Disclaimer: I still don't own Code Geass, and I never will…

I apologize to anyone who read this story. I was looking over my fan fiction stories and like a friend asked me before, why do I never update a story?! So, I've decided to write a new chapter to this and a few of my other stories as well. So please sit back and enjoy this new chapter. If you enjoy this story, please take a look at my other ones as well.


Blood Stains White: Ch3 A Hero?


'I can't just give up here, I would just be proving how weak I am!' Suzaku opened his eyes in time to jump in front of a Knightmare Frame that had been heading towards the one he crashed into earlier. The Knightmare Frame crashed into Suzaku sending it and him flying off in opposite directions. Inside his Knightmare Frame Suzaku hit his head from the impact of the collision and the large explosion that soon followed. " W…what just happened?!" he gasped holding onto his head.

"You idiot what were you thinking?!" a voice from the communicator inside his cockpit screamed. Suzaku groaned in response, the voice causing his head to throb. He tried to get the Knightmare Frame to stand up, but found it too difficult. Collapsing, he breathed heavily as everything started to dim around him. 'Not again…! I can't believe I was so useless here' Everything slowed down around him as the all too familiar darkness took a hold of him…


…Who is he?

…A kid….

..Saved the Prince…?

Suzaku heard voices around him, but he couldn't respond. His eyes felt heavy as the voices started dim and he felt himself being moved. Little by little, he could feel the pressure on his eyes lift and relief washed through him. Suzaku nearly screamed when he opened his eyes and a boy with dark hair and rich violet eyes stared at him. His gaze was set at Suzaku with a stern look on his face. Suzaku blushed and adverted his gaze from him to the bed that he was laying in. "Oh good, you're awake. I was sure that you would have been in a coma after hitting you head that hard." The boy said.

Building up some courage Suzaku tried to respond the best he could. "W..where exactly am I"? He said shyly looking back up at the man.

The boy frowned at him but continued on never the less. "Your in the infirmary, since you were wounded during the battle, I personally brought you here. Consider it as one of the favors for saving my life." He responded.

Suzaku's eye's went as wide as saucers as he thought over what was just said. 'I saved HIS life?!' I actually did something right for once?' Still gaping Suzaku nodded his head in recognition.

Suddenly, the door to the infirmary burst opened as a white haired man stepped into the room followed closely by a woman. "Ah, your Highness Prince Lelouch! I didn't expect to see you in here." The man said looking at Lelouch with surprise.

"Yes, this is quite the surprise, Your Highness" The woman said politely with a smile.

Lelouch gave the man a irritated look before nodding his head in recognition. "Sir Lloyd and it's a surprise to you as well. What brings you over to the infirmary?" he asked.

Lloyd frowned as he looked at Suzaku who was staring at the three with confusion in his eyes. "This boy is the reason that I'm here! I heard that he wreaked my new Knightmare Frame. My poor Lancelot!" he said with a mourning look on his face. "Who is this boy anyway? I've never seen him around here before."

Suzaku gave him a nervous smile as he propped himself up on the bed. "Suzaku Kururugi..sorry about the Knightmare Frame…" he responded quietly. 'I think I'm dead now! That Lelouch guy is a prince! This guy seems to know him as well. He looks really upset about that Knightmare Frame. Suzaku gulped as the man's eye's barred upon him.

Cecile gave him a firm yet apologetic look while Lloyd waited for a explanation. "Sir Lloyd please go easy on the boy, he did save my life after all." Lelouch cut in from the one-sided stare off Lloyd was having with Suzaku. Suzaku looked at Lelouch with thankfulness in his eye's and gave him a smile.

Lelouch could feel heat rushing to his face as the boy smiled at him. 'This is ridiculous, I don't blush just because a boy smiled at me, there's something different about him…a air of innocence maybe?" Lelouch gave Suzaku a curt nod in return trying to regain his composure.

"So, tell me all that exactly happened." Lloyd demanded, still looking a bit upset. Suzaku nodded and started to tell everything that had happened


After he had explained the situation, Suzaku was relieved to see the man was no longer upset with him. "Ah, so I see that's what happened." Lloyd said solemnly, out of respect for the dead pilot. Suzaku nodded as well, sadness in his eyes as he recalled how the desperate the pilot had been to see that not only was the Knightmare safe, but Suzaku as well.

"Well, we should get going Lloyd if we want to take care of Lancelot." Cecile said. "Of course Cecile, we can make more improvements to the Lancelot than before!." Lloyd said excitedly, like a kid in a toy store. "Well, we'll be taking our leave, hope to see you sometime soon Your Highness. Also, when your feeling better Kururugi-kun you should drop by and visit." He said with a wink.

Suzaku blushed and waved goodbye, much to Lelouch's annoyance. 'His innocence is so comforting, I wish there was something I could do to keep him with me...' Lelouch smirked when a offer popped into his head that he knew would be hard to refuse.

Cecile sighed, then smiled politely at Lelouch and Suzaku and then followed Lloyd out the door. Suzaku flustered from the realization he was left alone in the room with Lelouch looked towards the prince.

"Suzaku Kururugi, I have an offer for you." Lelouch said violet eyes staring into green. "How would you like to be my Knight?"


So, will Suzaku accept being Lelouch's Knight? Review on your opinion and get ready to read more soon! Thanks for reading this chapter!