Disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers

Chapter 16: The Hunter and the Bear

Aisha sighed as she waved goodbye to her friends as she headed into her home. Things had been great today. No monster attacks or anything!

This peace wouldn't last, and she knew it.

What she didn't know was how quickly this peace was going to end.

As she entered her house, she called out to see if her parents were home, before spotting the two messages on the answering machine. Both were from her parents, saying they would be working late tonight, and probably wouldn't be home until late.

Giving a sigh Aisha sat down on the couch and idly reached towards the phone. Stopping herself as she brought the receiver to her ear and listening to the dial-tone for a few seconds.

Who was she calling? She wondered as her finger hovered over the buttons, prepared to dial a number.

She had seen everyone earlier and talked to them. Plus many of the others hadn't made it back to their houses yet.

For a few seconds, Aisha just sat there listening to the Dial-tone in the phone, trying to think about who she had been just about to call.

Suddenly the dial-tone went silent, causing Aisha to raise her eyebrow suspiciously.

"H-Hello?" Aisha asked into the receiver after a few seconds of silence.

No answer.

Giving a sigh, Aisha proceeded to hang up the phone. Obviously her mind was playing tricks on her. It was the silence in this house that was just playing with her head.

Just as Aisha had the phone away from her ear, she heard a click come from the receiver, followed by a voice.

"Are you afraid to fight alone?" the voice didn't speak above a whisper and was almost hidden behind a ton of static,

Bringing the receiver back to her ear, Aisha felt her throat go dry and her heart skip a beat. She knew she hadn't dialed anyone. So...who was talking to her?


Aisha's hands began shaking, as she looked around the room.

"Aisha the Bear was afraid to fight alone. With out her friends to help her roar, all she does is moan and groan!"

Aisha's breath was caught in her throat. This had to have been the next Ancient guardian contacting her. She was getting rather annoyed with how this one was talking about her.

"Aisha the Bear hides in her cave, because Aisha the Bear isn't brave! Without her friends there, Aisha the Bear doesn't go anywhere!"

Quickly Aisha slammed the receiver down, hanging up in anger. She was getting tired of this new Ancient Guardian's sing-song voice taunting her through the phone amidst static.

She wasn't a coward!

A few seconds later, the phone rang and Aisha hesitated to pick the phone up.

"Aisha the Bear was afraid to fight alone, Without her friends to help her roar-."

With a growl of sudden anger, Aisha slammed the receiver down one more time hanging up once more.

Again after a few seconds...the phone rang again.

Aisha let it ring, again and again and again. Until finally she gave up and unplugged the phone.

The ringing stopped.

In the woods of Angel Grove, a woman wearing dark pink clothing, with a pink bow slung over her shoulder was playing the flute as she sat up in a tree.

Her eyes showed a sense of joy as she merrily played the same few notes that composed her song over, and over again.

After a few seconds, the last shrill note of the flute sounded from the flute, and she took the flute away from her lips.

"Why do you show your face here?" She asked in a light voice that seemed to float on the wind. "Our Queen isn't very happy with you right now."

She was addressing the person who stood in the shadows, and had been watching her for several minutes.

Vega stepped from the shadows walking into the moon lit clearing beneath the tree, looking up at the woman in pink above him. He put his hands in his pockets and shrugged.

"Thought it would be good to see old friends. Alone's not here, and Asherah's dead, and don't want to talk to-"

The woman looked down at Vega with a glare, her eyes almost alight with fire. "Don't call her that." she stated threateningly.

As she glared down at her former team-mate the wind seemed to pick up from being the gentle breeze that it had been when she was playing earlier to swirling violently around the clearing, and shaking the trees.

Vega crossed his arms, and smirked. "Forgot you could hear thoughts, Aella." he stated.

"Yes, and It's rude to call Beelzalea by any other name than that which Chaos has given her, or even to think about calling her by that name."

Holding his hand up to keep the wind from blowing his hair in face he smirked. "A rose by any other name still smells."

Aella stood up on the tree branch "Not if it's been dead for awhile. Even the scent of potpurri fades to nothing."

A silence set in between the two in which the wind around them began to subside.

