My Chibi Angel

I absolutely love the idea of Nagihiko and Rima together but for one reason or another nobody has made a fanfic on it so I thought it was my duty to make one. By the way my first fanfic, I except all comments on it either good or bad.

Oh yeah takes place after ep 56 I think so Nagihiko is back during the school year and Temari is still in her egg as well as the other one.

So Story is a little while after Nagihiko comes back and he told Amu he's Nadeshiko as well. They are 16 instead of 13 just because it's funner that way!

Love is so unfair….

So here I was in the middle of class. I wasn't getting any work done at all. I was extremely lucky that I was a genius or I would have been in some serious trouble. "Why?" you may ask. I was extremely fixated on a girl named Rima Mashiro and it was driving up a wall!

I don't know what I ever did to her but for some unknown reason she absolutely hates my guts with a passion. This was really depressing me seeing as I loved her.

The only reason I could actually speculate that she hated me was because me and my best friend Amu Hinamori and I were well best friends. Rima was friends with Amu whiles I was gone so when I came back and Amu and I were best friends she was mad.

The only thing that I could respond to that was I was there first to bad so sad! I know that I sound mean but she was driving me insane! And why did I love HER! There could have been so many different girls, girls that weren't trying to kill me. But maybe that's why I was so attracted to her…apart from Amu and Yaya she was one of the only girls who wouldn't swoon over me. Why is it the one girl I loved and wanted to swoon over me wouldn't and why couldn't the other and the ones I didn't even care about did?!

Gosh I'm supposed to be a genius. I'm supposed to be a man. But at this rate I feel like maybe I should just go back home. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to come back.

I mean what where the chances of Temari even coming back to me?

Bzz Bzzz.

Who the hell was texting me during class! And when I was this depressed. Oh its Amu a well I could really use her help right now anyway.

Start of Conversation.

Amu: Wanna hang out after school

I looked at her she sat three seats behind me.

Nagihiko: I don't know I might have to study.

Even if I'm a genius with the top grades in school I need to study once in a while.

Amu: Wat? Look Nagihiko u never hang out and always use that excuse! Common!

Nagihiko: I'm not so sure. :(

Amu: Oh common! Rima's coming too!:)

Crap, I had every intention to tell her how I felt about Rima if I went.

Nagihiko: Amu u KNOW that she hates me. (-_-)

Amu: Exactly this could get u guys to get along better. :)

Not this trick it was so old school. I knew what Amu was planning.

Nagihiko: If you even THINK about ditching me and Rima and making us spend time together you are DEAD WRONG! I told u she hates me with a passion. (-_-)

Amu: U can be really boring sometimes. o(_)o

Nagihiko: I want to talk to u later. Hang out with Rima first kk? PLEASE *sniffle sniffle*

Amu: Fine TTYL : )

End of conversation.

Man, I needed more male friends. But this is what I deserve for wearing girl cloths up until lately. It had been because I love the art of dance and I much rather prefer female dancing. But that was just part of the reason I wanted to explore as many types of dance as I possibly could. Unfortunately I went threw a slump I was extremely depressed. And stopped believing in my abilities. And that's when Temari went back to her egg and a new egg was born. I decided to come back home to gain my confidence maybe find the things I had been missing and get back Temari and the new egg to hatch. I missed my Shugo Chara.

Just then the school bell rang ending my train of thought. Thank god for that! I was getting really depressed from the topic. I was about to walk out the door when Rima pushed me out of the way and gave me a glare. She was trying to be scary but she was just so cute I couldn't take it that way. Unfortunately I haven't ever been good at expressing my feelings.

"Watch where your going Chibi( means midget)" I made sure to make the last word longer with a teasing tone.

That's when she gave me the I'm gonna make you pay you bastard. And oh was that look scary. Amu had told me about that glare when I was in England. She only gave that look when it had to do with bad humor. But apart from that she was mellow. Or so I was told.

She ran behind clinging to her back and tears in her eyes.

"Amu why can't I be your best friend he's so mean!" And burst into tears.

"Don't worry…those are fake tears."

"HOW CAN YOU TELL!" It was obvious, it was her way to get whatever she wanted.

