AN: So I've been writing this during my BB H class...I really shouldn't do that. Oh well. This is actually a quick update from me for once! Just so you know, this is a dialogue- heavy chapter, sorry. As always reviews are appreciated, bad or good, I don't really care. Anyway, on to the chapter.

Chapter 5

Shaoran's eyes locked with Sakura's, repeating his ultimatum, "Hand them over!"

"Shaoran-kun…" she started but Shaoran never heard the rest. As hard as he tried, he couldn't fight his exhaustion any further. The ground rushed up to meet him, or was it the other way around? He thought. His body never felt the inevitable impact, but he was too tied to realize this. His vision was consumed by darkness as he entered a peaceful sleep…for now.

A dull pain in hi arm woke him from his first dreamless sleep in months. His eyes slowly opened. It took a few minutes for his vision to clear, still feeling groggy from his sleep. He could hear voices, but had to strain to make out what they were saying.

"--- think he'll be ok? I wonder why he was being attacked." A soft girlish voice asked. Putting the pieces together Shaoran remembered it belonging to the auburn haired girl from before, the girl who held the cards he needed.

"Well he IS a brat. He probably just annoyed the wrong person" this voice was unknown to Shaoran. It had a strange accent that Shaoran couldn't quite place.

"No, the one chasing Shaoran already said why he was chasing Shaoran. He mentioned some things, which he was probably lying about but Shaoran reacted to only that statement…not contradicting its meaning." This voice sounded much softer and calmer.

"Which was?" the girl piped up curiosity evident in her voice.

"The most serious crime against magic" the calm voice replied.

"…even the brat wouldn't do that" Again, the voice with the strange accent. Shaoran immediately didn't like this person. He figured out the three were talking about him, and whoever it was, kept calling him a brat without even knowing him.

"Wait! What is it? The worst crime?" the girl asked again.

"Taking another person's life" the calm voice said.

Immediately following Shaoran heard the sound of a chair being knocked over accompanied by a 'no!'. "Shaoran-kun would NEVER do that! He's a good person and that can't be true!"

"Calm down Sakura!" Some more talking happened, but Shaoran heard all he needed to for now.

Shaoran sat up on the bed, his arb throbbing painfully at his side. He scanned the room assuming that it belonged to the girl seeing as how the room was littered with stuffed animals and other girly things. What caught his attention was a teddy bear sitting on the girl's desk with a few letters leaning up against it. The stuffed animal reminded on a similar one he had at home.

He shook the thought away. He couldn't be thinking about such trivial things now. He slowly and silently got to his feet, holding back a gasp as he put pressure on his right arm. He couldn't get what he wanted like this. He looked for his sword and found it setting against one of the walls. He walked towards the window seeing as his only way out without being detected.

He threw one leg over the sill then the other one. Sitting on the window sill, preparing to jump, he noticed there was a large tree right outside the window, one he could probably land on if he jumped right. He prepared to push off with his only good arm when an arm wrapped itself around his waist pulling him back in.

"What's wrong with you brat? You definitely wouldn't make that jump, especially holding that!" the older boy said looking to the boy's only good arm in which is sword was clutched tightly. "What an idiot!" he said after pulling Shaoran fully in the room and shutting the window.

"Kaijuu! The brat is awake. I suggest you come here before he kills himself!" Shaoran simply glared at the older dark-haired boy. There was something about him that just made Shaoran not like him.

Footsteps came up the steps and the girl Shaoran now assumed to be Sakura and the angel before entered. "He was trying to jump out the window" Touya said in an amused voice. "Have fun" he added as he left the room.

They stared at eachother silently for a minute before Sakura stepped forward. "Sharoan-kun, I'm so glad you're ok. I was so worried when you stopped writing aind---"

"How do you know me?" he cut in sharply.

"Wait...huh? What do you mean? You're my…" she turned a slight tinge of pink unable to finish.

"I've never seen you before today, and you keep talking to me like you know me. Don't you know it's rude to call people you don't know by their given names?" he gave her an irritated look. Sakura's face took on a mixture of hurt and shock as she stared back at him.

"Hey brat! Don't joke like that. You'll make Sakura sad!" the small yellow stuffed animal that had gone unnoticed by Shaoran now spoke up from Sakura's shoulder.

Shaoran raised an eyebrow and turned his attention back to Sakura. "You have the clow cards now. Then that must mean you're Yue " he looked to the angel," and the stuffed animal is Keroberos? No, Keroberos is supposed to be the strong guardian beast of the seal, not a stuffed animal"

"Why you!" Kero started but was interrupted by Sakura.

"So you really don't remember me?" Sakura said looking like she was about to cry.

"No" he said simply as he tears started to fall. His face fell. "Wait, wait don't cry" he said trying to stop her. He couldn't take crying girls. "Crying won't help anything"

She nodded a small sad smile creeping up on her face. "You used to tell me that all the time. Maybe you can't remember but you're still the same Shaoran-kun" she wiped her tears away, and then looked back towards him. "But if you didn't return to come see everyone, what made you come?"

