This is SO Golden Age era it's not even funny. Fluff. Pure sugar fluff.

Dick and the cat were having a starring contest. Or at least Dick was trying too, but the cat wouldn't cooperate, because as it was too busy washing itself. So Dick ended up settling for glaring at the black fuzzball.

Because there was a cat.

It was Bruce's cat.

It was Bruce's black cat.

Who'd taken over his chair—his chair—in the Batcave.

Suddenly he found himself hating the world a lot more than he usually did.

Because Bruce had a black cat, sitting in his chair, and was a black cat.

Dick was not jealous.

Okay, he wasn't. He was not at all jealous that Bruce had a black cat, probably to remind him of freaking Selina freaking Kyle when the two of them were apart. Because, hey, Selina, Catwoman. Bruce had been in love with Selina. For years. And Bruce now had a black cat sitting in Dick's chair.

So, yeah, for years their relationship had never worked and there had been issue upon issue (such as the fact Catwoman worked as a thief. THIEF BRUCE, SHE'S A THIEF!) so Dick had never really worried about it too much.

Until now. Until the cat.

Because what else would Bruce having a black cat mean?

He was still brooding over this when Bruce finally came down into the Batcave. Smiling softly to himself, Bruce walked over to pick up the cat, well aware of Dick's seething glare. "I see you've seen the cat."

For a moment Dick considered snarling or hissing at him but settled for shrugging.

"I named him Richard."

His head snapping up from his pout, Dick frowned. "But that's my name. And I thought it would be a girl."

Bruce smiled again, almost indulgingly. "Yes, but you're Dick to me, so we won't get the two confused. And I checked. It's a male. Ready to suit up?"

Now thoroughly confused, Dick reached for his costume automatically. "But, you and…" he trailed off. "… it's black!"

Bruce had to hide his grin. "So is your hair." He set the cat back down in Dick's chair, still aware of Dick's expression (though this time it was one of pure shock).

Flabbergasted, Dick followed Bruce toward the changing rooms. Just before reaching them he turned back to look at the cat. Maybe it being in his chair wasn't such a bad thing. Okay, maybe it was a little cute.

I have a thing for jealous people. XD In case you couldn't tell that.