"We already had this discussion, Drama is my forte."

see episode 56)

"whatever" She mumbled

From the corner of my eye I saw Amu freaking out trying to calm us down.

"Don't worry Amu, this fight is as good as over the Chibi here doesn't know when she's lost."

"Uhm" Was all that Amu could stutter.

Rima was about to kill me her eyes looked like they would dilate, she had the death glare from before times 100. Amu was even scared. I wouldn't be surprised if she jumped on me and tried to rip my throat out. I wouldn't mind her jumping on me though…

Before I could say or do anything Amu dragged Rima out of the room. Rima could only mouth out "you!" because she was so angry.

I admit I loved her a lot but from what I could see no one messed with Rima no one made her unhappy. Because of that she acted like a spoilt brat. She was almost as bad as Tadase when he was in king mode.

I walked down the hall seeing Rima talking to another girl. I was close enough too here a bit of the conversation.

"How do you think about Nagihiko? I mean you guys seem pretty close and he's closed towards everyone else. It's like he pays more attention towards you! I'm so jealous!"

"I HATE him so much! I wish he would just jump in front of a truck!"

"Oh…then can I confess to him?"

"Why would I care" She mumbled and flipped her hair.

I had to admit that hurt. I mean from the girl I loved. I knew she hated me but to hear it straight from her mouth that way really hurt. Sometimes I wish I could express my feelings and just scream "I LOVE YOU RIMA MASHIRO!" sigh…

I walked outside instantly finding my car. It was the only limo there. It was white with gold lining along the rim and the windows. I waited as my driver opened the car door for me and waiting for me to be seated. He then walked around the car and went to the driver's seat. He turned around and said

"Young master where to?" Asked my Shaffer


"Home for now."

"Yes Sir"

The drive home was quick as he opened the door. I walked out and was greeted by our many maids, gardeners and butlers. You would think with all this staff there was no way you could be lonely. But my parents where almost never home, they where well known. My father an actor and my mother a traditional dancer.

I decided while I waited to talk to Amu I would finish the work I'd missed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 hours later now 5:17pm.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



"Moshi Moshi?"

"Moshi Moshi! Hey its Amu want to meet in the park at 7:00? I mean Rima and I are almost done shopping.

"Sure see u later."

I decided to work out(I'm a dancer and an actor I have to keep in shape you know?!)

At 6:30 I called my driver and we drove to Rocket Park. It was now 6:56. I turned my Ipod and listened to some music for four minutes before I saw Amu waving her hands panting.

"My bad! Rima didn't want me to leave!"

"No prob I wasn't waiting long."

" Sooo what's wrong?"

" I don't know how to say it…"

"Say what?"

"You know I've never been good at expressing my feelings."

"I love…"

"Nagihiko!!! GYAAA I'm sorry!"

"Amu please let me finish. I think I'm I'm" I stuttered. She had a worried facial expression she had never had never seen me at such a struggle for words. Not even when I told her that I was a boy and I was Nagihiko.

"I..I..think that I might be in love with Rima."

She stared at me wide eyed.

"You like Rima!" She screamed.

I covered her mouth.

"Thanks for telling the whole world." I mumbled

"Sorry" she said quietly. She looked down guiltily.

"It's okay she hates me anyway. I just wanted to tell you because you're my best friend and I would rather tell you then anyone else."

"Thanks Nagihiko. But I want to help you with your love!"

"Ummm I was just intending to talk about it not get help."

"No I have to!" She looked very sincere.

"Fine Amu do what you want the situation can't get any worse. She's going to kill me anyway."

"It's because you tease her so much and provoke her. Why do you do that anyway?"

"I don't like when people act spoilt like that. And it's the only way to get her to even look at me."

"Okay I need to converse with some of my friends! About love!"

She stood still for a moment and then looked at me.

"Crap! Nagihiko you're the one I talk to love about! Well I'll read the books and stuff!"

Somehow I had a feeling that this love would be a bumpy one but oh well! I let Amu have her fun! Can't get any worse!

"Bye Nagihiko I'll work on it right now!"

Or can it get worse?

~~~~~~~~Chap 1 End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So what is Amu planning?

Will Nagihiko's love work out?

What about Temari and the new egg?

Find out soon! Bye for now!

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