New story, obviously. Been trying to get this general idea out, and I like the way it's going. Hope you like it.

I do not own Hannah Montana, The Walt Disney Company does.

One – Walking On Water

'Who would I be?
Where would I be going if I didn't have you to shake my face?
Why do you care?
Why do you care so much?
Your love's such a stretch for my faith'


Softness, on my lips. They tingled, almost itched and burned, but it felt really good.

Gusts of winds forced down my throat, and I felt something bubble up in my chest.

"Lils? Come on Lilly, please, please…" I heard a raspy, southern drawl beg. I saw the same acres and acres of horse pens I imagined Tennessee was made up of the day I met Miley Stewart.

I felt something press against me, up against my chest but something else was in between it.

And then I felt it again; a searing hot softness on my lips. It felt so good I could barely stand it. What the hell was that?

More wind. I felt something jet all the way up my chest, hitting my throat uncomfortably, and I just started coughing. I sat up and opened my eyes to see my own lap. Water sprayed out of my mouth.

Suddenly this piercing ache hit the entire right side of my head. I reached up to try and rip the pain off, like it was a leech that had flung itself there, and found a large, tender lump and GOD that hurt like hell!

"What the h—?" I heard my own voice begin to hiss, until I was suddenly strangled with someone's arms.

My best friend, it's Miley. I blinked. I coughed some more.

"Lillian Truscott, you have NO idea the helluva scare you just put me through! You are never lettin' a finger lick that surf board ever again, you hear me? You can't keep actin' like nothing can ever hurt you Lilly, with all these dangerous things you'er always doin'! I swear I…" she continued her motherly ramble, but I just tuned it out like an idiot. Between my throbbing head and my itching throat, I really couldn't focus on the magenta sunset world beyond my eyelids let alone Miley's mouth spitting out fifty words a second.

My vision was actually a little blurry. I looked around and found that some people were gathered around, all seeming to exhale unison sighs of relief.

"What happened…?"

Miley stopped.

"You, uh… wiped out, Lils," Oliver's voice came from the opposing side of me from Miley's.


"On your board. In the ocean? Here at Malibu?"

"Ohhh…" I half groaned. It all rushed back to me; this gorgeous cerulean curl, glassy and sweet and particularly tall. I remember hurrying up to it and hastily lifting myself to my feet, surfboard serving as my ground in my hydrogen medium, beginning to carve through the wave—

Then losing my balance, then my head hitting rather stiff sand.

I tried getting to my feet, but my vision blurred and my head spun and I felt like I was flying into the clouds as arms netted across my back. The crowd gasped and murmurs erupted. Oliver told them, "There's nothing to worry about here, folks, she'll be fine.." and most of them trudged away, glancing over their shoulders.

"Don't go so fast, Lilly," Miley's hot breath said in my ear.

And I didn't know why at the time, but I forgot how to breathe, and I was so confused I looked over to her and right at her slightly red lips and in the same second two things hit me:

One—Miley just saved my life by giving me CPR.

Two—I would go through the pain I was feeling in my pulsating head for the rest of my life just to feel her do it again.

I started coughing some more, and my head was being ripped open by a savage cougar. Or at least, that's what it felt like.

Miley braced her arm around my back and gingerly draped mine around her shoulders. She cupped my waist and we slowly hobbled our way up the sand bank, and past Rico's.

My eyes were closed as she said, "God, Lilly, you can't keep doing this dangerous shit…"

To anyone else it would sound like Miley was scolding me, which was true, I guess. But I know she only does it when I really scare the shit out of her. And she wants to set me on the right path; she just hopes the best for me.

Who could ask for a better best friend than that?

Even though I tried insisting I would be fine walking on my own (which even I knew was a lie) Miley continued to support me to wherever we were going. So I closed my eyes, because opening them made my head spun more than it already was, and let her guide me.

'Whoa, I don't have to be afraid of the wind.
And that's good to know.
'Cause I've heard it all before.
But I'm walking on water now.

Whoa, I'm singing in the rain.
Well that's a joy I've never known.
'Cause I've heard it all before.
But I'm walking on water now.'

-"Walking on Water," This Providence