Shoaran's look hardened at this. "I needed to find the cards. Last thing I heard about them was that they were located in this area, but it seems I've been beaten to them."

"Shaoran-kun, YOU helped me capture the clow cards. You helped me change them into Sakura cards…if you weren't there…everyone would still be…" she trailed off looking at him in disbelief.

"I couldn't have been the one to help you. I've been in Hong Kong up until now."

" weren't. I know! Surely you can ask your family. I'm sure they'll remember you coming here. There's no way they could forget. You may not believe me, but they can tell you!"

"I can't!' Shaoran snapped. "Now just give me the cards I need!"

"But Shaoran!" she said grabbing his injured shoulder lightly, receiving a small hiss from the contact from the boy.

Sakura looked worriedly to Yue. "You said you could fix that right?"

Yue strode over too quickly for Shaoran to respond. He firmly placed his hands on the boy's shoulders. "This'll hurt a bit" he said right before he quickly pushed the boys arm back into his socket.

Shaoran yet out a pained and shocked yell and would have fallen if Yue had not been supporting him.

He regained his balance and glared up at Yue, though he couldn't keep the glare on his face for long. This was the angel that had caught him and saved him.

"You can move it now can't you?" Yue asked, though not sounding concerned.

Shaoran tested the movement of his arm. The pain has mostly receded, and he found he could move his arm freely again. He nodded, then looked to Sakura.

"Are you going to give them to me or not?"

"Before I answer" she started hesitantly "What do you need them for?"

Shaoran considered her for a moment. "I want them to save something important to me. I'll stop at nothing to get it back, and so…I need the cards."

She waited for him to elaborate, however it was never to come. After a brief moment of silence she nodded.


"R-really?" Shaoran asked, for a moment the contempt that had laced his voice since he woke up had disappeared.

"Well, I won't give you them, but I'll let you borrow the ones you need."

Shaoran's grip on his sword relaxed. A small flash of relief showed across his face. Sakura pulled the cards out of her pocket and held them out to him. He shuffled through and grabbed the ones he wanted and handed the rest back to her.

"Even though I'm glad…you shouldn't give your cards away to random people, you never know what they'll do with them"

He noticed the sadness that appeared on her face. "I wouldn't for anyone else…but since its you, Shaoran-kun…I know you wouldn't do anything bad with them. I trust you"

"You're really convinced you know me, aren't you?"

Sakura nodded and looked at the floor. "I do. That's how I know all about you. You grew up in Hong King with your 4 sisters. When you turned ten you came here because you were the one with the most magic in your family. You came to collect the cards, and when they were all caught, you helped me change the cards and you told me…you really don't remember?" Shaoran shook his head. "Well even if you don't, I still want to help you, so if there's anything I can do, please let me help."

He shook his head. "These'll be enough." He moved to leave.

"Can I walk you home?" Sakura asked looking out the window to see how late it was. In her mind Shaoran was still in danger.

"I'll be fine alone"

Shaoran walked down the street towards his home staring at the cards he easily acquired. He heard footsteps behind him and spun around ready for a fight, coming face to face with a tall silver haired boy.

"Li-kun, you shouldn't walk home by yourself this late at night" Yukito said happily stopping beside Shaoran.

Shaoran felt his face turn red as he looked at the older boy, and his heart started beating faster than usual.

"Li-kun? Oh! Right! I'm Yukito Tsukishiro. Yue let me know you're having a had time remembering us all, Sorry I guess I forgot."

Shaoran simply nodded not daring to open his mouth.

"Would you like to walk home together?" Shaoran nodded, his face turning a deeper crimson as they started walking together.

Yukito walked by his side seemingly oblivious to the others current state.

"is it upsetting?" Yukito asked breaking the continued silence.

"Um..what?" Shoaran asked having some time to collect his voice.

"Not being able to remember. You spent almost 2 years here. All the friends you made...Sakura too. Does it make you sad that you can't remember?"

Shaoran shook his head. "Not really. It feels as if I were never here, so it doesn't really matter to me. I still think you're all mistaken about me being here."

"We're not" Yukito said suddenly. "You really don't remember do you? Well Sakura will help you remember, I'm sure of it"

Shaoran stopped walking; now being outside of his house. "Why does she care?" he asked the older boy.

"Because to Sakura, there's no person more important than you" Yukito smiled making Shaoran's ear go red.

"Oh, and Yue has a message for you. Umm… he says not to be confused about the attraction of magic between the blood of Clow and his creation's magic." Yukito said as if he were reading it from a book. After he said it, he looked confused. "Do you know what that means?"

"You're him aren't you? Yue's temporary form."

"Yes, I guess I did forget to mention that" Yukito said still looking confused.

"Then I think I get it" he said looking at the ground. Shaoran went into his house after a quick goodbye.

"What was that about?" Yukito thought to Yue.

"Don't worry about it. You're too oblivious to notice it anyway" A cold, but slightly amused voice answered from the back of his mind.