I don't own these characters. Not one bit. Trust me. This relationship would be more than just hinted at if I were in control.
For some reason, I wanted to reach out to you. And, like an idiot, I wanted you to reach out to me.
And it crushed me completely when you turned away...
You awoke a longing within me that was put to sleep long, long ago. I can't find a reason it was you who finally broke my walls down. I don't understand how you did it, though I fought against you the entire time.
And when it finally all spilled over... you indulged me. You gave me your embrace. Your body. Your lips. You gave me one night. And it was everything I always refuse to hope for and everything I knew it would be. You even whispered the words I wanted you to say to me. And forever those three words will echo in my head. They will never be said in such a beautiful voice. They will never seem right unless it is you telling me them.
I welcomed it so easily. I yearned for it before I realized I wanted it. You. I wanted you the entire time. And I protected you from everything I could.
You gave me one night... and by the morning... you were gone. Leaving no sign you'd ever been there, save for the empty hollow feeling in my chest and longing in my soul.
I loved you with everything I was. I love you still with everything I am though you've left. You crushed my heart completely, but taken every piece with you. But still, I would give you more. I would give you everything.
I'll sit here... and wait.
You'll come back some day.
Fai... I'll keep believing you'll return to me, carrying my heart in your hands, but please know, it will forever be your possession.
As you could probably guess this is all Kurogane's POV.
A super short piece that kept flying around my head, stinging my brain. So I wrote it down. :D Hurray.... -complete sarcasm-
If I lost anyone.... Kuro falls for Fai, but Fai walks away.... Sad. ... It was sad to me anyhoo. Ha ha ha! Fai, specially as the series went deeper, seems like one to run when feelings become something he can't control. I just finished volume 25 and I'm freaking dying for more. Kuro and Fai break my heart.
Inspired largely by the song Possession by Sarah McLachlan. the piano acoustic version, not the regular one. Listening to it right now! Yeah! Ha ha ha! If you read this, thank you. You rock! Give yourself a hug from me! Reviews? Please? It would make me happy.
Edit: Holy Spongebob! I only found one spelling error!! 8D And it's fixed now! Yay!