Vega stared at his former team-mate. He was baffled why she would still want to be under the service of Chaos. She could hear thoughts. Whether she wanted to or not, she always heard the thoughts of others in the wind, Vega just didn't understand, why did she seemed oblivious to the thoughts of Chaos, and Beelzalea, She had to know they were up to no good.

Maybe, it was that Chaos had no thoughts, or at least shielded its thoughts from the wind that carried all thoughts to Aella.

Vega turned away from his friend and shook his head, as he began to walk away. Conversations with her had often ended in silence in the past. It was never that it was difficult to talk to her, Vega found it rather easy to speak to his pink-clad friend and fellow teammate, it was just that she already knew what he was going to say, and there was no need to say it.

Now, the conversation had ended in silence, just like old times. However, unlike then, it wasn't because she already knew what was going to be said. Yes. She knew it, but this time the conversation ended off, because Vega couldn't think of anything else to say to her.

As he left the clearing he looked up at the moon, and closed his eyes as the wind slowed down to a gentle breeze.

"Aella." He stated after a minute as a thought came to his head as the wind brushed against his face and the tune of the flute began again.

"It can make them be quiet."

Vega shook his head as he vanished from the clearing.

Minerva sighed as she looked down at the Earth from her room as she listened to the sounds of monsters moving through the hallway outside her room.

Her daughter was to be married again-this time to Ivan Ooze-and Minerva couldn't be more conflicted with her emotions.

While she was glad to see her daughter happy, she was sickened by her daughter's sudden change of emotions.

It was driving her crazy to see her daughter running around with Ivan acting so deep in love. Giggling over the mere thought of him, wandering around the hallways in a dreamy daze, repeating his name over and over again, it made Minerva ill.

That's why she was up here in her room, while the plans for her daughter's second wedding were being prepared,

Though she had to wonder why this sudden interest and engagement to Ivan Ooze had even sprung up.

Zedd had mysteriously vanished not even a day ago, right around the time that her daughter had suddenly decided she liked Ivan Ooze better and would marry him.

Beelzalea undoubtedly had something to do with Zedd's disappearance. Minerva knew that much.

Her servant had never cared much about Rita's husband in the first place, and had no problems expressing her dislike towards him.

She wouldn't have put it past Beelzalea to have killed him, though she can't say that she blamed her.

If Beelzalea saw Zedd as an enemy, then she would try to eliminate him. Minerva would have done the same, that's just what evil does.

Though Minerva wondered if Beelzalea had anything to do with Rita's sudden interest in Ivan Ooze?

After all, her servant had been preparing a love potion not but a few days before all of this started. Was it possible that love potion had not been meant for the rangers?

Zedd lay in bed in the crowded shelter, which according to Alone used to be an underground sanctum underneath the castle that once had stood there.

He had been thinking about it ever since he and Alone had arrived here. He had been here before, before it had been destroyed.

Beelzalea had wanted him to remember something about this place, but Zedd just didn't know what it was exactly.

If it was about Alone's former teammates, and how they had all died when the Ancient Guardians had massacred this planet, he wasn't exactly sure what that had to do with him.

"You really don't remember do you?" Alone asked looking up from the chair he was sitting in across the room.

Zedd shook his head.

Alone shook his head in disappointment. "Think back to the days when you last looked like that..."

Zedd closed his eyes trying to remember, waiting for Alone to continue on trying to jog his memory about the past events of this place and his involvement in them.

But Alone remained silent.

"Well?" Zedd asked impatiently after a few seconds.

Alone crossed his arms but did not speak.

Zedd closed his eyes for a second, "Beelzalea, said that we first met here." He said.

"She is correct."

Getting up from his chair he walked around the room. He noticed a stone pillar near by. As he approached it he started to have a sense of deja vu. As he felt the cold carved stone underneath his finger tips. Suddenly something, a memory, came flooding back into his mind.

In his memory Zedd was standing beside this very pillar, speaking with a shadowy figure who was standing a few feet infront of him. His memory couldn't recall specifics of this person's face, or anything about them.

"Have all the troops been stationed?" He asked the shadowy figure a few feet away.


"And what about the Shogun Rangers...do they suspect anything?" He asked.

