. I didn't mean it to be so.. mean.." Syrus said guiltily.
"Well you did! Are you the only one who didn't see her face when she left?" Alexis said.
"Yes, she did look a little upset.." Bastion agreed again.
"Of course he didn't notice, he was too busy being a loser!" Chazz said.
Syrus shifted back and forth nervously on his feet.
"Guess I should go apologise huh...?"
"Yea, you should!" Alexis said.
"That would be a good idea." Bastion and Jaden both added.
"No duh." Said Chazz.
Syrus sighed.
"Yea I guess you guys are right."
With that, he turned and walked out of the Obelisk blue dueling arena.
Rini was walking back to her dorm when she caught a glimpse of the setting sun in one of the windows she passed.
"Wow, that looks pretty.." She said to herself. She then decided to go down by the pier and watch it.
When she got there, Rini sat on the edge of the pier and took off her shoes, dipping her toes in the water. The sun had just set when someone sat beside her.
"Hey, I've been looking for you for a long time!"
Rini turned to the person and once again blushed when she saw it was Syrus.
"Really?" She asked quietly.
"Yea. I ah.. I came to apologise." He replied guiltily. "I didn't mean to be so mean earlier. I only meant to try to help Alexis feel better about losing.. I guess I didn't really think about what I was saying in order to do that.. sooo... I'm sorry." Syrus then turned to Rini. "Can you forgive me?" He asked, smiling slightly
Rini smiled back.
"Of course!" She replied happily. Syrus' smile widened.
"That's great! Thanks!"
There was then an awkward silence between the two.
"So ah.. maybe we should go back now?" Syrus said.
"You go ahead. I think I'm gonna stay here for a while." Rini replied. Syrus nodded and stood up.
"OK, I guess I'll see you later."
"Yea, bye."
Rini turned back towards the water as Syrus walked away.
"I really wish I could tell you how I feel Syrus.." She thought with a sigh. Then she thought of something.
"But maybe I wouldn't have to if you liked me back!... But you don't... hmmm.. maybe I can change that though! But how...?"
Rini sat on the Pier for a long time, thinking, and finally she decided she'd have to do some 'research' before she could take any action. She then stood up, put her shoes back on, and walked back to her dorm for the night. The next day, she would begin her work.