Events Unfold

I walked out my sister's office, leaving Tammy with them. My sister was still smacking against the wall trying to get it down, trying to get to me. She wanted to know what I was thinking and what I was planning, but I couldn't let her know. She would stop me before I even made up my mind to go through with the plans or not. I walked quietly down the halls of the castle, trying not to look at the faces surrounding who were all looking at me for answers. I wanted to tell them that I may be their king, but that doesn't mean I know all the answers to their questions.

"King Luc!" I turned to the sound of my voice and saw a young boy running towards me; I didn't know who he was until he got much closer. He was Althalos younger brother, in training to become a guard. "I have something I wanted to ask you; I couldn't go to my brother since he's a little angry right now."
"Go ahead I'm used to being asked questions, but I can't promise that I'll the answer." He fell into step beside me, and was silent for a few seconds looking straight forward holding his body like a guard would.
"Well I know Aya has been missing for awhile and I know you think you lost your only way of finding her, but you haven't my King. There are many ways to find Miss Aya and I want to help you." As he said these words his face showed such strength and such power I began to wonder what he knew that others didn't.
"Do you know something Sadon? If you do you must come with me now." We still walked at an even pace, keeping our faces straight as can be so that no one would guess that something secretive was going on.
"Yes King Luc I do know something, I know more than anybody would ever want to know. Like I said I couldn't go to my brother, well because My King it isn't just because he's angry, but it's because he's helping Lord Marcus." His voice dripped with venom as he talked about his brother, I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and saw the angry look on his face, as for me it felt like someone had stabbed me in the back with a vampire's sword.
"Do you know this for Sadon; do you have proof to back this up? This is a very serious matter and if your brother truly is a traitor to the kingdom he will be throw into prison right away." My voice was hard and cold, I knew that I was letting my guard down, but I could feel my magic building up in my hands, ready to attack the next person to cross my path.
"Yes I have proof right here in my pocket, we just need to go somewhere private that way no one knows what we are discussing." He slid his hand into this pocket; he pulled out a pile of papers before pushing them back into this pocket.
"This way, we'll talk in my office and whatever is said in my office will not leave or you could end up in the exact same place your brother is going to go if you are telling me the truth." We turned down the hall and walked towards my office with a quicker pace than before.
"Trust me my King I would never lie to you about this, my brother has also told me to guard the kingdom with the heart, that this is our home and our lives and it's our job to protect it. He's going against all his words and I can't deal with that. So I'm fighting back and keeping my home safe and those that live here alive. I'm sick of the deaths and the disappearances." I watched as his hands balled into fist and knew that he meant every word he said, he hated what his brother was doing with all this heart and he was going to fight back.

We got to my office and I opened the door and let him go in before me, he walked in and stood in the middle of the room with the air of the guard, but I knew that he has only been in training for a few months. I closed the door and locked it tightly; I touched the small picture frame next to the door that turned on the protection field around my office that way no one could hear what was going on in this office.

I sat down behind my desk and motioned with my head for him to sit and noticed as he sat down and still held his guard like stance, I needed and wanted him to relax. I knew that his brother must have been training him way before he enrolled him into training for the fact that he was too much like a full time guard instead of learner. He pulled out the papers again and laid them on my desk; I reached across the desk and picked the papers up.

For the next few minutes I read through the papers, which were letters from Lord Marcus, explaining the plans and the location of his hideout, even where he had my sister and niece. He mentioned Tammy in some of them, which took my breath away when I noticed she was included in the planning of the kidnapping of my niece. The power raced to my fingers quickly and it took everything in me to block it before I could use it, but of course it was too strong and in stopping I got caught in a flash back.

The lady with skinny arms picked him up slowly, trying not to bump his broken arm too much. The boy whimpered as she moved down the hall, he couldn't understand how she was able to pick him up, he was thirteen years old now, even though he was tall and skinny for his age, he hardly weighed anything. The lady hurried down a set of stairs and the little boy let out a scream of agony has his arm moved with the first step.

The lady let out a bad word and ran down the stairs, causing the boy to cry even more. When she got to the bottom of the stairs, she sat him down and turned towards a closet next to the front door. The little boy turned and saw another boy standing in the door way to the living room staring at him with wide eyes.

"Mommy, that's the bad boy, why is he out?" He turned his face towards his mothers and stared at her with trusting eyes.
"Denny, honey you know how much Mommy loves you, but you got to be a good boy. Don't tell Daddy that you saw mommy take the little boy, ok?" She kissed his forehead and turned back to the closet and dragged out two large bags.
"Where are you going, am I coming with you?" He rushed forward and grabbed on to his mother's leg until his knuckles were white, the lady bent down and pulled her son's fingers away from her leg and held them in her hands.
"Denny, I love you more than anything and someday I'll come back for you. I promise." She kissed his forehead again and picked up the two bags.

"Come on Mark, go ahead open the door with your good arm and walk straight ahead and don't look back." She nudged Mark with one of the bags and he slowly began to walk towards the door, looking at the other little boy the whole time over his shoulder.

The little boy began to cry, but didn't run after his mother and Mark, just stood there with tears running down his face. Mark twisted the door knob and pushed the door open, the sun was just going down so the sky was streaked with pink and purple. Mark stared at the sky, while the lady pulled the door shut and pushed Mark forward with the bag. He began to walk across the wet grass and didn't stop until he heard the lady say,

"This is it Mark." She sat down the bags and looked down the road they stopped at, a few minutes later a car drove towards them and stopped. The trunk popped open and the lady picked up the bags and put them in the back of the car and slammed down the trunk. She opened the back door and motioned for Mark to get in the car. "Don't worry honey; it's time for you to start your new life."

