I sadly own neither Harry Potter nor Twilight. I know, depressing right.

"I wanted to throw the entire book across the room!" Ron blinked a couple of times and then dug his finger into his ear as if trying to clean it before returning to kneeling in the dirt pulling at a weed.

"Oh, Hermione, how could you! It's a beautiful book! I'm just- Didn't I tell you Edward was perfect? I love him." Harry felt like a load of bricks had just come forward and hit him in the stomach. Apparently his pain showed on his face because he caught Ron looking at him with a strange mix of pity and brotherly smugness.

"You liked it?" Hermione asked, her voice getting a little bit higher than normal. She and Ginny were just out of sight around the corner of the house. Harry and Ron were pulling out weeds and thinning out some of the vegetables in the garden while Hermione and Ginny planted decorative flowers and bushes for the wedding under Mrs. Weasleys instructions.

"You didn't?" Ginny questioned.

"No! It was an awful book!" Hermione exclaimed. Ron began dig into his ear again.

"I heard it too mate," Harry whispered quietly.

"Do you think she's sick?" Ron asked, his eyes seemingly filled with genuine concern.

"I don't think so. She looked fine at breakfast," Harry assured him, a little worried himself.

"It was a lovely book," Ginny insisted. "Just lovely! Everything turned out just how it was supposed to. You're just mad because Edward ended up with Bella instead of Jacob." Both Ron and Harry groaned at the mention of the two names. Stupid coded conversations. "Don't look at me like that! You know that's the real reason you didn't like it."

"I didn't like it because the plot is a total let down, because all of them were completely out of character, because the entire relationship between Bella and Edward was about sacrifice on Edward's part and then Bella doesn't even have to give up Charlie, because that Thing came out of nowhere and-"

"Ah-ha!" Ginny jumped.

"What does Charlie have to do with anything?" Harry asked Ron in a hushed voice. "I thought he wasn't coming for another couple days." Ron shrugged.

"What was that for?" Hermione asked.

"That's the real reason," Ginny said quickly.

"What's the real reason?"

"You don't like that Renesmee ended up with Jacob. I'm knew it was all about Jacob with you."

"Yes, I don't like that Thing! She's annoying! Plus there was a relationship building with Jacob and Leah and then suddenly, oh no, Bella's had this Thing that all the sudden Jacob is totally going to be in love with!" Someone growled and the boys assumed it was Hermione.

"Jacob couldn't imprint on Leah! They were both werewolves. They would have imprinted already."

"Werewolves?" Ron asked as he got frustrated with a weed he was tugging and let it go. "D'you reckon they're talking about Lupin?"

"Could be Bill or Greyback," Harry said cautiously. Ron shook his head.

"They mentioned Jacob back before fifth year. Bill hadn't been bitten and we didn't know about Greyback, not really."

"So you figure Jacob is Lupin?"

"Maybe," Ron said cautiously as he flicked his wand at the stubborn weed and it shot across the yard.

"What was that?" Hermione asked in shock.

"Probably just one of the gnomes. They like to throw things when they come back just to make sure everyone knows they're there. But seriously Hermione, they would have imprinted already!"

"Yeah!" suddenly Harry said excitedly to Ron as the pieces clicked into place. "Don't you remember? Your mum thought Tonks would be a Jacob because of something everyone in the Order could see!"

"So Jacob is girl code for Lupin?" Ron confirmed.

"I guess so," Harry agreed.

"But there's never been anyone like Leah before! The imprinting could be different," Hermione insisted. Harry looked over at Ron and saw that the other boy's face had gone pale.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Back then, Hermione said she was a- a Jacob," Ron stuttered, his eyes wide. Harry couldn't keep his own eyes from getting rather wide.

"Hermione likes Lupin?" he asked. Ron made a whining noise but Harry dashed to his feet when he heard someone nearby beginning to laugh like crazy. He looked up to see Lupin looking completely bewildered, a little frightened, and perhaps hurt as Tonks laughed her head off, a huge grin on her face. "Tonks?" Ron asked worriedly. His eyes flashed over to Lupin's. Harry couldn't help but notice that they had close to the same expression on their faces.

"Hermione is a Jacob, Ron," Tonks assured him.

"Yeah, well they just said that Jacob is- that he's-"

"A werewolf?" Tonks questioned, looking at Ron and still seeming like she was very amused by something. Ron nodded worriedly. "It's a muggle book Ron. The wolves are more like Animagi." Both Ron and Lupin seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. "Besides, Remus is far more of an Edward."

