D/C: Don't own anything

Written because I loved the Japanese Hana-Kimi drama and I didn't get enough :P Bits of fluff, because III LIKE IT!

Sano and Mizuki live together, just like in the drama (sorry, never read manga!) but Sano knows Mizuki's a girl…duh… and Mizuki knows that Sano knows. Yay.


-ch 1: Names, Showers and Kisses-

The door opened with a clunk, and Mizuki's head snapped up from her homework up on the second level. Sano's home. She lowered herself to the floor and scooted to the edge of the floor to peer over.

Sano dropped his bag next to his bed, and opened up his locker, unzipped his track jacket and reached behind his head to pull it off. Whoosh.

"Hnn…!" He coughed out as his midriff was firmly encircled by Mizuki's arms. In his usual, bored mutter, "Jeez, Mizuki." But she giggled and wouldn't let go, leaving him to tug his jacket out from under her arms and work it over his shoulders.

"I'm sweaty… do you really want to hug me?" he mumbled, but turned around in her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Say it again." Mizuki insisted.

"Say whaat??" he complained. "I'm dirty and tired, I wanna shower."

"Say it again!"

Sano rolled his eyes. Mizuki and Sano had shared their little secret for a month, and Sano had only changed from calling her Ashiya to calling her Mizuki a week ago, and ever since they had gone through this process each time they were alone.

"I'm home, Mizuki." He smiled a little.


"Mizuki." He hugged her close. "Mizuki." He kissed her forehead. "Mizuki." A quick peck on the lips. "Is that enough, little idiot?"

A thudding sound was coming down the hallway, and in an instant Sano was disappearing into the shower room and Mizuki was doing her homework on the first floor. The guys walked so loudly in the halls it really wasn't difficult to hide it from people. It was definite that no one needed to know about her and Sano. A second later, Nakatsu's head appeared in the doorway.

"MIZUKIII!" He called, cheerfully, but with a thumping heart.

"Yo!" Mizuki replied, with a grin.

"Where's Sano?" Nakatsu asked, although the water running in the shower room was clearly audible.


"Ah…. Hey! I brought homework too!" And he pulled out a math textbook, slamming it down next to Mizuki before she could say another thing.

Ahhh, I want time with Sano! She thought, but admitted that time with Nakatsu was always fun, and she couldn't shut everyone out just because she had Sano.

Of course, it would be helpful if she knew that Nakatsu was dropping huge hints that he liked her… or him… She was sort of out of it, didn't notice anything going on, and on the other hand, Nakatsu didn't really pick up that she wasn't picking up.

After working in silence, with Nakatsu throwing glances at Mizuki every ten seconds, he thrashed dramatically for a second, and then said, "Eh?! I forgot a calculator. Mizuki, lemme borrow yours."

Mizuki made a sound of "sure" and he reached across the table for her calculator… and then he paused, until Mizuki looked up, and found herself almost touching noses with Nakatsu, whose eyes seemed to be having a minor seizure. She was about to say, "Nakatsu! Too close," but she was speechless with surprise for a few seconds… and Nakatsu was leaning closer…and closer… wait, what?! What is he doing?! Hey wait, is Nakatsu gay? OH, NO HE'S GETTING CLOSER, SAYY SOMETHINGG.

"What are you doing." Sano had just come out of the shower, and Mizuki fought hard not to flinch with embarrassment while Nakatsu was there. Cool and collected as always, Sano stared at Nakatsu, who was centimeters away from Mizuki. His Mizuki. Grr.

"HOMO JANAI!!!" Nakatsu shrieked suddenly, and yelled something about soccer practice before fleeing out the door.

In the silence, Mizuki turned to Sano in an attempt to exchange a glance with him, but squeaked, turned pink and threw herself under his bedcovers to hide herself from Sano's bare chest.

Sano chuckled. "Are you really that surprised?"

"Whaat?! You knew?! Sanooo!" Mizuki's muffled voice was indignant and annoyed. "Nakatsu's my friend, what do I do? It'll be so awkward if I know that… that…"

"So pretend you don't know." Rummaging around in his locker, Sano pulled out a clean shirt.

"I CAN'T! Ehh, Sano, you're no help." Mizuki peeked out from the covers and stood up, still a little pink. "Fine then, what are YOU going to do?" Her hands were on her hips.

God, she's so cute. Sano's face remained impassive as he said, "Well, I'm just going to make sure that he doesn't kiss you… ever."