Bella is a Newborn Vampire. Edward and his family find her in the middle of the forest. Will Bella learn to trust those who care for her? Rated M!!!!

Chapter One


Bella's Pov

The pain was unbearable. Why would James leave me like this? He told me it wouldn't be painful. That everything will be fine once I was a vampire. He swore he would be by my side until the transformation subsided. How he was wrong. He basically poisoned me,then ran off with his coven.

Only Laurent and James talked to me. Victoria always stayed yards away from me. James had my trust...He had my life and humanity in his hands. How could he be so heartless?

There was no more screaming out in pain. I couldn't find myself to even try. There would be nobody to help me. Everyone of these creatures...No...Monsters,had no heart or a care in the world.

I felt my heartbeat slow down a few beats. James always said that feeling your heart stop would be the most frightening thing I would experience. I wondered if it was true. I closed my eyes,as I laid on the ground. What would happen once I was a monster?

Edward's Pov

Emmett didn't stand a chance in this race. I was going to get to that bear first. I smirked to myself when I read his every mood through his thoughts. He was going to try and trip me. Cheater.

Alice came up to my side and grinned. "Edward,want to know who's going to win?" She asked in her angelic voice. I looked down at my pixie like sister.

"No,its more fun this way." I answered,picking up the speed a notch. I tried my best to stay out of my sisters mind. It was difficult as hell. She was thinking so many things at once I started to get agrivated.

I heard Alice try to muffle a laugh,then she gasped. Her eyes went blank as she swayed back and forth,side to side. I quickly grabbed her shoulders to steady her and waited for her vision to pass.

"Ed...Edward..."She whispered. I didn't need her to tell me what she saw. I could see it for myself. There was a girl,laying in the middle of a grassed area not so far away. Emmett stood still,not knowing what was going on.

I looked down at Alice and nodded. "Go get Carlisle. Emmett,do with her. She'll explain everything on the way." Before Emmett could say anything in protest,I took off running towards the girl. Why would Alice have a vision of a girl,we didn't know? Normally she would have visions of our past friends and allies.

When I reached the area,I could smell her. Her scent was like devine wine on a banquet table. I could also hear her heart beat. It was slowing down by the second. I followed her scent until I saw a limp,pale body laying on the ground.

Her body no longer held color. I saw her wince every ten seconds. Her shoulder was bare and held blood upon it. She was bitten.

From the looks of it,she has been in the changing process for two days. One day until her life will end. I cautiously walked to her side and turned her over.

If I could have my breath taken away,it would have left. She had long brunet colored hair. I had a feeling that she was pale once before the whole process taking a hold of her,but not deathly pale as she was now.

I swiftly picked her limp body in my arms and glanced around. I could sense my family getting closer and closer with every second that passed.

Carlisle came into view,followed by Alice,Jasper and Emmett. Carlisle took one look at the girl in my arms and shook his head in disappointment. His mind went directly to how he found Rosalie. Of course,Rosalie wasn't in the middle of a vampire transformation. She was dying...And this girl in my arms,seemed to be dying slowly in more ways then one.

"Lets take her home."His voice was determined. He wanted to try and help her. The question was...Could we help her?

Bella's Pov

The burning sensation on my shoulder stopped...Finally. Was it over? Could I wake up now? I heard whispers near by. They seemed really close. Wait,I wasn't on the ground anymore. I felt like I was on a bed.

"We don't know who she is! How do you know she won't try and kill us once she wakes up?" the voice was female. It held anger and deception..Towards me?

"Rose,she needs help." The other voice sounded older and more calm.

Someone shifted beside me. I wanted to jump and run,but my body wouldn't budge. A soft giggle was heard,then came a tap on my shoulder. "You can't pretend to sleep forever,you know." I opened my eyes and met the gaze of a short,spiked hair of a girl. "My name's Alice. And your name is..."She thought for a moment. "Bella." Her smile grew bigger,as did my eyes.

"How did you know my name?" I managed to choke out. I was shocked by my voice. It sounded clearer and more angelic.

"Oh,I have my ways." She stood up and turned to the door behind her. "My family will be here shortly to introduce themselves." She skipped out the door and closed it.

What was going to happen now?

I hope you guys like my story! I thought about it while I was at school. My friends think its amazing,but I want to know what you all think! Chapter 2 will be up soon though! I promise!

REVIEW!!! Please.