The Shadowy figure shook their head. "As far as they are concerned. Our Ancient Guardian Rangers and our troops are stationed around the village for the mere purpose of security during the wedding. Guess word hasn't gotten around about our King's change of alliance. Or if it has, they've put their minds at ease upon the announcement of the engagement of their Princess to the top ranking General in Our King's Military-after all the marriage is a union between our two Kingdoms, and who would even think that we'd attack our own allies?" The shadowy person said clasping their hands together.

Zedd smirked, "It is one of my more ingenious plans if I do say so myself." He then nodded to himself and put his hands on his hips. "The wedding should be starting soon, and I'm sure that they have noticed my absence now. There are a few more preparations to be made, Now, back to your station to wait for the signal for the start of the ambush." He said.

The shadowy figure nodded and turned quickly and turned on foot and left the room.

Only a few seconds later the sound of footsteps hurrying down the hall followed.

Zedd had the feeling that they had been watched, but he had not been sure until now, as he heard the footsteps. He quickly turned and followed the footsteps.

As he approached the eavesdropper, he was met by the sight of a young girl, with greenish-blue eyes staring back at him. Her long dark hair fell over her shoulders, almost reaching the ground. She was wearing a simple white dress.

It seemed like she was nothing more than a nosy servant poking her nose around the castle, and just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

"What are you doing down here, servant, shouldn't you be upstairs with the others, helping her highness to get prepared for the wedding?" He said looking down at her, crossing his arms. He scratched his chin as he studied the girl, enjoying watching her nervously squirm as her eyes darted to the staff pointed at her and then to the ground.

"I was looking for someone." She said. There was a distinct shaky tone to her voice, which told Zedd that she had heard everything that had been said, and was terrified for her life.

There was a sound of footsteps coming from down the darkened hallway, towards them. In a matter of seconds, a brown haired man wearing red and a long black trench-coat approached.

He stopped as he saw the confrontation going on before them. Zedd recognized him as one of Ozafinir's Rangers. He was probably doing quick routine patrol of the area as ordered by his King. After all the King could never be too cautious as far as making sure no one intereferred with his daughter's wedding.

"General Zedd, The wedding is to start soon. You ought to be in the groom's chambers right now." the man in red said crossing his arms.

The girl looked at Zedd and then to the Ranger, Zedd could clearly see that she was desperate for Zedd to leave so that she could blab to him about everything that she had overheard.

The Ranger in Red crossed his arms and looked between the two of them. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Zedd saluted him and turned to leave.

As he walked away he could hear the Ranger talking to the servant. "What are you doing wandering out here by yourself?"

"I'm sorry..."the servant began.

"I don't want to hear it! You know what sort of trouble you could have gotten us all into?! Come on. We've got to find Alone."

Zedd looked over at Alone, "The servant from the hallway-" He said. The sudden realization of when he had last saw Beelzalea.

Alone crossed his arms. "She was anything but a servant." he said as he looked over.

Zedd could see Alone's hand shaking as he looked down at this hands. He wondered if his hands were shaking because he was angry or if because he was scared and upset by something.

Alone turned and looked down the darkened hallway. He could feel Zedd's eyes upon his back full of curiosity as to why he would have such a reaction.

"Look. It's simple as this Zedd; a lot of lives were ruined the day that you and the Ancient Guardians ambushed Ozafinir. Beelzalea's included-if not more than anyone else.." He said

There was a lingering silence as Zedd continued to stare at Alone, trying to understand exactly what he meant by that.

Alone shook his head and shrugged, "It doesn't matter now. Right now, what matters is you getting your wife back. So we need to continue to work on your identity." he said.

The voice did not stop.

All night, the voices continued on and on. Repeating again and again in Aisha's head.

They were about to drive her crazy repeating the same sing-song chant over and over again.

It was at least four in the morning, and the voice had not shut up, Aisha had been unable to get any sleep, and she was beginning to develop a massive head-ache hearing the same chant over and over again.

"Alright. Enough already. What do you want me to do get you to shut up?"

"Come fight me. If you win...I won't bother you anymore."

"And if you win?" Aisha asked.

"It doesn't really matter. You'll be dead." The voice stated, "If you're feeling brave, meet me in the woods just outside Angel Grove, just follow the music and you'll find me."

Aisha nodded. "Alright. I'll be there."

"Good, don't keep me waiting."

As Aisha left the house, she left a note for her parents explaining where she was heading off to. Telling them that she was going to take care of the situation she had told them about, and it would be a while before she got back and if anything were to happen to her she would be sure to contact someone to either help her out or to contact them with news.

