Dear Diary,

Well, he did it again. Only this time it was worse not only did he slap me but he kicked and punched me. Now I have a black eye. What I am going to tell my friends my mother. I can't tell my friends that Jake has been beating me I know that they will tell me to call the police or tell someone else. But I can't he said if I told anyone that he would kill me and my family and friends he also said he would that if I left. Oh well I got to go ice my eye hopefully by tomorrow it will be gone

Write more tomorrow

Alyssa Montez-Bolton 3

I woke up this morning and could barely open my right eye it was practically swollen shut. Boy was this going to be a long day. I have no idea how to hide my eye. I don't think even makeup could hide it.

"Alyssa come down for breakfast it's 6: 30 your bus will be here in 15 minutes"

"Coming Mom, One more minute" I only had one minute to come up with an excuse to give my mother and it had to be really good.

" Hola mami"

"Hola! Baby what happened to your eye?"

"Mom it's nothing"

"Nothing. Your eye is swollen shut. Did Jake do this to you?"

After she asked that I knew there was no point in lying to her so I told her the truth.


"Baby we have to report this to the police"

"Mom we can't tell the police he said he would kill me if I told anyone"

" Fine we won't go to the police but we have to tell your father and brother"

"Have you lost your freaking mind. There is no way in hell you are telling Dad and Alex"

"Baby we have to"

"No we don't have to, he doesn't care about me"

"Alyssa Gabriella Montez Bolton just because your father and I spilt up doesn't mean he doesn't care"

"Mom I have to get to school okay I will see you tonight"

"Baby I wont be home tonight or for the rest of the week. I have to go to California for work. But if anything happened you can go to Aunt Tay's and Uncle Chad's"

"Okay bye mom Love you"

"Bye Love you too"

After we said goodbye I started walking to West High where I knew the day wasn't about to get any better. Arrived at my locker where my boyfriend Jake was waiting for me. All I wanted to do at that moment was take my bag and run as fast as I could just so I wouldn't have to see him.

"Hey Aly"

"Hey Jake"

"Oh my gosh. What the hell happened to your eye? Are you ok"

I can't believe he just said that he certainly knows what happened to my eye. This is so frustrating he causes me all this pain and then plays it off like nothing happened.

"You know what happened to my eye. Just leave me alone"

After I had finished saying this I immediately regretted. Just looking at him I could tell I had really pissed him off

"Aly you are going to regret saying that. I will deal with you tonight"

"Okay I will see you tonight"

For the first time in my life I didn't want school to end because I knew as soon as school ended I would probably be hit again. Hopefully Angela the Cheer Coach would call an extra late practice and I wouldn't have to see Jake at all. But that would of required luck which has never been on side. After practice Jake walked me home. As soon as we got to my house and were inside I knew I was in trouble I could tell by his eyes.

"Baby what have I said about going against what I say and making a fool of me"

"I know I'm sorry I didn't mean too"

"Well you should have thought of that before you said it"

And before I knew I was lying face down on the ground.

"Stand the hell up you bitch"

I stood up and became his personal punching and kicking bag. By the time he was through with me I had a swollen eye, swollen lip, and bruises all over my arms, legs and my stomach. I knew I couldn't stay in this house any longer because if I did he would come back and hit me again. Then I remembered what my mother said "If I got in trouble I should go to Aunt Tay's and Uncle Chad's. So I got in my lime green buggy and started driving to there driveway. It was now or never and I feared if I didn't go in now I might not survive to get help again. I went up and rang the doorbell.