Disclaimer: I own nothing from the Batman Franchise. That's all DC. Everything else is my own.

Authors Note:. Anyway....Thank you so much for the reviews! Here is Chapter 4! Tell me what you think!

Chapter 4

She didn't even know why she was here. After leaving the police station they escorted her to where her car was. She was extremely happy to see it running and left as fast as she could. 30 minutes later she was staring at the brick mansion of Bruce Wayne. Pondering if she should even go inside.

'Cause it's where you have always felt safe you idiot' she thought to herself.

She opened the driver's side door and got outside. She took a deep breathe and closed the door behind her as she made her way to the mahogany doors that she knew so well. Though they seemed small now.

She hesitantly reached forward and rang the doorbell, closing her eyes and wrapping her coat tighter around her body. She had almost given up on someone being home when the door opened and she was met with the friendliest face.

Alfred Pennyworth.

Hannah smiled instantly, "Alfred…I don't know if you remember me but-"

"Well, Hannah Allen. I sure hope you are here to see me."

He opened up his arms for a hug and she instantly took the invitation. After everything in the last 48 hours, this was something she needed. Alfred pulled away from her and took her face in his hands.

"Child you're trembling, let's get you inside and some tea."

Hannah nodded and took off her coat and Alfred placed it on the coat rack next to the door. She took his arm and they walked to the master kitchen together. He gestured for her to sit at the island bar.

"Oh Alfred it is so wonderful to see you, I don't have any words to say how much this raises my spirits"

"I am extremely happy to hear that, Master Bruce told me you might be stopping by and I wouldn't believe him until I saw it with my own eyes."

Alfred took the already hot water off of the stovetop and poured it into her glass; he began to stir it and walked over to sit across from Hannah. She took the cup from him and let it warm her a bit before taking a sip.

"I'm sorry I haven't come to visit you…These past couple years…Alfred I'm sorry" She had no excuses for not visiting him.

Alfred squeezed her hand, "My dear, think nothing of it. And I am sorry for not approaching you at the funeral. That you can put on me. I was however able to have a chat with your mother. How is she holding up my dear?"

Hannah sighed, "Not good. And neither am I, it has been so difficult. I have just thrown myself into work, which is equally as stressful and I just…I'm sorry. I shouldn't be venting to you."

"Nonsense! Oh my dear…you know I am always for here for you. I have been ever since you followed Master Bruce through those doors so many years ago. Now dear…want to tell me how you got those bruises on your face?"

Hannah was about to answer when she was interrupted.

"Well it looks like we have company."

Hannah turned to see Bruce walking toward her and Alfred. He must've just returned from Wayne Enterprises due to his Armani suit that he fit so well.

"I thought I saw your car out front," Bruce said as he approached Hannah, who stood up and gave him a quick hug.

"Was Mr. Fox able to help you?" Alfred asked.

Bruce pulled back from Hannah, "Yes Alfred he was and…Hannah, what happened to your face? And these marks on your neck?"

Bruce grew a look of concern and lightly brushed his fingers over the bruised area. Hoping to not hurt her more. Hannah just waved him off.

"Long story short? I was attacked, batman saved me and here I am."

Bruce shot a glance at Alfred who did not look pleased.

"Who attacked you Hannah?"

She shrugged, "Some guy robbing a gas station, my car broke down and I wanted to use the phone and I happened to be at the wrong place, wrong time. I am quite fine though. I have been through worse. I will admit though…I am a bit shaken up and I was wondering. While this investigation was going on…"

"You can stay here for as long as you like Miss. Allen" Alfred spoke up. She blinked.

"How did you-"

"You always have the same tone in your voice whenever you asked to stay over here, especially when your parents were having such hard times."

"That and Alfred can't say no to a pretty lady" Bruce put out. Hannah let out a tiny laugh.

"Thank you both…I think I will go home and get some things"

"Nonsense, I will pick them up" Bruce said.

Hannah shook her head, "Bruce you can't, you are already helping me and I would just-"

He put a finger to her lips.

"Hannah. You're exhausted. And still in a bit of shock. You are lucky I am not taking you to the hospital right now. So I am going to leave and pick up some things, and you are going to head to one of the guest rooms and sleep. And Alfred?"

"Yes Master Bruce?"

"She isn't to go anywhere."

"Oh course sir"

Bruce nodded and buttoned his suit before grabbing his jacket and walking out the door. When he left Hannah turned to Alfred, "Is he always this?-"

"Hasn't change I'm afraid, now up we go" Alfred offered Hannah his hand and she smiled and took it.

"Alfred, I know where the room is, you don't have to walk me there…"

"Pass up the chance to escort a beautiful lady to her room…" He patted her hand, "Never!"

Hannah rested her cheek against his shoulder and remembered why she felt so safe here.

It was always safer then home.

I wanted to get Alfred in there ^_^ I love MC as Alfred in the movie and writing him makes me happy! haha.

