Not Just Yet

Chapter 1: How it Started

The young man sat on the ground surrounded on all side by big, tall growths of trees. The sunlight shined down on him through the leaves and warmed him to his very bones. He seemed to be in a daze. He looked to his surroundings and down at his own body. He touched his arms and chest moving slowly as if he expected to be in pain. He seemed to come back to himself and took stock of the situation. He saw a dark brown horse tethered several feet from him grazing, and a small travel bag that had a letter attached to its top with his name on it right next to him, along with a saddle and bags off to the side.

He warily scanned the letter with a muttered, wandless spell. It came out clean but he still detached the letter with care. He looked it over. It was a plain white envelope with a light blue wax seal of several pillars and clouds. His name was written in a feminine hand with blue ink. He broke the seal carefully and removed the letter inside along with a photograph. He read it slowly blinked then read it over again while looking at the picture.

Dear Mr. Potter,

I regret to do this to you but you were the only one I could pull that I knew would be able to handle the situation. The situation as it is that I'm desperate. I know that you would rather be in your rightfully enjoyed afterlife but I needed someone with your knowledge and expertise. I have brought you to this world to help me.

I've watched it's future play out a few times in many different ways but they are all ones I do not like. You see in this world there is a great demon called the Kyuubi no kitsune he rampaged through a village of shinobi, or ninja. The shinobi fought long and hard. Finally the leader of the village, the Fourth Hokage, came in and sealed the beast into his own child for there was no real way to kill a demon of Kyuubi's caliber.

The Hokage perished after the Shinigami sealed the Kyuubi into the child. He wanted the child to be seen as a hero for what he held away from the village. But it was not to be. The child was shunned by his village and called monster, demon, and many other terrible things. They beat him in the streets with the full support of the crowd of villagers. The Third Hokage tries to help the child but the village's council would not stand for such favoritism.

In some of the futures he grows to happy though shunned and unloved, in others he grows up bitter and revenge seeking. In the happy ones he grows embittered at his treatment. He wears a mask of happiness while inside he is going crazy. In the bitter ones he walks the road of no return. I've brought you to one year after the Kyuubi's attack I need you to take in and care for and love the child that holds the Kyuubi. His name is Naruto Uzumaki though you might want to change that, it is to known. You may handle his care any way you see fit.

He needs someone to take care of him and I hope that person will be you. If you agree to being the one to help this child press a thumbprint of your blood to the end of this letter. If not send this letter up in flames, you shall wake to your placement on Hero's Square. Before you make any hasty decisions think about it. You will finally have someone to call family. I've brought you here as his blood so they can't take him from you. He will always be there for you. Who knows maybe you could find more children to take care for and have a real family.

I hope you will help me,


He finally let the last few lines register and quickly conjured a floor length mirror and saw himself. He was tall, taller than his old malnourished form. He had long blond hair that was pulled back in a pony tail. He wore a noble's haori, hakama, geta, and tabi that fit him quite nicely. He had and aristocratic look about him. He was relieved to see that even with the same coloring and quality he did not resemble a Malfoy. His skin was still tan and all of his old scars including 'that' one were gone.

He spoke and was surprised at the rich, soulful sound. All in all it was not a bad body and he was glad for the absent curse scar. Once he was done looking at himself he set down to think about what he should do. He thought for a moment then nodded resolutely. He knew there was no question that he was going to help the child. He carefully cut into one palm just enough to let a sliver of blood appear. He coated his thumb in it before healing the slight wound. He pressed the digit to the space provided and was soon engulfed with light.

Information sailed into his mind. Memories of things he knew he had not done assimilated with his mind. Knowledge came to him. He now knew everything a well informed aristocratic of the Shinobi Continent knew. He knew what his role was. He had played it for many years. He was to be the head of the Potter family as he had been doing these last few years after the Final battle with Voldemort. Some Deatheaters escaped and ended up killing him later on but that's beside the point. He had learned to be a great political mind from the best of the best, the Malfoys.

"When do you think he will notice us Gred?"

"I don't know Forge he seems pretty out of it."

Harry whirled around and saw the two people he thought he would never see again, at least not until he had passed on to the after life. They looked as he had always known them, maybe a bit older and toned, but there they were. All body parts were in their places, they were whole and beautiful. He swiftly made his way to them and embraced them in a hug. They returned the gesture with the same fervor.

"Wh-What? How did you get here I thought I was to be on my own here?" Asked harry.

"Well Harry old bean" Started Fred.

