True Love by Miyu Camui

A/N: This is my first FMA fanfic. I added a song in to set the mood between Edward and Winry. I found the lyrics to be very fitting. I used the English translation for "Returner Yami no Shounen" by Gackt. I do not own.

For the record, this is based from the movie when Edward goes to seal the gate and has to leave Winry behind.

Disclaimer: I do not own.


Edward looked at Winry with longing. He didn't want to leave her behind, yet there was no other choice. A goodbye would have to do. Her blue eyes looked at him and he couldn't look away. He loved her so much.

As the moon, afraid of loneliness, holds onto the sky

I cried out, searching for you, who I couldn't see through my tears

The me reflected in your eyes was laughing

It was before I wasn't able to see your smile again

"Edward..." she whispered through her tears. "I guess this is goodbye?"

"Yeah," he replied. "I guess it is."

She embraced him and hung onto him tightly. "Don't ever forget about me."

"Oh Winry," he murmured as he breathed into her hair. "How could I ever forget about you?"

I continue to cry out in the darkness, I can see you

You're too far away...

Hold me so tightly that I'll break

If I could only see you once again, even in my dreams

Please give me eternal sleep

Winry broke free from the embrace. "I know you have to go, but I want to let you know I will always be thinking of you. All that time you were gone, I never forgot about you. And I won't this time either. Tears were streaming done her face now, and Edward quickly wiped them away and lifted her chin up so she would look at him. .

"Don't cry, Winry. I will find a way to be with you again someday." Edward closed the distance between them and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her into an embrace. "I love you," he whispered.

As he let go, Winry looked at him and smiled. "Oh, Edward..."

Edward knew that tone in her voice meant she wanted to say so much but she couldn't find the words.

Winry leaned up and kissed him. It was a deep, passionate kiss and as he would try to deny it, he enjoyed it more than anything. It was exactly as he had imagined.

Edward looked at her as she pulled away. "What was that for?

Winry smiled, her blue eyes gleaming. "You didn't think you were leaving without kissing me, did you?"

Edward laughed. "I guess not." He kissed her as passionately as she had kissed him.

Hold me so tightly that I'll break

I awaken from my dreams, and it disappears

Your voice, and your smile that I love too much

I'll see you once again, because I promised that I would

Cover me gently in a love that overflows

Please give me eternal sleep

"Goodbye Edward," Winry said.

Edward waved as he got in the ship. "Goodbye Winry. Goodbye Alphonse. Thanks for everything. Especially you, Mustang."

He imagined life before everything happened, and he pictured he was at home with his mom and Alphonse. But this time his father was there, and his mom was actually happy.

I'm going home. At least they can live a happy life, he thought to himself. "I'm sure I will, too," he whispered.

I can't see you...

As he drifted away from her sight, he let tears stream down his face as he could never forget the woman he loved with all of his heart.