Greetings, This is a story for my husband, a teacher like Iruka sensei. Some of his experiences were my inspiration for this story.

Monday afternoon Izumo and Kotetsu cornered Iruka as soon as he came into the Mission's office.

"We hear you had a little excitement Friday night." His friends grinned at him. He figured they'd find out. After all they had guard duty all weekend.

"So how did you get back at the yard apes." asked Kotetsu. He knew Iruka would find some way to make the boys pay.

"On Sunday the boys came in and washed all 280 desks in the school, while I got my grading done. Naruto seemed to think I wasn't serious, so He washed all the hallways too." "Kiba was telling me that Tsume was so upset that she made him wash out all the kennels at the Inuzuka compound with a tooth brush."

The Chunin were laughing at the punishments when Kakashi and his team came in to turn in their mission scroll. Instead of his normal team, he was accompanied by Kiba, Naruto, Shino and Chouji. The boys smelled to high heaven. Leaf ninja all throughout the room began leaving hurriedly.

"What happened? Iruka asked trying not to gag.

"We had an exciting mission today Iruka sensei. It seems that the sewer department needed some help unclogging one of the sewers. Nasty business, but someone's got to do it." The Copy Nin's eye turned up and his whole attitude was one of satisfaction.

"Please Iruka sensei, we're really sorry. We won't do anything like that again." said Kiba. Even Akamaru had deserted him because of his stench.

"Yea, Iruka sensei. Don't make us go on any more missions like this. I promise I'll behave." pleaded Naruto. His blue eyes were huge on his dirty face. Iruka could hardly tell his suit was orange.

"We promise." Echoed Chouji and Shino nodded in agreement.

At this point Iruka would have agreed to anything just to get them out of the room.

"Alright, we'll call this even. And I have your promise to work hard and behave right?"

The boys nodded miserably.

"Go home and use lots of soap." The sensei told them. "Naruto wash that jumpsuit in the washer, twice. "he added. He had known Naruto to shower wearing his clothes to wash them and he didn't want that happening this time. The boys left taking most of the stink with them.

"I've got to hand it to you." he told his friend. "How could you stand that all day?"

"Little thing I learned in Anbu. Shuts down the olfactory senses,"

"So you're saying you can't smell?" asked Iruka with envy.

"Not a blessed thing." replied his friend with relief.

"You're an evil man, Kakashi" the teacher said with a laugh, and his friends joined in.