Hey Everyone!!!

Sorry there have been no updates lately. I've been grounded and still am. But my mom let me on the computer so I could start this new story!!!


Tori Elaine

Just the Start of Things

I paced in my office, running my hands through my hair until my curls started to look straight, I was stressed and worn. I hadn't fed in weeks and it was taking a toll on my body. I had a missing niece, sister, not to mention that she was our Kingdom's Queen. Then on top of that Stacie, Embry, Quil, and Aya's maid Emma have not been seen. I was too busy pacing and thinking to hear Ruby and Penny enter my study.

"Luc, you're making tracks in the floor. You're not the only going through this you know?" Penny had Ruby's hand wrapped in hers, fingers twined; my stomach clinched remembering how many times I did the same thing with Binky.
"Either of you are the King. You're not the one that feels weak every mile you get farther away from her." I began to pace again turning my back on my sisters.
"Just because you're connected to her a way we are not does not mean you love her more any more than we do." Ruby had fire in her voice as she pulled her hand out of Penny's and stormed out of the room making sure to slam the door behind her.

I stared after her and sighed. I had been short tempered and on the edge of a breakdown ever since Binky was stolen from right under our noses. I slid down into the nearest chair like an old human man and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Luc maybe you should go out in the sun." Penny laid a gentle hand on my shoulder. It felt like fire and I leapt away from it.
"I don't want to sleep. I WANT TO FIND MY SISTER, their Queen…" I waved my hand towards the window where the view of the Kingdom was the best in the castle.

Before my sister could say anything or before I could say sorry from jumping away from her touch there was a mother's scream over her dead son's body.


After sedating Arabelle and putting Embry's body into the medical wing, I had everyone come into the court room of the castle. Walter face showed he was in pain, he was out hunting when told about his son, and he rushed back, but not in time to be here before his wife was sedated. The others wore grim faces as well; we all knew what had killed Embry, the vampire sword still stuck in his body that was long past dead. No vampire ever survived an attack made by a vampire sword.

When I thought everyone was there, I heard footsteps in the hallway when I looked up I was surprised by the angry blue eyes staring at him. Everyone got quiet, the Ladies of the castle knew he was here because of what Penny had said, but they had forgotten about it after finding out everything.

"Where is my wife?" Denny asked his eyes searching everyone's face. "When did you get back?" I asked with a slight twitch in my hand, which caused a little spark.
"Don't skip around my question; tell me where my wife is." Denny hands were in fist by his sides, another spark went off at the tips of my fingers.
"We don't know, maybe if you came back earlier you would know that, wait no because this would have never happened." More sparks, my power was waiting to break out, but I knew if I used this power I would be weaker than I already was.
"Excuse me? Are you saying it's my fault that you couldn't watch your own sister? That someone stole her from right under your nose? I'm sorry you're too stupid to put guards in her room." The power pumped it's self more, it wanted out more. To make me a monster.
"You are forgetting that you're talking to your King." The power was on the tip of my fingers, ready for action.

So without warning I lifted my hand and my power shot Denny right in the middle of the chest sending him backwards, he flew in the air and landed with a crash. He slid on the floor like he was on a slip and slide until he crashed into the wall. The others stood so fast that every chair flung back on to the floor, the power was still on the tip of my fingers waiting to be used. But as I watched Denny trying to get up, getting on one knee at a time my head started to pound, a flashback trying to make its way forward, now as my sisters kneeled down to help him, the flashback came full force. I pinched the bridge of my nose hoping to stop something, the power or the flashback, the power slowed but the flashback did not.

The young boy was kicking stones, a small smile on his lips as hurried towards the post office doors. He had brought the best present for his little sister, saved all his money for months for this one present. He knew that his sister would love it no matter what, since he knew his sister best there was no way she couldn't like this present. He kicked another stone and his smile grew.