It didn't take long for Aisha to reach her destination, and even less time for her to find who she was looking for.

As she stepped into the grey early-morning light of the clearing she immediately spotted the woman wearing pink standing up in the trees playing the flute.

The music stopped shortly after Aisha arrived, as the woman looked down at her from where she stood. "So you are Zordon's Ranger? Spirit of the Bear. Aisha Campbell."

"...and who are you?"

Aella crossed her arms. "I am Aella the Wind Hunter. I am the strongest and quickest of my Mistress's servants."

Aisha crossed her arms. "Funny, Asherah and Shadow Cameleon said the same thing when we fought them."

Crossing her arms Aella smirked. "And look where they are now."

Clearly, Aisha thought it didn't seem like any of the Ancient guardians got along with each other. No wonder they only attacked one at a time.

"We get along perfectly well. It's not that we can't all attack at once...but Beelzalea and Our Queen won't allow us."

"Really? Why?" Aisha asked

Aella shrugged as she looked down at Aisha from the tree. "The air around them is much too quiet. It does not speak of the things which it has heard from them to me, It is far too scared of their power"

"Then you're just blindly following them, doing whatever they say without thinking about it?"Aisha asked.

Stomping her foot, Aella transformed into her ranger suit. It was much similar to the one that Asherah had worn, except that her suit was pink. "Enough of this Chit-chat! It's not going to help you!'

Aisha pulled out her morpher calling "Yellow Ranger Power!" as the light burst from her morpher changing her into her ranger suit and pulling out her daggers.

Aella held out her hands summoning a wicked-looking bow to appear in them. She then leapt down from the tree and onto the ground.

As she leapt down, Aisha noticed that the wind around them seemed to be picking up in intensity. No doubt she has some control over the wind. That must be her element.

"You'd better hope that you've got something that opposes me if you want to stand a chance in this battle."

Drawing out her bow, Aella quickly shot an arrow towards Aisha, one which Aisha was lucky enough to dodge out of the way of.

Five more arrows came flying at Aisha, two of which she deflected with her daggers, two missed, and one managed to graze her arm, leaving a thin cut through the suit's material.

Aisha rushed at Aella, swiping at her with her daggers. Aella moved out of the way quickly, vanishing into thin air as Aisha swiped at the air.

Two more arrows came from behind one, stuck right in Aisha's hand, the other missed.

"You're going to have to do better than that if you want to defeat me. Aisha."

Zack looked at the clock. He hadn't been able to sleep at all that night.

All he could think about was Minerva, and he couldn't remember why. Ever since the other night when he had spoken with Alone at the cafe, he had constantly found his thoughts traveling back to Rita's mother, and it really disturbed him.

He had decided that he was going to speak with Zordon and Alpha a little later, and find out what was wrong with him. He was sure some sort of tests could be run to find out what was wrong.

He would have gone earlier that night, but he wasn't sure if Zordon and Alpha would have appreciated having a visitor to the command center so late at night.

They might be asleep, Zack had to keep reminding himself.

As soon as the sun was up, he was going to pay them a visit and see if they could help him. The others had suggested asking Alone, to see if he could help them, but Zack personally didn't want to have to do that. He was sure that Alone knew the problem, but he had his suspicions that like everything else, he wouldn't have told him even if he asked.

He waited a few more minutes and rolled out of bed to get dressed for that morning. If he was going to the command center he better do it now, before he ended up being driven to insanity thinking about Minerva. The sooner he found out what was wrong with him, and got it taken care of the better it would be for him.

One minute. Aisha wished that Aella would pause for just a minute to allow her to get in one attack.

She dodged out of the way of another arrow flying past her head.

"Just die already. It'll make things a lot easier on the both of us." Aella shouted as she appeared up in a near by tree sending a arrow flying down at the ground towards Aisha.

Aisha glared as she ducked behind another tree. This was getting to be pointless. It seemed that Aella knew exactly where she was every time. Even if she was using the shadows and the trees as cover. Every time Aisha would prepare for an attack, Aella would just dart away to another area, behind Aisha and shoot at her.

It's almost like she's being told my moves in advance. Aisha thought as another arrow went flying by her head.

