Disclaimer: Me no own, you no sue.

When Axel woke up on his own, he was surprised to see Zexion practically cuddled up to him. The Prince was fast asleep; they had barely rested since their escape. Axel closed his eyes again, deciding that he didn't mind Zexion's presence. In fact, he rather liked the idea of the small Prince lying next to him.

However, it was not to be.


Axel barely had time to roll off the bed before a brown blur landed on the spot he had just vacated. Zexion's eyes opened, and he yawned. Clearly it took a lot to excite him.

"Axel! Come on," the brown blur, materialized as a young boy, whined. Axel peeked over the edge of the bed.

"Sora, I have told you that I am not actually a pillow and therefore likely to be severely injured when you jump on me," he said calmly. Sora pouted.

"I know, but you've been gone so long!"

"Excuse me, but you're on my leg," Zexion interrupted. Sora seemed to just notice him.

"Who are you?" he asked, eyes narrowing.

"Prince Zexion of Atlantica," Zexion replied, narrowing his eyes right back. There was something about the kid that he desperately disliked. Sora snorted and turned to Axel.

"Axeeeel, who is he? He's not your fiancé or anything, is he? Why's he sleeping with you?" he whined, grabbing Axel's hands as the redhead got back on the bed.

"He's a hostage, and he's sleeping with me because it makes him feel better to have a familiar face. You're acting like a child again, Sora," Axel admonished gently, patting the little brunette's head. Zexion fidgeted as Sora hugged Axel tightly.

"I was scared…I thought they were gonna kill you!" the boy cried, burying his face in Axel's shoulder. Axel hugged him back, smiling slightly.

"I really am okay, Sora. Don't worry."

"But Saix! They still have Saix, are they going to keep him forever?" Sora asked, pulling back enough to look into Axel's face.

"No, Sora. We're going to trade Zexion for him." Axel smiled at Zexion over Sora's head.

"But Xemnas just announced that Saix is his concubine! Like really his concubine!"


Axel ran into Cloud's throne room. The King was holding a scroll, speechless as he read over the news within.

"Saix actually…consented?" Axel asked, reading the scroll over Cloud's shoulder.

"Yes. Though there has to be more to this than…that."

"He must have tortured Saix into it. Finally broken him somehow," Axel whispered, his fist clenching around the paper.

"What could he have done? From what Demyx said, he'd already raped him." Cloud gently removed the scroll from Axel's grasp and rolled it up.

"Threatened someone? I don't know, Cloud, but I do know that Saix would never consent to being Xemnas' anything, much less a concubine, without duress."

Zexion listened from his place at the throne room doors. He had some ideas as to how Xemnas could have gotten Saix's consent, but none were easy on the stomach. His cousin had a knack for achieving his goals and a penchant for serious torture. Zexion snapped out of his reverie when he heard his name.

"Offer Zexion to his aunt in exchange for Saix!" Axel begged Cloud.

"I can't now. Saix's consent means that he's no longer a hostage. I'm sorry, Axel, but Zexion is no longer any use to us and Saix is stuck in his own boat until we get rid of Xemnas."

"He is useful! His mother will give us anything for her son – plans, a truce, anything! Use it!" Axel didn't even seem to be aware that Zexion was standing there, listening to a man he admired talk about him like he was nothing but a rock to be tossed around. The Prince's eyes filled with tears, but he forced them back.

You couldn't possibly have thought that he'd look at you any other way.

"Besides, we can't just keep him here. That's not fair to him," Axel continued.

"You know killing him as an example would be best," Cloud murmured.

"Never. You'll have to go through me." Axel's fists clenched tightly; Zexion's eyes widened at the vehemence of the statement. Cloud sighed.

"Axel, you're being irrational."

"You're being cruel."

They stared at each other for a long moment, neither blinking much less breaking. The silence was palpable, thick and suffocating.

"…all right. I won't kill him. I'll contact Queen Maleficent and ask her what she'll give in exchange for her nephew." Cloud looked away from Axel, muttering under his breath. Axel smirked, giving Zexion the idea that he might be used to winning.

"Thank you, Cloud."


Axel turned and saw Zexion standing there. His eyes widened.

"Zexion? Did you hear all of that?" he asked. Zexion nodded, swiftly wiping his eyes. Axel sighed and went to him, gently tilting his head back.

"I won't let anything happen to you. Didn't I promise that?" he whispered.

"Yes. I trust you." Zexion hesitated, and then wrapped his arms around Axel's waist. The hug seemed to surprise the redhead, but after a moment Zexion felt strong arms embrace his shoulders.


Xemnas practically pranced to the dungeons, twirling a set of keys around his finger. He stopped at the entrance to one particular cell.

"Saix, darling, are you awake?" he called through the door. The rustling of chains gave him his answer, so he unlocked the cell and opened it. Saix's hands were chained above him, keeping him in a sitting position. He looked up, growling low in his throat, as Xemnas entered.

"Done being ridiculous, beautiful?" Xemnas cooed, kneeling in front of Saix and lifting his head. Saix closed his eyes tightly as Xemnas pulled him into a harsh kiss; his fists clenched around his chains, the only protest he could bring himself to make.

As Xemnas pulled away, his hand slipped down to feel the wetness on Saix's legs.

"Your scream is beautiful," he purred, "But I long to hear you say the words."

"I will be your concubine, you sick bastard, if only to keep that knife away from me. But I will never say those words," Saix hissed, moving his legs away.

"Fair enough…for now." Xemnas unlocked Saix's chains and lifted the other man into his arms as though he were a child. Saix hung limply, unwilling to struggle as Xemnas carried him out of the cold dungeon.