Long Kiss Goodbye

Disclaimer: I, KawaiiTenshiCeres, does not own Ouran High School Host Club by Bisco Hatori or Long Kiss Goodbye by HALICALI

Author's Note: I would like to thank everyone who reviewed and supported this story. Yeah. I'm too lazy to mention people, also I'm too lazy to copy and paste everyone's names from the review list.

f i n a l

I always regretted the things I've done.

Trying to compete against someone who practically won the fight.

I fell in love with a rival, who would always be a step ahead.

...But now, I want to be on the same level as him..

..Even if it's only once.

Hands gripping dirt, a body laying on the flowers in pain, eyes staring into the starlit sky. People piled onto the ground, stacked onto each other like waste. Bats, steel pipes, and knives scattered about. It was a battlefield in a field of flowers, where splatters of blood lightly tainted the poor flowers. Sitting up, Yuri clenched her abdomen with one hand, and tried to wipe her tears away with another. Hugging her knees close to her chest, her eyes covered by her arms, a sigh escaped her lips.

"...I can never be a banchou...Only a kaichou who would run away." Yuri said softly, pulling out her cell phone, dialing a number. "...Hey. I want to talk to you tonight...Can you sneak out for five minutes? I need you to deliver a message that I can't tell you over the phone....I didn't want to call him to give the news, since it'll be too obvious!... Listen, I know I was never your customer, but it'll seem suspicious if I called him instead. Okay. Thank you." she smiled, hanging up.

"A pretty dress covered with cuts and blood. You're really going to a party like that?" a sigh escaped Hiroki's lips."A princess like you shouldn't even be fighting."

Looking down, putting a lock of hair behind her ear, Yuri quietly strided past him."I don't know why you're here, but I don't want to see your face." she muttered softly. "Why did you have to get married?" she whispered. "If I wasn't accepted, I wouldn't be in this situation..but it's too late..." she sighed.

"You're such a kid." Hiroki laughed. "If she didn't know if it was me, then we would still be together...Still, you wanted to be with me, since you didn't want to miss Kyouya-san so much. You're really attached to that guy." he grinned.

Covering her eyes, having an annoyed look on her pretty face, Yuri immediately walked away. Hiroki gazed at Yuri, before slowly running after her, before feeling like he shouldn't do anything. Seeing her going farther and farther away, Hiroki sighed, before he quietly whipped out his cigarette and lit it up. Gazing into the sky, Hiroki felt like he made himself more distant from her than before. Closing his eyes, he simply sat there in the graveyard of unconcious bodies.

"I lost the game.." he muttered.

"You could've gave it to him."

Sitting on the desk, Yuri glanced back at the person she had 'called'. It was an awkward moment between the two of them, despite the fact they had nothing to bicker about in the first place. Yuri closed her eyes and shook her head. Glancing at Haruhi, she felt envy for their close relationship, but didn't bother even saying anything about it. Instead of even trying to do much, Yuri sat there in silence, before opening her purse and pulling out two envelopes. Handing it to the host, the girl felt something wrong with herself, feeling very light headed.

Weakly giving it to Haruhi, Yuri slowly walked towards the door, before stopping and resting her head on the frame. "...They're addressed to the Host Club and a seperate one for Kyouya-kun." she muttered before forcing herself to walk out.

Before she could react, Haruhi grabbed her wrist and looked at her. "Listen, you shouldn't run away." she said in a slightly stern tone. "I've noticed...but you've been purposely avoiding Kyouya-senpai for your own sake, isn't it?" she questioned. "Hasn't everyone been telling you, that running away won't solve anything? she continued, before releasing her wrist. "I know we've never actually talked like this, Senpai, but don't you think that saying it to Kyouya-senpai's face would make the tension better?" she questioned before walking off.

The brunette glanced at Haruhi, feeling the guilt taking over, her eyes closing shut, feeling tears forming in her eyes. Flipping open her phone, pressing a speed dial number, her eyes closed tightly, letting the tears run down her cheek. "Damn it...Save me now." she cursed to her brother, before hanging up.

Chipper girls had a chance to dance with their beloved hosts, while they practically beamed in delight to see them again. Haruhi returned with the letters disclosed in her jacket pocket, her back leaning on a marble pillar. A girl approached her with an offering to dance, where she hesitantly agreed. Despite being dragged onto the dance floor, Haruhi managed to dance with her customer, while her eyes glanced at Kyouya at the moment. Before realising it, Haruhi tripped and stumbled forward, while the letters slipped out of her jacket pocket. The girls and the Host Club quickly stopped, as Tamaki rushed towards her, only to slide past her.

Wincing at the pain, the brunette closed one eye, biting her lip in thought."Ow.." Haruhi muttered. "Oh..." she said softly.