"You didn't actually think"

"That an aristocratic man"

"Would go anywhere without"

"His most trusted-"

"And lovable, don't forget that."

"To right, and lovable guards."

"The lovely Goddess decided to"

"Send us to you for company, and"

"So you could have someone to talk to"

"About our other life. Besides we've been"

"Watching over you and felt you could"

"Use a laugh. So there mate you're"

"Stuck with us." George finished.

Harry absorbed the extra information that came with seeing them. They were to keep him company in this new world so he wouldn't be too lonely or resentful about not be able to finally rejoin his friends and family in the after life. They caught up with each other for a bit before collapsing on the ground to plan their next move.

They were sitting a few hours run on horseback from the gates of Konoha they needed to plan what to do. He sat up and looked at the small travel bag and opened it. It held many more things than one would think but that didn't surprise him. He pulled out a folder of documents. Inside lay their information, basically their papers to get in the gate and the papers showing his relation to Naruto and his custody of him. The name of child slot on the adoption papers was left blank for his choice of Naruto's new name. He saw several bank statements and a deed to the Namikaze estate.

He took the papers he would need to get inside the gate and put them aside before closing the folder. He saw some extra clothes and other traveling necessities. He then scooted to the saddle bags and peered inside. They held blankets, food, and cooking equipment. There were some books but he decided to leave those alone till later. He noticed a katana that the saddle had hidden and reached for it. It was black in color. It looked well taken care of.

He gathered his thoughts while automatically reinforcing his shields. He finalized the plans with the twins before going to the horse. It was an even tempered palomino gelding. He rubbed its flank softly before gathering its saddle and blanket. He quickly put the saddle onto the horse making sure it was tightened well. He put the folder back into his travel bag with the gate papers set near the top. Harry secured the bag to the saddle in easy reach. He put the katana in its place on the saddle before easily climbing up. He practiced pulling the sword from its sheath a couple times before he was satisfied that he was not defenseless.

The twins cover were mercenary ninja who had pledged their allegiance the potter now Namikaze family. They kept up with harry with an apparent ease. It appeared that he wasn't the only one to get a knowledge transfer. They each wore a light brown and blue uniform that held the Namikaze wave crest. A katana was angle sideways across their shoulder blades to their hips. Their clothes were made in such a way that they looked to be mirror images of each other so as to confuse the enemy.

They went at a steady trot toward Konoha. Harry rode in front with a twin on each side of him slightly behind him playing their part very well. They looked around with serious eyes, looking for a threat to their longtime friend. Harry thought idly of what he would do when he arrived. He passed time looking at the seemingly endless trees before he came upon a large dirt road. Harry directed the horse down it and he soon saw the gates looming closer. Shinobi were stationed at the top of the wall every ten feet and on either side of the open gates. They slowed to a walk and stopped right next to one of them.

"Papers." The man said looking bored. Harry pulled out the papers he had set aside and handed them to the shinobi. The man looked them over before handing them back. They passed through the gate undisturbed. He dismounted and passed the reins in his hands to the Fred before setting of to the orphanage that Naruto currently resided in at a steady glide.

Fred led the horse to the stables he knew to be in the Namikaze estate while George followed after Harry. They soon came upon a building that looked so dilapidated that a swift wind could knock it over. Harry walked up to the door and knocked loudly before stepping backward lightly. The door opened to show a slightly pudgy woman who wore a fierce scowl on her face until she saw the quality of his clothes. She painted a smile onto her face that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"May I help you Milord?" She simpered in sickly sweet voice that reminded him of the Umbitch. He looked upon her with disdain.

"I have come here to this, ..., establishment to pick up my cousin Who I'm told resides here." He said in his no-nonsense voice. She nodded and fluttered her lashes at him while inviting him into the building. He and George walked into the tired building. "He should be around one years-old now with a similar appearance to me. The woman nodded and led them to the nursery. He looked upon the semi-clean room and saw six cribs. Only four of them held babies.

He looked to the one crib that was pushed to the other side of the room away from the other babies. Inside of it lay the child he had seen in the picture that came with the letter. That picture must have been taking just after birth because this child looked very different. His golden locks and skin was unwashed and he smelled of bodily waste. His ribs were peeking through the tattered blanket.

He turned fierce eyes upon the woman, "What is the meaning of the state of this child?" He looked to the other babies who were clean and healthy looking. "Surely You are not lacking in certain amenities judging by these other children." The woman sputtered made up excuses obviously trying to refer to the Kyuubi without breaking the Third's Law. "You will cease your babbling woman and know that the House of Namikaze will seek retribution. Come George." He gathered Naruto into his arms gently and left the room swiftly. The sputtering woman looked after the blond aristocratic with slight fear, then the fear was lost knowing no one cared about what happened to the demon brat.

