Wrath's Journey
As if I own SSBB or SSBM but I do own me and Wrath! Black Eevee and Raptor is owned by Pit Fan, Julianmon owns himself, Mr. Pichu owns Sparks and Sir NZ owns Juris Longsword.
Call me crazy (You know you want to) but I still accept OCs!
Chapter 1
Well this is it. A new beginning. I love you all for supporting me and here we go!
On the top floor of the brawlers mansion a stealthy figure knocked on the door three times.
"Password?" asked a voice
"Candy Canes."
"Come in Kirby." said Toony opening the door.
"ALRIGHT OUR LITTLE MEETING WILL NOW COME IN SESSION!" said Diddy Kong as he swung from the ceiling fan
In the Link twins' room there were a number of children Smashers
Ness, Lucas, Nana, Popo, Pichu, Diddy Kong, Kirby, Yoshi, Y. Link and Toony all were crammed somehow inside
"Okay so all of us had the same dream of Marth being pregant, over the past sixteen days correct?" said Ness
"And the grown ups think we are mad. Right?"
"So what do you propose?" asked Yoshi
"Marrage!" said Popo randomly kissing Nana
"Wrong propose idiot. He mean what are we going to do?" said Yoshi
"Deal with it the only super awesome way we know how!" said Pichu bouncing up and down
"So we shall start some plans, nothing shall interfer with our power! We will conqure, we will be victorious, we will make everyone see the light and..." said Y. Link
"Oy kids Dessert is ready! It's Chocolate cake." said Luigi
"On second thought..."
((So there's this room where all the Smashers go for meetings, new characters and other things, it has a purple floor, blue walls and there are soft brown leather chairs and a big wooden stage where Master Hand normally speaks from... Like an enormous lecture room.))
"So Smashers that's why I ordered new Smashers." said Master Hand
"None of us are-a leaving right?" asked Mario
"Yeah cause Pikana will have my head."
"What head?"
"So shall I go introduce them?"
"Why so soon?" asked Sonic
"Cause Crazy is still not here yet."
"Fair enough."
"So in the Pokemon catagory we have Raptor and Sparks."
On the stage walks a Staraptor (You know big white and brown bird) that is huge as a velocoraptor (Hope I spelt that really big dinosaur's name correctly) there was also a cute (beautiful in Pichu opion) female Pichu with a shiny red bow on her ear (To avoid confusion)
Pichu does a wolf whistle
"Is it finally time for me to be appericated for being not gay! I love you Pikana!"
"From the game Sypro the Dragon catagory we have Spyro, Hunter and Cyder." continued Master Hand
A purple dragon with yellow spikes down on his back appeared. This was Spyro. A darker purple dragon with longer spikes was Cynder. Hunter is the last one. He's the cheetah wearing a robin hood style outfit with a wooden bow and sliver arrows on his back.
"Okay now here are two famous gamers (that their fans nearly murdered me because they weren't in Brawl). Here are NiGHTS and Bomberman."
A female (deal with it) purple jester floated onto the podium and gave a cheery wave, a male teen with a face mask and a blue body suit appeared. With several bombs strapped to his belt.
Bomberman trips and a bomb lands in King Dedede's lap.
"I hate my life." said K3D as the bomb exploded in his face
"Yay Pikana has passed over my pain!" yells Gannondorf
"And finally we have two humaniods that their catagory I don't know. Here's Juris Longsword and Wrath Pherae"
Roy who was half asleep looked up.
"Didn't know you had a brother Roy?" asked Link
Two teens walk up. The one with Blue eyes, Brown hair and looking pretty scrawny was Julis he was wearing crusader garb and a turban. On his back was a golden legendary sword.
Zelda shot a dirty look at Juris (To be explained later)
The other one was not as tall as Juris, maybe an inch shorter. He had purple hair that was cut neatly below his ears, he had purple eyes and dark purple armour with a gold trim. On his back was a red and blue sword. Wrath.
Wrath scanned the crowd for his parents. He didn't know who were they but he made a list of all the females.