"Did I miss something?" Lupin asked. "As far as I know, my middle name's John, not Edward." Tonks rolled her eyes.

"I must have mixed you up with my other husband," she said dryly.

"Wait a minute! Ginny said she was an Edward!" Ron brought up. Harry felt like someone had grabbed his head and shook it, causing all his thoughts to tumble together in confusion and a small stab of pain. Tonks sighed.

"Boys!" she sighed, taking a step toward the back of her house where Ginny and Hermione were and stumbling over one of the roots Harry and Ron had pulled out of the ground. Lupin reached forward and grabbed her waist to steady her. "Thanks," she told him as her right hand slid over his hand on her waist for an instant before they let go at the same time. Harry almost felt like looking away. Ron was looking down at the weeds again but his ears were red. Apparently he had just gotten the same feeling like he had walked into the middle of seeing Lupin and Tonks groping each other instead of only seeing him stop her from falling.

"You're welcome," Lupin said quietly as she moved more steadily toward the back of the house, disappearing around the corner.

"Tonks!" Ginny squealed. "Please say you came to save us!"

"I can help with the bushes if you want," Tonks told them.

"What did you think of Breaking Dawn?" Hermione asked.

"I, um, where is this one supposed to go?"

"I like it and Hermione doesn't if you're worried about that," Ginny sighed.

"Well, no, that's not the issue," Tonks mumbled. "I haven't read it yet."

"What!" both Hermione and Ginny shrieked at her.

"Ouch," Ron flinched at the noise. Harry nodded.

"I haven't had time lately?" Tonks suggested for her guilt.


"Oh Hermione give her a break. She just got done pulling a total New Moon. Minus the Jacob of course," Ginny sighed.

Harry blinked in confusion. He glanced over at Ron who was now sitting on the ground not weeding and looking just as bewildered. Lupin didn't seem much better off than they were.

"I guess you're right," Hermione consented.

"I did not 'pull a New Moon'," Tonks protested. Ginny and Hermione didn't seem to be listening.

"You know, you really are an Edward aren't you?" Ginny asked.

"It's really obvious now. Almost the same story to a tee. Minus the Jacob part of course."

"Well that's because the Jacob is too young for her and likes a certain brunette," Ginny snorted.

"It is not the same story 'to a tee,'" Tonks replied in annoyance.

"How do you know?" Ginny asked. "You haven't even read Breaking Dawn."

"Don't," Hermione advised.

"It's a great book! Edward and Bella finally get married!" Ginny protested.

"And have the Thing."

"The thing?" Tonks asked. "You mean they finally have sex?"

"No," Ginny snorted. "Well I mean they do. A lot actually but- Oh, Hermione, stop blushing like that."

"I'm not blushing. I'm- I'm hot."

"I know 'Jacob' certainly thinks so," Tonks informed her cheekily. Ginny laughed and Harry couldn't help but snort. He was getting a very good idea of who 'Jacob' was. He glanced over at Lupin who had a serene look on his face. Ron just looked angry and bewildered.

"You don't happen to have a clue who Jacob is, do you?" Ron growled. Harry didn't really know quite what to say.

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about," Lupin said calmly. "Hermione doesn't seem like she has dating first and foremost on her mind." Ron nodded in agreement, seeming to relax a little.

"I meant it's warm outside!"

"She's blushing even more," Ginny giggled.

"I am not."

"Hermione is embarrassed by sex," Ginny trilled.

"Would you stop?" Hermione asked.

"So, Hermione, guess what Bill and Fleur are probably going to do after the wedding?"

"Shut-up," Hermione grumbled.

"Guess what Alice and Jasper get up to in their bedroom?"

"Ginny, I will seriously-"

"Guess what-"

"Hey, Ginny, guess what your parents did that resulted in six boys plus you," Tonks interceded quickly.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Ron proclaimed, his face turning entirely green. Harry looked over at him worriedly until the thought struck him all the way and felt a little sick himself.

"Are you alright?" Lupin asked both of them right before Ginny burst out in her revenge.

"Guess what Tonks probably did this morning!"

"Ginny!" Tonks yelled as Hermione began to giggle.

