Sorry if anyone thought this was a chapter for The Lion and the Lamb, but I do have an important announcement. I don't know if anyone is actually paying attention, but I thought you might want to know. I have a chapter written for the sequel, and I will start writing more for it, if you guys still want me to. If I receive enough reviews for this authors note of sorts, and enough people want to read a sequel for this, I will start posting on Monday, and I'll try to update every week, probably when I update all my other fics. If y'all don't want the sequel, though, I'll probably wait a while before I start posting it. It's up to you guys. Let me know. Thanks. And thanks for the support I received when I was writing The Lion and the Lamb, and the support I recieve while writing my other fics. I really appreciate every good word you guys have for me, and I appreciate the constructive criticism and ideas to. I'd be nothing if I didn't have all of you who read my work, so I just thought I'd give a shout out. Anyway, you know what to do. Review if you want the sequel, which will be called The Hero or the Villan, and will be posted Monday, if enough of you want it. Thanks again.