Blonde hair, Pink dress, blue eyes, blue sapphire earrings
Brown hair, Pink dress, brown eyes, elf ears, triangle symbol
Blonde hair, Blue skintight, blue eyes
Small girl, Pink parka, mallet
Puffball with a curl
Wrath had his doubts but he knew that his parents were in the crowd.
"Okay I've made a new room for you dragons, Hunter and Bomberman, Wrath and Juris can go in Link's extra beds, NiGHTS can go in Samus' extra bed, Sparks and Raptor can go into the second pokemon dorm with Pichu and Jigglypuff."
Pichu smiled and drooled
"Now I must warn you about my sister Crazy Hand."
"JV GABXJLAH KQGDIGBJAB!" said Crazy Hand bursting to the room
"Yeah that's her." groaned Meta Knight
Raptor turned green
"Yeah time for the pills Crazy." said Dr. Mario as he took Crazy away
"So yeah get used to that." said C. Falcon
"Hi I'm NiGHTS!" she said as she glided into the room phasing through the wall
"Samus Aran." Said Zero Suit Samus
NiGHTS glided over to her bed and took out very few belongings.
"So do you know anyone here?" asked Samus
"Just Wrath and Bomberman." said NiGHTS arranging a photo of Wrath, Pikana (As human Anna) Bomberman and herself on a table. She then started walking up the wall to place a poster of home up on the wall.
"Yeah do you think Wrath knows anyone? A resident of the mansion has the same last name as him."
"Well Wrath is looking for his parents. His Aunty said they would be here."
"How old is Wrath?"
"Well he couldn't of been born in the mansion."
"Okay but can you help?" ask NiGHTS now on the ceiling
NiGHTS then started polishing the ceiling fan
"If you get down yes."
"Yay! Thank you my friend." she said as she jumped onto her bed
"Hey who's this lady here?" asked Samus looking at the photo
"Wrath's Aunty Anna."
In her head Samus questions herself
"Why does that women seem so familiar."
"So you're the newbies right." said Bowser at the dragon's door.
"Hello. Spyro's my name. This is Cynder."
"Hi Bowser Koopa King of Koopas"
"So got any tips for us while we're here." said Spyro
"Yep, never diss our authoress. She did some wacky stuff lately. She was into Gannondorf bashing but she has moved to King Dedede."
"She sounds okay."
"That's an outline. Here is the details."
"Maybe I don't want to listen." said Hunter really nervous
"Might as well listen." said Bomberman
A few minutes later...
"Bowser I need to bleach my brain now." said Spyro
Hunter was vomitting like crazy
Cynder and Bomberman laughed
"She's hot, she's hot, she's hot, she's hot, she's hot!" said Pichu
"Chill Pichu" said Jigglypuff as she looked at her Meta Knight picture and kissed it
Pichu was running all over the place and Jigglypuff was on the bed
"Well they're almost here."
Raptor and Sparks walk in with their stuff.
"May I help you?" said Pichu
"Why yes you may."
Pichu takes out a rose
"A pretty rose for a pretty lady."
Sparks giggles as Pichu takes some her bags and escorts her to her bed.
"What are you waiting for? Where's my bed?" demanded Raptor
"The only bed left." said Jigglypuff as she points to the last bed
Grumbling Raptor waddles his way to his bed
Then Jiggly starts pashing the photo
"I really do love you Meta Knight. I just wish you knew"
Link helped Juris take his stuff to their room
Link was just finishing his tale on how he found the Master Sword
"So Juris where did you get that sword?"
"Excalibur? I got it when..."
Wrath goes in the room, puts down his stuff on his bed and leaves.
"Do you know him?" asks Link
"Just be weary of some of the Smashers."
"Peach, my girlfriend Zelda and Samus."
"They sound all female."
"Cause they are, honestly when Wolf went to take one of Zelda's books. She..."
"She what?" asked Juris
"Yes she what?" said Zelda walking in
Zelda walked in and kissed Link, then set her face in a hard scowl.
"You and I need to have a little talk Mr. Longsword
Zelda grabs Juris' ear.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!"
So you met the characters. More then likely I need to do battle scenes
I still need ideas and OC's and reviews you know what I mean.
So review A.S.A.P.