Harry left the orphanage in a rage that was only calmed by looking down into the slightly frightened eyes of the young Namikaze. His expression immediately softened and he gave the child an encouraging smile. "George, what shall we do? Go to the estate maybe to get the little tyke cleaned up?"

George gave up his thoughts to go back and severely prank the horrible woman for later and quickly agreed with Harry. They walked through the streets unmolested due to Harry's large haori sleeves hiding the small bundle.

They soon arrived at the large gates of the Namikaze estate. The gate flashed and opened at his hand. The seals were a wonderment to look at. He walked quickly up the lane not giving a second glance to the slightly overgrown unkept lawn. He walked into the mansion and walked toward Fred who should know the house's layout by now.

"Where is the bathroom?" he said in a hurry. Fred immediately pointed him toward the master bath. Apparently the twin bond still worked well in this dimension. As he walked up the stairs he called back for one of them to buy some food for them and the baby along with some clothes for the little tyke.

He listened as one went out the door and the other followed him up to the bath. He looked back to Fred and smiled. He quickened his pace while Fred ran ahead to start the bath. He walked through the master suite without a second glance and went straight into the bathroom. He smiled at the large luxurious bathroom. He stripped himself and the child of clothes before sinking into the warm waters.

Fred walked out after placing the necessary bath things near Harry. Harry gently held Naruto to him as he took a washcloth and wetted the child then soaped him. He let the gentle circulating waters clean the dirt and grime away. He got the shampoo and put some in being careful of Naruto's eyes as it was not a baby shampoo. He took the cup that Fred had set near and gently tilted the child's head back to get the soap out with the poured water. The chid seemed a bit more active now that he was clean. He smiled and clapped at the water.

Harry smiled at his antics before rising out of the bath. He grabbed a towel and dried and wrapped Naruto in it then wrapping one around his hips. He walked out the door that connected the bath with the bedroom and saw the child's new clothing set out on the bed. It was a blue and white child's haori and hakama. He quickly dressed Naruto into the clothes before setting him down in the middle of the massive bad for a nap.

The child nodded right off after his rather exciting rescue. Harry looked around and saw his bags. He quickly dried and dressed in some new clothes before setting a ward to alert him if Naruto awoke and one to make sure he didn't roll off the bed while he was gone. He quietly exited the room after he grabbed the folder and found his way to the kitchen.

Their was the twins talking rapidly in their way while putting everything away. They went toward him after they were done and led him to the non-formal living room. They collapsed onto a couch together and just sat for a moment before getting onto business. They set the papers out on the coffee table and started talking about the situation. Harry signed the adoption forms along with some other papers. Fred told him of the layout of the house along with interesting things about the house that his spells had found out about the house. They discussed that they would need to hire a staff for the house/grounds, apply the wards to the house, and do the other necessary things.

They started out on the easiest of them and set off for the exact center of the estate with a handy little spell. The found themselves led to a hidden, underground cave that was carved and painted with all types of seals for protection and to ward away intruders. Harry keyed himself into those as the master of the house and Fred and George in as guards of the house. They would not need a pass to enter the grounds and house, as all others that would become part of the staff.

He put up a ward that would alert him if there was a visitor at the gates, one to tell him their intent, and one to allow him to eject an offender from the ground. He put up an anti-transportation ward that would keep shinobi from popping in with a shushin. Just for good measure he put up several others including an anti-scrying ward.

They later left the cave with a tired but happy gate. They went to the house to fix dinner for themselves and the child. Harry walked upstairs to the master suite and gathered the sleepy child. They returned downstairs to the twins. Harry fed the child the baby food in between bites of his own dinner. The twins made Naruto laugh by making funny faces and doing small magics for the child. Harry smiled and finally felt truly relaxed since he came to this place.

The smile slipped when he felt notifying him of a visitor. Their intent was not harm but it could turn that way. He looked to the twins and saw that they had felt the disturbance too. He passed Naruto to George and walked to his study while gesturing Fred to bring the guests to him. He settled into his comfortable chair behind his desk in his large office/study. He saw George come back into the office and thew him a questioning look. "I left Naruto to play with a clone." Harry nodded as the ninja knowledge that he knew came to the forefront and told him what George meant.