"Seriously, this morning?" Ginny asked. "I was just trying to get to Hermione." Lupin seemed very intent upon shredding one of the weeds he had just torn rather forcefully from the ground. Ron's ears had turned bright pink. Harry had to admit, he found this rather amusing, especially as Ron glanced over at Lupin at the same moment Lupin glanced up with a sheepish but pleased grin.

"Break any bedposts?" Ginny asked. "Any feathers lying around?"

"Oh that was so stupid! She never should have slept with him again after the first time!" Hermione suddenly yelped. Harry thought he heard someone mutter something but Ginny didn't seem to notice.

"But Bella wanted to! It's not like it was anything bad! I mean seriously-"

"But he hurt-"

"Oh, you're talking about the book," Tonks remarked.

"What did you think she was talking about?" Ginny inquired.

"I-I didn't know."

"I think she mumbled something about liking it," Hermione replied promptly.

"I- I did not."

"You didn't like it?" Ginny asked, her voice full of baiting.

"No, that's not what I meant! I did- I- It's great if you must know, now can we move on to another topic? What exactly is 'the Thing' Hermione was talking about?" Ron's entire face was now red and Lupin looked both extremely embarrassed and exceptionally pleased.

"Nice weather," Harry commented.

"Um yeah," Ron agreed. Lupin tore out another weed.

"Let's not talk about the Thing," Hermione growled.

"Oh would you-"

"Tonks, why do you look like a tomato?" a thoroughly French voice interrupted Ginny. Fleur had apparently joined them.

"Because I like my hair this color," she protested.

"But why have you made face and nails de same color as your 'air?"

"Because we embarrassed her," Ginny replied.

"I changed my nails too?" Tonks commented a bit distantly.

"What were you girls talking about?"

"Nothing," Ginny said quickly.

"Just a book, Fleur," Tonks amended calmly. "Nothing all that interesting. Even Hermione didn't like it.""Hermione didn't like a book?" Fleur asked with obvious surprise. Harry had to admit, she knew Hermione better than he'd thought she did.

"I liked it!" Ginny protested.

"Ginny it was awful!" Hermione declared. "I hate Renesmee!"

"Gesundheit," Tonks told her.

"Thank you!" Hermione said happily.

"It's a name Tonks," Ginny sighed.

"Oh, Twilight!" Fleur said excitedly.

"There're more of them?" Ron groaned. "I was hoping nobody else had read them." Lupin shook his head.

"Apparently almost every woman in the Order has read them," he commented with a shiver. "They like to talk about them before meetings."

"And you still go?" Ron asked as he and Harry looked at him with new respect. Lupin couldn't help but smile.

"Edward or Jacob?" Tonks asked.

"I do not care. Dey are all very pretty."

"Swiss," Ginny sighed.

"I take it you and Tonks are both Edwards?"

"I would say they're both far too girly to be named Edward," came a warm voice. "Mum sent me out to check on Ron and Harry. Any idea where they are?" Bill asked.

"Over by the vegetable garden with Remus," Tonks answered.

"What!" Hermione squeaked. "Tonks, they could have been listening! I said- why didn't you-"

"Honestly Leah, Jacob won't catch a thing."

"I think he-"

"Trust me, Hestia and Minerva took to quoting the end of New Moon to Remus and he was still clueless."

"If it helps at all, I'm clueless," Bill comforted.

"Yeah, well what does it matter to you? Fleur is Swiss," Ginny bit, seeming obviously a bit distressed.

"No, she's French," Bill told her. "Are you feeling alright Gin? Maybe you should go inside if you're getting too hot."

"I'm fine," Ginny grumbled.

"You're sure?" Hermione asked nervously.

"Yes," Tonks assured. "He's clueless."

"Why did you call Hermione Leah? Jacob imprinted on Renesmee," Fleur stated as Bill walked around the corner and raised an eyebrow at his brother and Harry who were both just sitting in the dirt.

"We're trying to learn girl code," Ron told his brother. "We've figured out that apparently Edward means Lupin."

"Although it also apparently refers to someone else as well," Lupin added. "Jacob becomes fairly obvious as well."

"It does?" Ron asked.

"Hermione is a Jacob," Lupin informed Bill as he sat down. "And he apparently is rather unaware of the fact."

"Ah, yeah, Jacob, got it," Bill agreed. Ron looked about ready to blow up with frustration.

"But there was so much set-up in Eclipse," Tonks commented in confusion.

"Thank you!" Hermione agreed. "Wait till you read Breaking Dawn. On second thought, don't read Breaking Dawn. There's even more set-up but he still imprints on the Thing."

