Ummmmmm…. Hi…?

Here is the new chapter so no killing please!!!!

I don't own the Teen Titans…sigh…if only

Lei paced back and forth. Chang had been typing on his computer for more than thirty minutes, and it was really starting to grate on Lei's nerves. "Well," he asked finally breaking the relative silence as he came to stand directly behind Chang's chair. "Can you make him female or not?"

"Patience my friend, patience." Chang turned and leered up at the frustrated man behind him. "Remember that impatience is what made gave you those powACK. Chang choked as Lei's hand closed around his throat.

"Remember too, my dear professor, that it would be easy for me to blast you with a wave of depressions so severe that I could just sit back and watch you commit suicide." Lei squeezed the man's windpipe slightly and watched as he turned faintly blue. With a casual flick Lei removed his hand for the greasy professor's throat as he threw him to the ground. "Now I'll ask you again since you had a hard time hearing the first time. Can you make the changeling female?"

"Yes!" Chang rasped out as he massaged his bruised throat. He heaved his aching body back into his chair, one hand still clutching his throat. "In order for his powers to work his DNA must be able to change and evolve at the drop of a hat. All I have to do in order to make him a her is inject his male chromosome with a female component, and then I can freeze his DNA strand with another chemical. This will make his powers cease to function, but he will be female."

"Will it hurt, not being able to use her powers?" Lei glanced over at Beast Boy's prone figure which was strapped to a gurney across the room.

Chang sneered. "It shouldn't but you never can tell with things like this. What I want to know is how you expect him to fall in love with you after you kidnapped him, and then changed him into a her."

Lei raised his eyebrow at the sneering tone of the slimy man but he ignored it, for now. Pulling out a small pendant on a simple silver chain out of his pocket, Lei handed it to Chang. The man examined it with his gloved hand for a minute before handing it back. "You fused your powers into a piece of jewelry?" Chang asked incredulously.

Lei held the pendant up to the dim light of the lab. The red jewel in the pendant sparkled and gleamed with a darkly alluring inner light. "Yes, I have poured all my lust and love into the stone. The minute this pendant touches her skin it will affect her emotions for as long as she wears it. The pendant also secretes a memory blocking agent that can be absorbed thru the skin. So when she wakes, she will know nothing but the fact that she loves me and wants me."

"Now," said Lei as he tucked the necklace back into his pocket. "Let us finish this professor. I am most anxious to properly meet my lover."

Nodding Chang pulled an test tube filled with a silver liquid from a rack near his computer. Pulling a syringe out of a nearby drawer he inserted the needle into the thin rubber cap of the test tube. After filling the syringe with the silver substance, Chang approached the prone green changeling. Pulling back the sheet covering the boy Chang inserted the needle into one of the veins running up his wiry arm. The boy's spandex suit had been removed leaving Beast Boy mostly bare save for a white tank top and his boxers. Chang finished injecting the boy and then he ripped the needle from his arm leaving a thin trail of crimson in its wake.

For a few moments Beast Boy lay still with a peaceful expression on his face as though he was merely sleeping. The illusion was shattered a few seconds later as the fluid began to wreak havoc on the boy's DNA. The boy's face twisted into an expression of pain as he began to writhe against the straps keeping him firmly against the cold metal. Soft whimpers of pain echoed around the cave like lab. Lei moved forward and watched the teen excitedly as Chang monitored the heart rate and other vital signs of the changeling.

The first visible changes started in his face. His face became much softer as the cheekbones and jaw line became less pronounced. The boy's lips gained the palest of pink tints as they became fuller. "And more kissable," Lei noted with growing anticipation. The lashes on the boy's eyes became slightly fuller and darker. Then the hair started growing. Olive green locks cascaded down from BB's scalp till there was a pool of soft silky hair around the changeling's head.

Green arms became less muscled but no less slender. The hands of the changeling softened as the fingers and nails lengthened. The narrow upper chest lost the little muscle that it possessed as breasts began to bloom under the tank top. Lei moved the sheet back up and over the green figure so that the expanding chest was obscured from the leering of the slimy professor who had moved back to the gurneys edge another syringe containing a violently red liquid in hand.

"When the transformation is over the system will give us signal. This must be injected into her as soon as it can or the DNA will try to go back to its original configuration." Chang was watching her vitals closely as he waved the syringe towards Lei. "Care to do the honors?"

Lei took the syringe and placed the tip of the needle against the hole the previous needle had already made. "NOW." Lei shoved the needle in and injected the blood red fluid deep into the green arm as the system started beeping violently. The petite girl gave a blood curdling scream as the beeping died down. Then all was quiet as the green changeling lay prone once more.

Chang moved back toward the computer. He typed for a moment. "It worked. The DNA is holding and not shifting at all. She is now 100% female."

Lei looked down at the now female changeling. He carefully undid the straps holding her to the table. Pulling the pendant back out of his pocket Lei placed it around her neck and tucked it under the sheet so that the stone could touch her skin. "Let's go home my sweet." Lei whispered to the green girl as though she could hear him. "I have so much I want to show you."

"Lei." Chang had oozed his way back toward the gurney and was standing directly behind the much taller man. "Before you leave I expect my payment." The professor wheezed in excitement at the thought of all the money Lei had promised.

Lei stiffened for a moment.

"Ah yes… your payment." Chang froze at the dark undercurrent Lei's voice carried. Before he could run the man had grabbed him around the neck again. Lei's eyes had become completely black and there was a demonic smirk on his lips as he watched the weak professor claw in vain at the strong fist curled around his pale throat. "Now professor how should I repay you for all you have done for me?"

Chang croaked. "Pplease don…"

"Don't what my dear professor? Kill you? Oh don't worry." Lei purred slightly easing the pressure on the man's windpipe. "I won't be killing you." Lei pushed the man into the wall as he leaned in close to the man's ear. "I will be leaving that pleasure to you." Chang screamed as Lei shot a bolt of black energy straight into his heart.

Lei left the lab a little later with a sheet cloaked bundle cradled against his chest.

Behind him Chang's dead body swung from the ceiling. A rope wrapped around his now snapped neck.

I am so so sorry that it has taken me so long to update. I promise that I have abandoned this or any of my other stories. Please bear with me and my slow updates. I hope you liked this new chapter which featured (trumpet noise) the transformation of Beast Boy. This was the version of the transformation that I liked best and believe me I have retyped this chapter more times then I care to count trying to get the transformation the way I wanted it. Hopefully it didn't suck to badly. Anyway please review and tell me what you think. I want to know what I can improve on guys so don't be afraid to slam me in your review. Love to all and Happy (late) Holidays.