"You can't hide from me Aisha. Your thoughts are carried on the wind, and I can hear exactly where you are...I know exactly what you'll do." Aella laughed, as Aisha ducked behind another tree. 'After all that is why I was chosen as the Pink Ancient Guardian."

"No, it's why you became one of Chaos' slaves. You didn't start hearing those voices until some time after you became a Ranger, remember?" A voice called out from near by.

Aisha jumped as she saw another person enter the clearing.

"Shut up Vega, this battle doesn't have anything to do with you!" Aella snarled as she looked down at him.

Vega crossed his arms and looked up at Aella and then over to Aisha who was standing behind a tree nearby him. "We were fighting that Bear-monster, you know the one with the lightening powers that had been causing unnatural storms?" He continued as if he had never heard Aella talking.

"I said shut up!" Aella shouted putting her hands up to her helmet right where her ears would be.

This is bothering her, Aisha thought as she looked around the tree, and saw the Pink clad warrior. She then looked over towards Vega, what was even stranger about it was that this guy, who seemed to have been one of Aella's former teammates seemed to be helping her.

"It was just the two of us, it charged up it's power and came at you. Hit you with all it's force, damaging you enough to come out of your morph. I thought you were going to die." Vega continued.

"Stop it!"

"That's what everyone thought. They told us that you were going to be okay, but there had been some extensive damage to your powers. That's when you started hearing those voices. You couldn't control the power of the wind outside of your morph, you couldn't keep yourself from hearing those voices, hearing your power. They told you the thoughts of everything...and they never shut up."

Vega took a few steps forward. "It nearly drove you insane. Didn't it? That's how Chaos got you. You were vulnerable to it. She told you she could make those voices stop, if you just gave into her power."

He then looked down at the ground for a few seconds. "Was it worth it? Being locked away for all those years? Did the voices actually go away?" He asked.

Aella's hands were shaking. "N-no." She said.

"Chaos can't stop the voices of the wind, she can't help you get in control of your power. Only you can do that."


Vega motioned towards Aisha. "Face your fear again. Show yourself it wasn't so bad. As long as you're alive, you might have gotten hurt, but you're alive." he said.

A breif silence fell among the group, all that was heard was the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves.

Aella looked towards Aisha after a moment and nodded. "Alright. I understand." She said after a few seconds. She gripped the bow in her hands tightly.

"Alright Aisha come on out." She stated with a sigh.

Aisha cautiously made her way out from behind the tree. She wasn't sure what was going on and she didn't want to be walking straight into a trap meant to throw her off guard so Aella could win the battle.

"After some careful thought. I've decided that I want to challenge you again." Aella began.

Aisha gripped the daggers in her hand tighter. "Again? The first match didn't even end!" She called out.

With a small laugh, Aella shook her head. "What I mean Aisha, is that I want to face you again, but not on Chaos' terms. I want to see how good of a warrior you really are."

"What do you mean Chaos' terms? Who is Chaos?" Aisha asked.

"I would have lost to you regardless and I would have died at your hands. But, I'm done serving Chaos." She said with a smile.

Aella aimed the bow in her hands towards Aisha. "Though, I was never one to step away from an opportunity to test my own strength. So let's fight again, and if I lose to you this time we'll know. I lost to you fair and square."

Vega crossed his arms and smiled. "So, what do you say Ranger?" he asked.

Readjusting the grip on her daggers, Aisha nodded. "Alright, you're on."

"Perfect. Good luck Aisha. Come at me with your full strength, and don't for a minute think I'm going to make this easy on you." Aella stated shooting an arrow towards Aisha, which she dodged out of the way of.

"Remember ladies. This battle is about facing your worst fears. Keep your fear in mind, as well as your opponents." Vega stated as he walked out into the woods, leaving the two to fight.

The air smelt sweet this morning, and Kylie could see the sun starting to rise from just outside her bedroom window. This was odd to her since she was used to being the first person awake, and the air smelling like the lingering smell of ashes from the previous night's fire.

Someone was cooking something. She thought as she crawled out of bed and made her way to the kitchen.

Mrs. Lain was standing at the stove cooking breakfast, while Mr. Lain was sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee and reading the paper.

"Good morning!" She said cheerfully as she began rummaging around in the cabinets looking for a glass.