"There was no set-up," Ginny sighed. "They were thorns in each other's side and then they were sort of friends. They really respected each other in the end. No romance. No chemistry. None. Jacob was meant for Renesmee just like Edward was meant for Bella."

"Okay, who is Renesmee," Tonks demanded.

"She's the cutest, most-"

"Renesmee, aka, the thing, is Bella and Edward's daughter," Hermione interrupted with a growl. "The one who miraculously showed up, was gorgeously beautiful, was superhumanly intelligent, made Jacob fall in love with her before she was even a day old, and then, to top it off, wonderfully saved the day before even being a month old." Harry wondered if the newly planted bushes would die from the sarcasm Hermione was watering them with.

"Hermione, you're ruining the whole book for her!"

"Well, she wasn't going to read it anyway!"

"You don't know that."

"Well, were you going to?"

"You should," Fleur added. "It is a good book."

"Bella got pregnant?" Tonks asked.

"Yes," Ginny told her.

"But I thought she couldn't."

"Well a girl vampire couldn't be pregnant but Bella's human, so, you know, she was the one actually carrying the baby and she could," Ginny explained. A noise of annoyance came from one of the girls, probably Hermione.

"But I thought all their fluids were venom or animal blood."

"Apparently not," Hermione huffed. "And apparently, Renesmee now has one more chromosome pair than a human because her father has two more chromosome pairs."

"But how can you have a pair without a match?"

"Exactly," Hermione sighed.

"It'd die shortly after conception even if Edward could get Bella pregnant."

"What the heck are you talking about?" Ginny asked.

"It sounds very strange to me," Fleur agreed.

"I don't think I will be reading Breaking Dawn," Tonks decided. "It sounds like jibberish. And how would Bella not become a vampire when they had sex in the first place?" she pondered.

"Beyond me," Hermione sighed.

"Well, it's not the same thing!" Ginny proclaimed loudly. "You know, one's little, you know, baby vampire halves and the other is venom!" Laughter was heard from the other side of the lawn. "Shut up!" Ginny called out to the three other chuckling girls.

"Thank you Ginny, for making my day all that much better," Tonks told her. The noise of something slapping against something else greeted the boys' ears. Harry was amazed. He didn't think Ginny would slap Tonks for any reason. "Stupid shovel," Tonks growled as she came back around the corner with Fleur at her side. Apparently Ginny wouldn't slap Tonks but gardening tools would. Tonks pulled up the hem of her robes to rub at her right leg. "It attacked me," she explained, her eyes meeting Remus's. He sighed and raised an eyebrow at her. She smiled and let her robes drop to her ankles again as Ginny and Hermione walked around the bend. Tonks bent her head and began to snort again which set Fleur and Hermione off. Even Bill couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"Oh, shut up Bella or when you end up with a Renesmee I'll be sure to teach her the exact words you used when you were yelling at your great-aunt's portrait."

"Good thing a 'Renesmee' isn't it the plans, isn't it?" Tonks shot back.

"Neither was the first Renesmee," Ginny said smugly.

"Bella wasn't a witch."

"And Fleur was meant to have a sister ten years younger than her," Bill smirked. Fleur glared. "Alright, Ginny and Ron were meant to be a year apart despite the fact that the rest of us are at least two years apart."

"Bill!" Ron and Ginny shrieked. Tonks rolled her eyes and then a shadow seemed to come over her face, making her expression unreadable.

"Oh, Bill it iz not nice to tease them," Fleur commented.

"Come on, Mum wants us inside for dinner," Bill chuckled as he put his arm around Fleur's shoulders. Ginny followed behind with Harry and Hermione at her tail. Ron, however, paused and then hurried up to Hermione, placing a hand on her forehead.

"Ron, what are you doing!" she squealed.

"Trying to see if you're sick! You said you didn't like a book. Frankly I'm very concerned!"

"Oh honestly!" Hermione sighed as she headed in with Harry and Ron following behind. She shook her head. "Horrid book."

So, no one was really hammering me for a second chapter or whatever but I kind of wanted to cover the whole Breaking Dawn/Anti-Breaking Dawn issue with Harry Potter characters as well (plus I got the chance to introduce a Swiss). This should be the end of this story though, really. Hope you liked it and that I managed to represent both sides fairly enough (I'm afraid I'm a Breaking Dawn hater myself).