Kyouya picked up the lavender colored letter addressed to him, as he quietly turned and walked out. The customers gazed at Kyouya, as he sprinted down the hallway, leaving the Host Club somewhat concerned in a way. He immediately spotted Yuri, as he quickly snatched her wrist and pulled her close to him. His eyes were closed shut, feeling the slightly shaken Yuri on the verge of hurting him. He lightly held her clenched hand tightly, as he gazed at her breaking down.

"..go..Let go!" she shouted, forcing herself to go forward, and managing to slap Kyouya in the face. "...I'm...sorry." she choked up, forcing her hand to wipe her tears away. "I'm sorry, Kyouya-kun!" she shouted.

Without much thought, Kyouya approached Yuri, raising his hand to return that exact same slap. Despite the urge to simply scold her, he quietly touched her cheek, and lightly kissed her. "...It's annoying when a girl like you cries." he muttered. "A girl who loves celebrities and dramas more than her own life. I never suspect myself to fall for someone like that." he openly insulted. "You always wanted to marry a man from a video game...but, out of all people, you chose me instead. Instead of your long-termed crush on your senpai..You chose to go with me."

"This'll be the last time that you'll see me like this." Yuri forced a smile on her face. "...It's better off if we simply break up..Saves the pain for both of us. You don't have to deal with me. You only get to live on." she nodded.

Turning around, and pushing up his glasses, Kyouya closed his eyes quietly. "Go ahead, and cry. It's going to be the last time that I'll comfort you." he stated.

Yuri approached him, and laced his hands with hers, as she buried her face onto his back. Hearing her choking up, and continuously apologizing, the Host simply closed his eyes. At the moment in time, he couldn't care less about his suit. He knew he couldn't stop her. She didn't stop him, so why should he? He delicately released her hand, as she turned away and began to walk forward. Awaiting for her to leave, Kyouya noticed the sound of heels stopping.

"Kyouya-kun. I promise, when I come back, we'll start fresh okay?" she stated. "If it's impossible, then let's stay good friends. Though, I know you'll move on." she said softly, before walking away.

"Tch. Only if you move on first." he muttered walking to the club room to change his tear-stained blazer.

"How is she?"

"The usual. Trying to watch her beloved dramas here, and she just screamed in happiness seeing Matsumoto Jun being a host. He clearly became your rival."

Kyouya sat in his room, hearing her voice over the phone, while he conversed with her brother. A small smile formed on the Cool Type's face, as he kept hearing her ranting about her favorite member. He heard his maid come in and announcing something to him, something about a visitor coming in. He chatted with his newly-hired spy, as he quickly hung up and placed on a friendly smile. The maid quietly lead in a sophisticated young lady, who gave him a friendly smile, while that same maid had dropped off a boxed package. Without eyeing that package, Kyouya had allowed her to sit next to him.

"My, you are very handsome." she stated softly, gazing at Kyouya intently. "...Your father wanted me to meet you, since we made a deal to get married to each other." she continued. "You're a host in Ouran Academy, right? I'm friends with your manager, Renge." she explained with a light nod. "You are an ideal husband after all!" she cheerfully stated, arising.

The girl's ranting got Kyouya to drift off in thought. After all, it was five months since Yuri had left, and yet, already, his father had him meeting girls from other families. He needed to choose a girl, since he knew that his father didn't bother wanting him to wait for Yuri's return. With a platonic smile upon his face, he had snapped out of his train of thought, hearing one of his possible fiancee's calling his name questionably. Kyouya's head snapped to where she stood, watching her inspecting the box, and delicately handing it to him. Removing the tape, he opened it, seeing a cell phone and a charger. The charm on it, along with it being decorated with rhinestones, it immediately made him remember.

"...Ah! It's such a cute cell phone. Kyouya-kun, who is it from?" his soon-to-be fiance questioned, lightly taking the phone and opening it. "...Oh."

Kyouya leaned over to see, before his eyes widened in shock. "That picture...Why is it still there?" he muttered closing his eyes.

Cocking her head to the side, his soon-to-be fiance wondered about the picture, before looking at him questionably. "Can you please tell me?" she practically begged.

Kyouya placed down the phone, before putting up a small smile upon his handsome face. He knew it was impossible to even hope to see Yuri anytime soon. He glanced at her with a small smile.

"She's simply my ex-girlfriend. "

Final A/N:: Ja...If you were able to take a peek at my LJ, there's already the summary for part two of this overall story. There's two versions of this Part however, with the first chapter, ONLY, being the same. The LJ version going to be locked for various reasons..*cough*prostitutionandmurder*cough* So, it'll be tucked away underneath my rantings about anything.