George walked behind Harry and faded into a corner as if he were never there. Harry set the wards around the room to where they were similar to the ones he had in his own office at home. A few moments later he heard a knock. He looked to a paper weight on his desk that always looked clear to everyone else but showed him everyone outside the door. He saw Fred, an old man in red robes along with a hat that said fire shadow most likely the Hokage, and a couple of shinobi in animal masks. He checked for anyone else on the grounds and only found a few more presences outside the gate.

"Enter." His checks had only taken a moment. He put on his politics/business face and looked down and started reading and signing papers on his desk. He gestured to the chairs in front of his desk as he finished up. He felt Fred fade into the other corner behind him just as he felt the other shinobi, no ANBU, fade into the opposite corners behind the Hokage. He finally looked up at the old man and addressed him.

"Your village has broken the Guardian Clause of the Namikaze treaty. I can understand your village not contacting us when Minato was orphaned as your village was on the verge of war but to not inform us that Minato had died and you did not call upon us to send a guardian for his child. We waited for several months as we understand that your village was recovering from the Kyuubi attack.

"But no more we set out to this village and what do I find when I come to gather my cousin? He is filthy, starved, and dressed in threadbare clothing while the other babies are clean, well-fed, and warmly dressed." He had looked at the old man during his entire tirade. He had looked confused at the mention of the Clause and he paled as he heard the rest.

He took a deep breath after he looked into the old man's mind and saw that he genuinely didn't know what he was talking about when he mentioned the Clause and he was not able to do anything for the child as it would have been labeled favoritism and he only had control over shinobi action and Naruto was most certainly not a shinobi.

"I can see you are confused, let's start over I am the Prince of the land of the Sun. When the founders of your village came to the Namikaze family in search of allies to make their dreams of a better shinobi village a success we granted them a branch of our Family to help you fight and become citizens of your village to enforce the ties of friendship.

"We made a treaty with them and one of the major Clauses of it was there was always to be an adult Namikaze or a guardian appointed by the Namikaze family to take care of any children of the Namikaze blood line. Your village was to send word to us if something were to happen to the adults so there would always be someone to ease the child into the Namikaze bloodline and inheritance." He looked back at the old man and waited for him to speak.

"I can see where your family would be upset. I had no idea of this Clause you speak of. I knew that the Namikaze family was one of the first Konoha families along with the Hyuuga and Uchiha but I have never had the chance to read the Namikaze Treaty as it was sealed. I am unable to read it unless I get a majority vote by the council that it needed to be opened. Now that I think of it I did not know why it was sealed just that it was during the transition of my becoming Hokage and the Nidaime dying.

"A lot of documents were sealed by the civilian council at the time in hopes of taking over but we able to stop it. We unsealed many documents but the Hokage's authority have dwindled down over the years of peace. And as you have said there have been many problems along the way with going over those documents." The Hokage looked thoughtful to the young twenty-some odd Prince.

"I can see the problem. I had already decided to stay here to oversee the Namikaze family holdings and investments and to judge if this village was the best place for a Namikaze child to grow. My father sent me here to care for him and to uphold our place in the village of Konoha. Most likely we shall stay here my father is still young yet. We shall be settling in for the next few days. I expect some business shall take some time to oversee. Also I shall seek reparations for the ill treatment of my cousin."

"Of course. We will try to be of any type of help to you as need be. I do hope you will be joining us next Wednesday to oversee the Namikaze council seat?" The Hokage inquired.

"Yes I should be able to get the most pressing of tasks done by then. I shall see you at the meeting Hokage-san." Harry rose and extended a hand. The Hokage did the same and they clasped hands and bowed slightly. Harry raised a hand and George immediately emerged from his corner to escort the shinobi off the property.

Harry sighed and flopped back into his chair when he felt their auras leave the wards. Harry looked over at Fred and saw that the twin was holding back a laugh at Harry's abrupt change in attitude. Harry pouted and left the room to see his cousin. He walked to where his wards told him Naruto was. He walked into the non-formal living room and saw Naruto drooling all over the poor clone. The clone gratefully handed over the infant before dispelling itself with a poof of white smoke.

He looked up and saw that Fred had returned and smiled. "It looks like it's time to turn in. Good-night Fred, George." Harry yawned after receiving their good nights and walked upstairs to his bedroom. He stripped down to his boxers and placed Naruto onto the bed near just in case. As he drifted off to sleep he thought that he needed to buy a crib or find one in the house.

End Chapter one.

AN: Okay folks I hope you enjoy the new story. When they go traveling later who should he pick up or adopt. I was thinking Kimimaru, what do you think?