"You're up early. Sleep alright last night?" Mr. Lain asked taking a drink of coffee.

Kylie nodded as she opened the refrigerator looking for some Orange Juice. "Yeah. I slept great."

"Good, I hope you're hungry. I made pancakes this morning." Mrs. Lain said with a smile as she set a plate down on the table for Kylie.

"Pancakes? Sounds good! What are Pancakes?" Kylie said clasping her hands together and smiling

Mr. Lain looked at his wife for a brief second and then looked back at his newspaper. Kylie could feel her face becoming hot with embarrassment.

However, Mrs. Lain smiled as she sat the plate down. "Mostly a mixture of flour and water cooked over the stove. They're best to eat with butter and syrup-and with a fork." She said.

Sitting down, Kylie picked up the fork and started eating. She still found it a little weird to be using silverware as opposed to her hands to eat food, but she had already been lectured by her mother about that. Civilized people don't eat with their hands. Kylie repeated to herself as she took a bite out of her pancake.

Kylie's eyes lit up as the first bite of the pancakes hit her tongue. "Delicious!" she said, with a mouthful of pancake.

"Don't talk with your mouthful." Mrs. Lain said as she sat down at the only other unoccupied chair at the table with a cup of coffee.

"So, you got anything planned for today?" Mr. Lain asked as he set the paper down on the table.

Kylie nodded. "I'm going to explore the town. Kimberly said she'd take me around town and show me a few places."

Her father and mother nodded and smiled saying that they hoped her plans for today would be fun, and that no monsters were going to attack.

She had to admit, her parents had taken all the things that had sprung up on them in the last few days with considerable stride. First they learn that the daughter they had thought had died was actually alive, and on top of that they learn she's a Power Ranger, any other parent probably would have had a heart-attack from learning both of those things, especially so close together but her parents seemed to have taken it rather well.

Sure they had been excited at first, and were rather emotional from time to time, giving Kylie random tear-filled hugs of joy at the fact that they were all a family again, and she was sure that they probably worried about her whenever she wasn't around them, but other than that they seemed to have adjusted to her being there, and that she was helping save the world.

Kylie herself was trying her best to adjust to "normal" teenager life and behavior and actually having real parents as well as her parents were taking this whole situation. Though this wasn't that easy of a task, but her fellow rangers, and her family were helping her adjust.

Aella was laughing between her heavy breathing. Aisha had managed to actually land a couple of hits on her. The two were directly across the clearing from each other as a break had come in their fighting from the last half hour. The sun had completely risen, making the whole clearning more visible.

"You're good. but You're not coming at me with your full strength Aisha!" She shouted.

Aisha rushed at Aella slicing at her with her daggers. How could Aella say something like that. For the past few minutes she had been using all of the force she could summon to fight Aella, she couldn't do any better than this!

"It's about facing fears, Aisha." Aella stated in response to Aisha's thoughts as she pulled the string on her bow back and launching an arrow towards Aisha.

Fears huh? Aisha thought. Well, mine right now is that this fight is never going to end.

"Funny, but not what I mean."

"Then what do you mean?" Aisha asked dodging out of the way of Aella's punch.

"I mean, that Vega should have kept his damned mouth shut earlier." Aella commented dodging Aisha's attack.

"Aren't you guys on the same side?"

Aella stopped briefly crossing her arms and catching her breath. "We were at one time."

The Yellow Ranger clutched her side as she leaned against a tree to catch her breath. If she was going to get any answers about the Ancient Guardians, she might as well attempt it now while they were in the middle of fairly friendly competition.

"So what exactly happened?"

"What do you think happened? We let ourselves be controlled...killed thousands of people, on a planet that wasn't even ours...and let's not begin to mention how we betrayed our own people. By the time she released us from our punishment, Vega apparently had time to think...I guess I should have done some thinking too, instead of feeling it right to go crawling back to Chaos."

"Why don't we quit this then, and join with us? Both of you could-" Aisha said.

Aella sighed and shook her head, "And have Chaos send Beelzalea after us? Heh. You don't just leave Chaos so easy! No We've got to serve our purpose, and become worthless to Chaos." She said

Aisha put her hand on her hip "So she just disposes of you when you're done doing whatever is is she needed you to do?" She asked.

