Spade walked out of the safehouse, covered in blood.

He'd have to take a hot shower later.

Maybe when he caught up with Rose.

For now, he'd have to get out of here before the--


Two black Caprices pulled up. As well as a bunch of NYPD cars.


United States Marshal Thomas Crawford and Federal Agent William Rustle of the Snypa Task Force exited the car, guns drawn. In the other car was the Sentencer Task Force.

"Come on, Spade. You know the routine."

Spade: "Damn, Crawford. You just don't quit, do you?"

Spade put his hands above his head.

Rustle: "Where's Rose?"

Spade: "Don't know."

Crawford seethed with anger as he marched up to Spade, grabbing him by the lapels of his coat.

"Where's my daughter, you bastard?"

Spade spat in his face.

"None of your business."

Crawford was about pop Spade one, but Rustle grabbed him.

"Don't let him get you riled up. Just put the cuffs on and bring him in."

And suddenly cylinders began to drop from the sky.

Keaton: "Flashbangs! Someone's trying to spring him!"

And in the fashion that seems to be the strange love-hate relationship between Spade and Crawford, the vigilante grabbed the Marshal by the wrists and delivered a nose-breaking headbutt. Following up, he shoved Crawford into the blinded Rustle and headed through the smoke straight toward the Mooncopter that hovered in the air. Aboard the helicopter, he could see Jones, Night Thrasher and Rose.

Each one with grenade launchers and firing 40mm flashbang rounds.

Spade reached deep into his trenchcoat and pulled out a zipline gun given to him by Night Thrasher as he pointed it toward the chopper and fired. The zipline pulling him up, Spade let out a whoop of excitement.

"Better luck next time, Crawford!"

Spade climbed inside, Night Thrasher shutting the hatch.

The cops pointed the guns at the Mooncopter.

Keaton: "Hold your fire! They won't attack us!"

Spade let out an exhale before finally getting to his feet. He looked over at Moon Knight, who was at the controls.

"Took you long enough!"

Moon Knight, turning around: "Shut the fuck up and be grateful I saved your ass."

Spade shut up as Moon Knight left the area, finally getting back to the Moon Knight's command center at least 20 minutes later and where Castle was waiting.

Everyone got off as they went toward an elevator and boarded, letting it take them down into a what looked like a bar...where Domino, Widow, Elektra, Gora, Domino, Carmilla, Americop, and Deadpool were waiting. Basically, anyone wearing a mask except Deadpool unmasked themselves and poured themselves glasses of alcohol and took seats. Jones and Elektra were the only ones who did not pour alcohol for themselves.

Spade specifically asked for Amsterdam. Instead of getting a glass, he grabbed the whole bottle and took swigs from it. Also, he grabbed a two-liter of Tropicana Orangeade. He sat down at a table with Jones and Castle, who was drinking shots from a bottle of Wild Turkey. He sighed.

"Hey, guys...can I thank you for your help in this mission?"

Jones: "I didn't have a problem working with you. Just wish I could've called the DOGs or GUARD or something."

Spade: "Speaking of which, how's old Chuck doing? It's been a while since I seen him."

Jones: "I remember hearing about that time you two snuck on a cargo plane and went overseas with the Marines. Going after Osama, were you?"

Spade: "Well, though I don't believe in this bullshit war going on right now, I had to do my part to show my support. And I think if they had a few guys like them, this sucker would be all bottled up and we'd be drinking with our soldiers right now."

Spade turned to Castle.

"Hey, man. I still owe you a drink. You saved my life once and I hadn't forgotten about it."

Castle looked up.

"Don't think twice about it, Spade. Because you owe me two bottles of whiskey."

Spade smiled, finding that Castle still had a sense of humor.

Jones: "I'd like to thank you, Frank, for having my back against Tombstone. Even though I did not need it."

Castle to Jones: "Tombstone had to go. He was a pain in the ass of New York."

Spade to Both: "Fuck it. How about we stop counting up who owes who and just drink to the fact that we gave New York back to its people?"

Castle: "I'll drink to that."

Jones: "Well, I guess I'll drink to that, too. Pour me some gin, Damijin? Hold the juice."

Spade: "That's what I'm talkin' about!"

Spade passed the bottle to Jones, who didn't say anything but just drank some gin anyway.

Rose came over to the guys.

Rose: "Dami, you're not getting too drunk, are you?"

Dami gave Rose a kiss on the lips.

"No, I won't get drunk."

"Good, because I have a surprise for you."

Moon Knight smiled in good nature.

"There's a room in the back, guys."

And so, Rose led Spade to the room by the hand, where they would celebrate the joy of life...

The Wedding's Close, Four Months Later, Undisclosed Location:

Rose and Spade agreed to stay in New York City for a while, and held the wedding there as agreed. New York's favorite vigilantes and bad-asses also came, even SHIELD agents. Among the B-and-C list were the Lady Punisher, U.S. Agent, Battlestar, White Tiger Kevin Cole, Payback, Prowler, the Black Cat, Rhodes without his War Machine armor, the son of the Black Captain America: Josiah X.

"By the power vested in me by the Lord God Almighty, I pronounce you husband and wife."

Spade smiled at the ring on his finger and at his bride.

"You may kiss your bride."

Spade nodded at the minister as he turned and kissed Rose.

Heavy metal played as the two walked back down the aisle, bridesmaids and groomsmen following.

Rose tossed the bouquet, which were actual flowers...and Frank Forello's balls were in there somewhere. The women fought for a few minutes, actually throwing punches...

In the end, the Dragon Reeper came out with the bouquet. She looked and saw the testicles in there before shaking her head.

"Here, you can have it."

She tossed it again, where the Black Widow actually caught it.

"I'm sure Fury will like this."

Nick Fury, bald head and eyepatch, was in the crowd and chomping on a cigar. He looked over at Spade and gave a thumbs-up.

After that, Spade tossed the black wedding garner out to the men. Americop caught it.

And so, the newlyweds continued their walk to a black Puma IFV, just like the one they rode in when they first met. They waved to the crowd of superheroes and anti-heroes before getting into the infantry fighting vehicle that they would take to their honeymoon....

One Year Later and Back In Los Angeles:

Spade was exiting an abandoned building, racking up more bodies. As he went back to his Lamborghini, he pressed a button.

The makeshift drug factory exploded. Luckily, the street it was on was also abandoned. No innocents to get caught up.

"And now, I'm out of here."

Spade got in the car and closed the door, speeding out of there. He made it back to where his latest headquarters was, where Ty was.

"Tyrone, so what's it gonna be?"

Ty: "Well, Dami- you got your wish. You're gonna have a boy."

Spade: "Hopefully, he doesn't grow up to be as fucked up as his old man."

Tyrone: "What you gonna name him?"

Spade: "I don't know. But I guess Torrance sounds like a good name...."


Coming Soon: Faded Existence: A Burning Fury(Edit)