The mother and father of the young, happy boy watched as he hurried his steps to the post office. They both knew what he was to become, they both knew that they had to keep their kids safe no matter what. They reached out for each other and wrapped their hands together; a small spark went off as their power mixed. Even though this was supposed to be a happy day, there was something that filled their hearts with dread, something that just made them want to hurry home with their son with them. They had a feeling that something was getting ready to terribly wrong, they just didn't know what.

The young boy stopped and waited for his parents to catch up, he was bouncing on the heels of his feet when the strange man caught his eye, turning towards it he opened his mouth to let out a warning, but was hit in the chest with a strange power. It sent him feeling and crashed him into the ground; his bones not being strong enough for the impact broke his arm in 2 places. He let out a scream of pain and his parents started for him, knowing they needed to keep him safe. If he did, Binky wouldn't live two days after her 16th birthday.

Marie Kay was the first to be hit with power by the same man, she crashed backwards, feeling the pain of the power, but not the crash into the ground. She began to crawl towards her son, who was trying not to cry out in pain, she was hit again, this time with a stunner. She couldn't move, couldn't talk, all she could was watch as her husband fought this hunter and as her son tried and failed to stand.

I cut off the flashback before it could get any farther, the others were staring at me, and Denny was being carried back to the Binky's room. I hit him too hard, my power was too much for Denny, and Denny's didn't even come close to mine. They never would no one's would besides Binky. Though if Binky killed me she would die also, there was no point on having three dead bodies for my family to pick up.

Without looking at my remaining family I turned to leave, but I felt a hand grabbed my shoulder and pull me back. I turned and stared into Walter's mean blue eyes, they were usually so lively and happy, yet now they seemed haunted like the first day I had met him. I went to put my own hand on to his shoulder, just to have him move out of the way. He didn't want comforting.

"Where is my other son? Where is Quil?" Though he was supposed to be a strong man, tears where in his voice, sadness was speaking to me.
"I don't know Walter. I haven't seen him for awhile now." I looked away so he didn't see the suspicion in my eyes, but he did anyways.
"Quil would do nothing to harm his brother; he loved him with all his heart." He glared at me, a way he was not supposed to. Even if he was a prince, I was the King and he had no right to look at me like that. I was titled to think what I wanted to.
"Do not look at me like that, I am your King and you're crossing the line with your accusing eyes." I gave him a look which told him the discussion was closed and I walked out of the court room.

I wandered through the halls until coming to a stop at Aya's bedroom, I pushed open the doors and stared at the empty room. When Aya was home the kids would always pile into the room, just to hang out and listen to Aya's stories she had written the night before. Stories about freedom and love, of hope and friendship. I closed the doors and continued down the hall towards Stacie's room. She hadn't been at the meeting.

I got to Stacie's room and knocked, there was no answer, so I knocked louder. When there was still no answer I gently opened the door thinking she might be sleeping or doing something that caused her not to hear the knocking on the door. But when I opened the door, I opened it to an empty room; I was confused and worried all at the same time. I closed the door and began to make my way to the dining room hoping some of the men would be there.

When I entered the dining room, the others were still there, but for Walter. Leofrick and Hadrian where sipping from glasses of lions blood and vodka, I made myself a glass and sat down. Hadrian looked at me and knew instantly something was wrong.

"What has happened now? Is someone else missing besides Quil?" He fingered the top of his glass, round and round.
"I went to Stacie's room to see why she was not there, her room was empty." Leofrick stared at me, hard and intense.
"Are you saying that my daughter is missing?" His voice was like razors and I felt every word pound into my body.

I opened my mouth to answer, but before I could get a single word out a massager came running with very important news. We all three stood as this small human boy came running in completely out of breath.

"My…father…told…me…to…run…as…fast…as…I…can…to…you..." He took a breath after each word trying to get the news out. "There…are…two…people…here…saying…they…know…where…Miss…Aya…and...Queen Binky…is"

I started to run, with the others behind me towards the front doors. There was Quil and the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on standing there with grim looks upon their faces.

Sorry it's been so long. But here is the new story to the Truth about You and Me series.