I opened my eyes slowly coming back from my flashback and saw Sadon standing over me with a worried expression on his face. I shook my head trying to clear it and the thoughts bubbling around inside of it. I sat up in my chair that I had gone slump in when I gave my body to the flashback. I looked down at the floor and saw things scattered around my feet, both Sadon and me bent down to pick them, as we did this I noticed an envelope under my desk, that I knew right away that wasn't mine.

"Sadon, what is this?" I picked up the envelope and held it up for him to see, his eyes grew round and he stopped what he was doing.
"That's my brother's next letter to Lord Marcus, I didn't see it when I picked up the other letters, and he must have hid it in the pile." He said his eyes never leaving the envelope in my hands.
"Well let's read it then." I picked up the letter opener off my desk and sliced the envelope open, while still sitting on the floor with Sadon.

I pulled out the page of paper and unfolded the letter; it was short but full of information.

Lord Marcus,

Things aren't going so well at the Kingdom, it's time to make your move soon. The king is weak and the Queen is too busy having sex with her husband to notice that the servants have started to turn against them. The princes and princess are too busy to even notice that even the King is too caught up in his little tramp Tammy. I would move the girl out of the mountains to some where farther away from the Kingdom; you're too close not to get noticed. I'll try to do as much as I can around here to get the pressure of you, but killing the boy was not a smart idea. The king is going to push harder to find his niece even though his feelings are his weakness. Be smart Marcus and take my advice and I will take yours my brother will be stabbed with a vampire sword as soon as the sun hits the earth.

Your follower,

I glanced up at Sadon, he was staring at me hard with the same dark eyes as his brother, expect his had more life and more truth than his older brother's ever would. I shook my head and slowly handed over the letter. I couldn't keep something like this from him, he shared a very large secret with me that could get him throw out of training for the fact that he stole from a higher guard if someone had caught him with the papers before he had gotten to me.

His eyes grew large and his hands shook as he read the short letter, he looked back at me with confusion.

"Why would you want me to read this?" He crumpled the letter into his hand, but I quickly ripped it out of his hands making sure he didn't ruin it.
"So you know what we stand against, your brother is going to be arrested and you're going to be promoted two stages up in your training, it is very clear that you know more than the others and closer to being a guard." I stood up and looked down at him; he stared up at me without moving. "Stand Sadon, I know you must be upset about your brother and you may not agree with the arrest, but it's for your safety and the kingdoms."
He finally stood and looked me in the eyes. "If you don't mind my King, I would like to help arrest the bastard myself. I care more about this Kingdom than anyone knows. So let me help bring down the one of the two men that could help destroy it." He pulled his shoulders back and stared at me hard, I knew that I couldn't tell the boy no, his own brother had planned to kill him just that night.
"You have my word Sadon, that you will be there to help with the arrest, but for right now I need you to act like you know nothing of your brother's plans and if he asks about the papers tell him you have no idea where they went. Now go and do whatever you need to do and I'll inform your trainer after the arrest that you are to be promoted. Now go Sadon." I waved my hand at the door; he nodded, bowed and left without a single word.

I picked up the rest of the papers and put them in the top drawer of my desk; I closed it and locked it with a special key that made sure no one could open it besides me. I turned away from the desk and walked towards the doors to the balcony. I swung them open and walked out, it was a gray day with what looked like rain clouds taking up the sky. I felt like screaming at the top of my lungs, I felt like smashing everything in my reach because what Althalos said was true. I was becoming weak and Binky was too busy with Denny to even begin to worry about her daughter.

I gripped the railing and closed my eyes, but Tammy's face came into my mind and I opened my eyes quickly taking in my kingdom and the mountains. Where somewhere my niece was, my powerful niece, who would soon rule this Kingdom probably rule it with a much more powerful hand than me and her mother. I wondered if she would be able to tell her friends from her foes. Know who to trust, and who to keep her eyes on.

There was a knock on my office door and I turned around just in time to see Tammy walk in. Her green eyes scanned my face, she wasn't smiling, her eyes weren't shinning. They seemed dull and lifeless. I walked back into the office, shutting the doors to the balcony behind me. I looked away from her and sat down at my desk, she sat across from me staring at her hands. I wanted nothing more to hold them and ask her for the truth.

"The truth is difficult Luc, I hardly know it myself." She said, keeping her head down staring at her hands, she was afraid to look at me.
"Your tongue has tasted human blood. You could have told me that, you could have also told me that you were working with Marcus and that your mother was his lover." My words were harsh and much to cold, she flinched as I had smacked her across the face.
"Luc I can explain everything! I swear I can. Just please, don't stop loving me." Her words were filled with anguish and I had to look away from her.
"I would like you to leave my office, I'll have the servants find you a room and have them transfer your stuff from my room to that one. Now please leave." I stood and turned my back on her.

I heard her choke back a sob, and leave quickly not even bothering to close the door behind her. Her feet pounded the ground as she ran away from me, taking my heart with her. I knew I needed to shut off my emotions and harden myself from the things that could not matter.

The only things that were to matter were my niece, the kingdom, and making sure that Marcus died and did not escape; he would no longer cause anyone anymore harm.