Well so I was just sitting around my house bored, when I decided to write a Suzaku story. Hm…. I don't even know if this story is any good. Anyway, even if you don't like it leave a review of hate or something like that.

Anyway, this is might be! ! Suzaku harem *coughs*. Anyway, let's get on with the Summary!

Ahem forgot the disclaimer…!

Disclaimer: I don't own Code Geass, Never have, never will!

Summary: Suzaku Kururugi is a normal kid just trying to survive high school life. He attends a Academy that trains Knightmare Frame pilots. Out of luck of being horribly awful at piloting one he ends up walking around the school junkyard skipping class. Soon, he finds a Knightmare Frame that will change his life and everyone else's. He is then thrust into a world of lies and dangerous situations. With only a rebellious prince, who defies his father's rules to watch, it shouldn't be that hard to be a Knight right…? WRONG!

Blood Stains White

The Academy Student

A gust of wind blew through the air as two Knight mares clashed together. The energy waves that were flying threw the air had the crowd around gasping with excitement.

Both Knightmare Frames pushed away from each and took their positions again. A whistle was blown and each of the Knightmare frames stopped moving.

"Good job you two, your done for today." A voice called out from a speaker in the stadium.

The cockpits opened up and both the pilots exited their Knightmares. The first pilot waved to the crowd her swishing orange red hair around. Once she was on the ground she smiled happily at everyone.

The second pilot had already left the stadium completely ignoring the crowd and everything around him. Noticing the other was gone the orange haired girl ran towards the direction she had seen him go.

"Suzaku, wait up!" she yelled as she rounded the corner to see him standing there with his head down.

Picking his head up Suzaku looked at her. "You did great today Shirley." He said with small smile.

Frowning she moved closer to him. "You did too Suzaku, you should give yourself more credit." She replied.

Suzaku shook his head and blushed a bit from the closeness. "Um..I'll try…" he mumbled and moved away. Turning to wave again he ran off towards the locker room.

Sighing he stepped in the room and looked around, relived to see no one there. Here it comes again the same thing that always happens that feeling… He felt the familiar burning behind his eyes and the tightness in his chest as he sat down. Why…why can't I even show I'm any good with a Knightmare….

Slowly, the tears leaked out of his eyes, so suddenly that he barely realized he was crying. Suzaku sat there on the cold bench for a while crying, feeling alone, and afraid for his future of becoming a worthy Knightmare Frame pilot to make his father proud. Wiping his eyes Suzaku got up then undressed and headed for the shower.



Suzaku sat at the dining room table fidgeting and looking really nervous as he sat eating with his father. His father had been busy working so much Suzaku barely had time to talk to him, but what he needed to talk about was important. Taking a deep breath he decided to get over with it.

"Dad, I want to pilot a Knightmare." Suzaku said in a stern voice.

His father looked at him with surprise written across his face. Genbou Kururugi was amused and shocked at the same time. Suzaku had always been very athletically fit, so he wasn't worried he wouldn't be strong enough. The thing that worried him was that Suzaku is very emotional at times, sometimes letting those emotions get the best of him.

"Your not meant for that Suzaku." He said sternly not even looking at him. That outraged Suzaku! He couldn't even look him in the eye and say that.

Slamming his hands down on the table Suzaku stood up. "You don't believe I can do it!" You think I'm too weak to even try, but I'm not!" he said angrily.

Genbou just kept on eating like Suzaku didn't just announced that his own father doubted him. Frowning Suzaku walked away from the table but not before stopping and standing next to his father. "I hate you." Those were they only words he said then he walked ouf the dining room.


The bright sunny sky greeted Suzaku as he walked out of the locker room. Ashford Academy, like always was beautiful. Everyone looked so happy and content, enjoying themselves as they went throughout their lives.

He turned his head to look at a couple of chatting girls who were coming his way. One of the girls was Shirley and the rest were her friends from the swim team. "Hey Suzaku, are you going to lunch?" she asked him.

Shaking his head Suzaku looked at the ground. "Um…I'm just going to take a walk around the school grounds." He replied. "Well, ok then but make sure you eat something!" "See you later!" she called as she ran towards her friends who had been waiting.

Finally, after walking for a while Suzaku ended up in front of the school junkyard. "Wow..there sure is a lot of things here." He thought as he looked around. "Why did I even come here again?" he muttered.

Suddenly, he tripped on something on the ground. "What-the!?" It was the only thing he he had time to say as he fell, nothing but air around him then the heavy impact of colliding with the ground.


Hope Everyone enjoys my new story! I've been working on a lot lately….Um…. anyway please REVIEW!