Author's Note: I'm sorry to say I will be no longer updating Growing Apart because it wasn't going the way I planned. But this story First Kiss will be very similar to how I wanted Growing Apart to be. Enjoy this first chapter and don't forget to review and if you really want me to continue Growing Apart I will.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits Baskets

Tohru couldn't stand it she loved him! And it hurt that she couldn't have what she wanted that's why she ran. But Kyo was right, she was still recovering she shouldn't be running she should be in bed resting. Not that she could though, her dreams would only lead her into thoughts about Kyo and she would wake up realizing it could never be. They could never be.

She couldn't run anymore, her legs ached too much she had to sit down, she sat down on a low cement wall waiting a few minutes before she would run again. She was sure Kyo wasn't that far away but she wasn't going to look in his direction she wasn't ready.

Kyo saw her in the distance; he pushed himself to go that much faster he wasn't making the same mistake again.

"You know you really shouldn't be running," was the first thing he said

Bad move he thought, she jumped up and began to run but not before he grabbed her wrist

"Wait Tohru," He pleaded

She turned to look at him "Let me go!" she shouted struggling to get out of his grip; tears began to fall from her brown eyes.

Kyo stood there shocked now is the time he thought there's no turning back "Tohru I'm sorry..." he began

"I don't need your apology," she said her eyes were hostel, a look he had never seen from this cheery girl.

"I know I hurt you, and I was wrong to but now I see I do love you, and if you're willing to take this idiot back then please do," he begged

Tohru stood there shocked her eyes turned soft at his words especially 'I do love you'

"I love you too Kyo! I'm sorry I ever doubted you!" she shouted happily pulling him in a hug for a second forgetting the curse.

He willingly hugged her back, they both waited for the 'poof!' but it didn't come

Strange they both thought

"Isn't there supposed to be a 'poof'," Tohru thought out loud

"Yeah, I thought so to," Kyo said still hugging Tohru, he didn't really mind that he wasn't turning into a cat he was happy, ecstatic!

"Oh great I must be dreaming again," Tohru said out loud "I must have been so tired from running that I fell asleep and now I'm dreaming of you again," continued Tohru

"This isn't a dream, I think maybe I've been released from the curse it's happened to Momiji and others,' Kyo said.

"Really the curse is broken!" Tohru shouted happily

"For me it is at least," Kyo said smiling back and pulling her into a tighter hug

Tohru smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder

"Tohru," he whispered

"Yes," she answered and looked up, he bent his head down and kissed her

Wow they both thought as they shared their first kiss as they felt the sparks fly between their lips.

"Wow," Tohru said

"Exactly what I was thinking," Kyo said

AN: Hoped you liked it! Remember to review! And if you want me to not end Growing Apart just say