Chapter One: Stranger on the Train

My parents kissed me on both cheeks as I bade them farewell on the platform.

"And remember, Hermione," said my dad, escorting me onto the Hogwart's Express. "You've only got one year left before your Newt's, so this is your last opportunity to have a fun year in school. Make the most of it."

"I will," I said, giving him one last hug. "I'll be fine. See you at Christmas."

"See you later, kiddo."

I made my way through the crammed corridor of the train, which by now was packed full of panicking first year's wondering where to go and other students savouring the last few glimpses of their families before yet another school year began.

I could hear my best friends, Harry and Ron, before I found which compartment they were sitting in. They were probably laughing over something completely pathetic and idiotic, as boys do. Their minds never fail to amaze me.

"Hey, Hermione," they both greeted me, giving me a somewhat awkward hug, seeing as I hadn't saw them in a couple of months. I was busy in Greece with my parents all summer, researching ancient Greek mythology, a subject taught in most muggle schools. It was highly fascinating, of course, but I'd take Transfiguration with these two morons quicker any day.

"Good summers?" I asked them, taking a seat next to Harry.

"Mine was pathetic," he said. "Unless you count going bowling on Dudley's birthday fun and him deliberately dropping a heavy bowling ball on my foot, causing me to spend the whole day in the emergency waiting room in the hospital."

I gave him a worried look.

"Don't worry – its fine now," he smiled, pointing to his shabby trainers, which, by all accounts, looked completely normal to me.

"Ron?" I said.

"Mine was fine," he replied, just as the train was rolling out of the station.

"I think something's up with my dad though. He kept telling me, Fred, George and Ginny to be extra safe this year, to only socialise with people who we know, stay away from strangers, that kind of thing. I would have thought that it was pretty normal until he said he'd send owls every week to make sure we were okay. Maybe something's wrong at the Ministry."

"Or maybe he actually cares about you," Harry said. "Unlike my family who would rather I was eaten by a giant mushroom than return back to them this summer."

"Still though," I said, trying to be impartial. "It does seem a little strange if he was constantly going on at you about it. Most kids learn that stuff when they're five…"

I was left to ponder in my not-very-productive train of thought for a few moments until the compartment door slid open suddenly, revealing the familiar yet slightly older looking figure of –

"Dumbledore!" Harry and Ron shouted together.

"Harry, Ron, Hermione," he smiled, placing a hand on the doorframe to keep his balance. "I hope you all had a lovely summer."

I exchanged a confused glance with Harry and Ron before he spoke again.

"Of course," he said. "You are probably wondering why I am paying you such a visit right now. I usually wouldn't see any students until the start of term feast, let alone be on this train. Let me see now, um… Matthew?" he called, looking to his left.

A boy, around our age, I would guess, came round the corner and into view. His bronze hair was flopped over his head untidily and his round, brown eyes stood out boldly. Even at a first glance I could tell he was just about the most handsome guy I had ever seen, and that's coming from someone who is not generally interested in boys. His skin was very pale (was he ill?) and he seemed very well built-up for a boy his age. He stared at me.

"Harry, Ron, Hermione," said Dumbledore. "I would like you to meet, Matthew, Matthew Cullen."

Harry and Ron looked taken aback, probably due to Matthew's masculinity and incredibly good looks. I, however, remained mystified.

"Matthew is a new student and will be in your year this year. I have no doubts that you will make him feel extremely welcome and look after him if necessary. I trust you wouldn't mind him sitting in your compartment with you for the rest of this journey?"

"No, not at all," I said, still in awe of his beauty.

"Jolly good," smiled Dumbledore. "In you go, Matthew."

Matthew sat down on the vacant seat next to Ron, who (I think) shivered slightly when his robes brushed past him.

"I'll be with the trolley lady if you need anything, going to go get me some chocolate frogs…"

He tuned and closed the compartment door, leaving the four of us alone.

Silence lingered in the air. Harry was the first to speak. "So, uh, Matthew… have you met any other students yet?"

"No," Matthew replied instantly, his tone harsh and cold.

