Honey and Blood

Disclaimer: Alas, another idea with Barricade! Only this time, it has pairings from the film. I decided I liked the idea of Mikaela and Barricade and wanted to try it out. Frenzy will be among them, only because I love the little Demon Seed so. I may use quotes from the movie, so if you see them, I do not own them. I thought it best to do that as a means of establishing the film's chronological order, just as I had done with In Too Deep. This little fic was inspired by the art of "down boy" by prisonsuit-rabbitman. Sorry about the odd title, but it will make sense as the fic progresses.

"The honey in the flower or lotus does not crave for bees; they do not plead with the bees to come. Since they have tasted the sweetness, they themselves search for the flowers and rush in. They come because of the attachment between themselves and sweetness. So, too, is the relationship between the woman who knows the limits and the respect she evokes."

-Sri Sathya Sai Baba

"Every man is the builder of a temple, called his body, to the god he worships, after a style purely his own, nor can he get off by hammering marble instead. We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones."

-Henry David Thoreau

By: VampireQueenAkasha

"Autobots, foul Autobots, here we come. Let our long war resume-and let it end here."

—Barricade, Transformers: Ghosts of Yesterday


The chase ended quickly for me.

I don't think I could have survived if I had not have fallen off of that hominid highway. Frenzy was dreadfully injured and I have yet to see signs of him. All that I have heard was his S.O.S signal he sent long after his Spark signature seemingly faded. I nearly perished before I could reach him. I still may.

In fact, all I have left is this Primus-forsaken highway and the ever passing of human vehicles. I cannot move from this topographic point because of the damages I have suffered. It is a pity its come to this. Myself, lying back here, life's fluid leaking out of every core...

I suppose it's best not to make any abrupt moves, lest my position be picked up by the Autobots. It would be more horrid if I were to die by their hand. And yet I don't think others will come for me. Certainly not Starscream. He has his own agenda, of course. No Decepticon alive has ever risked himself for some other. It's strange that my existence should end here in such a non civilized place. Strange that I should perish here.

But Megatron has not called me. He has not sent for me. So maybe my purpose has ended with him. Maybe that is just how it was meant to be. Me, alone; my last days here to die. Not even Frenzy is here with me, as he always had been.

I never had much of a purpose anyway...

Still, it is an honor to die at Lord Megatron's wishes. Even though I cannot see myself dead on this planet, if it is what Lord Megatron wishes...then I will gladly give my life for him.


(Highway, several miles from Mission City)

Barricade rode alongside Bonecrusher, engine roaring at full power. His sirens went off, making any attempt to clear the way to avoid any suspicion and allow them more maneuvering room. Of course, Bonecrusher chose a more violent gesture. The Buffalo mine protected vehicle shoved passed smaller human vehicle drones and Bonecrusher utilized his "fork", shoving them aside like refuse. Each one flipped through the air, shattering metal and no doubt, small human frames.

"Devastator will cut them off at the city," Barricade replied, "Our mission is to slow them down until Lord Megatron arrives."

Bonecrusher watched as the two fleshlings inside Bumblebee glanced back at him. Their lips moved and they frantically spoke their rough, alien language, alerting the Autobot they sat inside. His audio receptors picked up the male fleshlings' words. The one known as ladiesman217. One that caused him to react and move forward.

"The human has recognized you, Barricade." Bonecrusher hissed, "Get out of sight!"

Barricade found this to be without any feasible point and yet, required to move forward. If Bonecrusher wanted to face them, that was his choice alone. Barricade, personally, did not want to be up against all of those Autobots himself. Still, it was best not to offer argument in such a situation, so he merely pulled over at the side of the freeway, out of the way and to observe the battle. He would not interfere unless needed.

"The outcome of this is quote obvious, either way..." he mused, to himself.

Bonecrusher rolled through the concrete freeway, bellowing a challenge at the Autobot Leader as he transformed into his hideous robot mode. Barricade, truthfully, did not think any less of the bigger mech's outward appearance. He considered Bonecrusher's "personal problems" irrelevant and without any necessary means to their mission. But Bonecrusher used his bitterness and loathing about it against the Autobots and that was a far better use than self-pity.

Barricade watched as Bonecrusher threw himself at Optimus Prime with a full-throated scream. Both mechs collapsed along the edge of the highway and toppled over, exchanging blows. Barricade rushed to observe the battle, and felt himself hit dead on by another vehicle. He grunted sharply, his frame nearly denting from such horrible impact.

Ironhide. The massive GMC Topkick saw it fit to intervene and make sure he did not get in the fight.

"Back of, Ironhide!" Barricade hissed, menacingly. His rough, baritone voice carried a mocking hint in his next words. "Go and take care of your comrades, they need their big blunder to save them!"

"You ain't gettin' near them, Barricade." Ironhide snapped back, "Come and take a walk with me!"

Ironhide's wheels shouldered roughly into his own, sending sparks in the air from the metal rubbing together. Barricade grunted sharply and struggled to veer out of the way, but in truth, he was no match for Ironhide's broader frame and was forced into a concrete pillar with a sickening cracking sound. The impact alone nearly knocked him out.

And all Barricade could recall before he offlined was he was flying through the air, alone.

As he always was.



Note-And here is the start of my next Barricade fic! Read and stay tuned for more! Sorry if it seems a little...emo.