「Don't you know, don't you know? Efforts aren't always rewarded. 」

That's what she said to me.



Ever since I was a kid, girls would always go goo-goo eyed over me. I was never really all that interested in girls, for one because they were too much of a hassle for me to deal with, what with all their incessant whining for attention and need to be made pretty. If you were truly pretty, then you wouldn't need all that make-up and fake eyelashes, right? I guess that means that those women were ugly as they could get.

The second reason was that there was already someone in my heart. She was pure as an angel and didn't need to do much extra to be a wonderful person, both inside and out. Who was that person? Well, I'm aware that it was against the course of nature, but I couldn't help it, you know? But, anyways, that person was.. my older twin sister, Rin.


This is based on Len's song "Spice!". It's a good pop-ish song. You should listen to it.