"Oh, well, um, I'm Harry." He put his hand out in a friendly manner, and after a few awkward seconds, Matthew shook it.

"I'm supposed to be on the other train," he said, still staring at me.

"I beg your pardon?" I said. What was he talking about?

"The other train, where all of my friends are. That's where I'm supposed to be."

I gave Ron and Harry a sceptical look. Was this guy insane?

"Sorry, but we don't follow," I said, politely.

It obviously took a few seconds for my words to register in Matthew's brain. He gasped aloud. "You mean you don't know?" he said, still directing his speech at me.

"Um… no." I said, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Oh," he said, apparently dumbfounded. "Well, I guess you'll find out soon enough then." He looked down at the floor. It appeared as though he didn't know what to say.

"What do you mean by the other train? Are there… more new students?" asked Ron.

Oh for Gods sake, Ron, I thought. How stupid can you be? Everyone knows that there is only one train that goes to Hogwarts. The other students must be somewhere else.

"There is another train, full of pupils from my school in Washington. Our school is closing down, so we have no choice but to go to yours for this term, no matter how inconvenient and stupid it may be."

His fingers clenched into tight fists and he seemed to shake a little.

"Are y-you okay?" I asked, growing more and more concerned. If this was his idea of a joke, feeding us with a pack of lies and then pretending that he was some psychopath…

"I'm…fine," he said through clenched teeth. "Just… gimme a second."

He stared out of the window, almost in a trance, trying to control himself from what I could gather.

"Maybe I should get - "

"No," he said. "I'm fine, really. I just…lost control."

At that moment, I noticed that Harry had his wand clutched firmly in his right hand, as if ready to aim, a pose that mirrored Ron's.

I gave them a warning look and put my hand on Matthew's shoulder.

Geez, he was freezing cold. He's definitely ill.

"Would you like some water or - "

"Oh hell no, how on earth could I drink that?" he snapped.

I retreated to my seat and decided to let him continue with his…moment. Boys can be awfully stubborn sometimes.

We sat in silence for another hour or so. I didn't want to strike up a conversation with Ron or Harry, for fear that Matthew might feel left out. And I certainly didn't want to talk to him any more. He was extremely… strange. He seemed to have calmed down though, and recovered from however he was…feeling. All the while, he stared at me. At first for just a few seconds, but then the staring became more and more pronounced, quite creepy. Harry and Ron noticed to, seeing as they hadn't let go of their wands and were poised in awkward positions. Especially Ron, who was barely even sitting on the edge of his seat, more like in a crouched position at the side, wanting to get as far away from Matthew as possible without being rude.

After some time, Matthew stood up extremely fast, without warning, making the three of us jump violently.

"Listen," he said, still staring at me. "I realise I might not have made the best first impression of myself, and I hope you forgive me. I was extremely rude and selfish, and I hope you don't judge me on that. Its not how I usually behave around ladies, such as yourself."

Ron made a gagging noise and Harry stifled a laugh. I felt flattered, as if all of the weirdness had never occurred.

He held out a hand. "Friends?" he smiled.

I prepared myself for the coldness this time. "Friends," I smiled back, shaking his hand.

He turned to Ron. "How about you?" he said, extending his arm once more.

"Friends," muttered Ron, who had gone into one of his annoying mood swings on acknowledging the fact that Matthew was probably a nice guy. Talk about PMS…

"Can I ask you a really rude question?" he said to me, his gaze locked on my eyes.


"Are you wearing perfume?"

I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks. "Um…no."

"Oh," he said, his back now facing me. It was such a swift movement that I barely even saw it.

"Please," I said. "Can I get the nurse? You are absolutely freezing and I'm not sure if you are feeling to well…"

He never responded. He just sat there, like a statue.

Lots of noise was coming from outside in the corridors and I gathered that we must be in Hogsmeade. Myself, Harry and Ron stood up, and I reached up to get my bag from the over-head compartment.

"Um… Matthew," I said, carefully. "We're here now. You can get your stuff and make your way to the thestrals. I'm sure you know what they are. You can come with us, if you'd like - "

And with another movement, so fast I wasn't sure if it had happened, he was gone.