Nodding Aella examined the bow in her hands, "And she needs me to get you to unleash your strongest attack-do what I heard your friend Katherine did to defeat Asherah. You've got to defeat me in battle that way, once you do-I'll have finished my purpose to Chaos."She said.

There was a silence between them for several seconds as the wind rustled the leaves of the clearing. The sun had completely risen by now and was shining an early morning greenish light through the leaves.

Aisha took a step forward and put herself in an attacking position, readying her daggers to strike. "Then let's go." She said.

Aella jumped slightly, having been taken off guard. "huh? Excuse me?" She said.

"Let's get this over with. Like, what if I use my strongest attack, and I come at you." Aisha said readying her daggers.

Staring at her for a minute, and then looking off in the direction that Vega had disappeared off into, Aella scratched her chin. She found it interesting that the Yellow Ranger was still willing to face her even knowing what she would have to do and the risks involved.

"But what if you kill me like, Katherine did to Asherah?" She asked.

"Not to be harsh or anything, but, Isn't that what's supposed to happen?" Aisha asked.

"No. Not nessecarily. Asherah gave her soul to Chaos-the same with Dalise; The Shadow Cameleon you met in the Forgotten Dimension. You have no good left if you give your soul entirely to chaos-so...that's how one becomes a monster. Once Infused with Chaos-the full force of a Ranger's power is too much for you to handle, as it is pure energy of good. There is a super slim chance of survival, and the odds clearly weren't in Asherah or Dalise's favors." She said.

Aisha tapped the daggers against the palm of her hand, It seemed to make sense, and while she thought about it, something came to her mind. A smirk came across her face.

"Question!" She said raising her hand breifly.

Aella raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"You said whenever someone under Chaos's control gives their soul to Chaos they become a monster."

"Yes and?"

"Well, You're human now-so you're soul doesn't entirely belong to Chaos right? Even if your my enemy your heart still has some good right?"

Aella crossed her arms. "Yes. Ahh! I see! I understand!" She said clasping her hands together as the thought and plan that had been going through Aisha's head reached her ears, "It's a chance, but maybe-" She said.

Aisha nodded. "Alright, shall we?"

With a small nodd Aella readied her weapon at the same time that Aisha did.

Aisha closed her eyes and began to focus her energy into the daggers in her hand. She could feel the heat beginning to rise in her daggers, feeling the sparks flying from her finger-tips through her gloves. The sensation was a little odd. For a few seconds, Aisha thought both her hands had gone numb. Through her closed eyes she could see the glowling fierce yellow light that had begun to surround her body and her daggers.

I'm ready. Are you ready Aella?

"I'm ready Yellow Ranger, Hit me with all you've got!" Aella said, though her voice was shaking and her breathing restricted, as she nervously awaited Aisha's attack.

Here we go! Aisha thought as she tossed her daggers straight up into the sky, Lightening began to strike around the area, striking close to Aella.

Aisha caught the daggers as they fell back to the ground, snatching them out of the air. She charged at Aella, the lightening which had struck around them had surrounded Aella in a lightening cage of sorts.

She could hear the roar of a bear in her head as she ran, daggers drawn, Aisha noticed that the projection of a bear had formed up around her body as she rushed.

As she reached Aella, she slashed at her with the daggers, breaking the cage around Aella, some of the lightening crashing into Aella knocking her off her feet.

Before Aella had managed to fall completely to the ground, Aisha caught her up, and the aura projection of the bear picked her up, bringing her close and crushing her in a huge bear hug that exploded in a bright flash of yellow electricity.

As the light cleared, Aisha was kneeling on the ground next to Aella, both of whom were unmorphed. Both women were sweating and breathing heavily.

Aella was laying flat on her back staring up at the sky.

"Y-You okay?" Aisha asked, trying to catch her breath.

Aella coughed and slowly pulled herself into a sitting position, she started to feel her head, covering her ears briefly with her hands and looking around listening. After a few seconds she began laughing loudly, getting to her feet and looking up at the sky and the clearing and laughing.

Aisha smiled, well, at least Aella was alive and had served her purpose to Chaos, so she was no longer evil-as far as she knew, but she feared her attack may have been too much and had knocked the pink-clad hunter.

"Listen! You hear that?!" Aella asked as she turned towards Aisha.

For a few seconds there was silence between the two, as Aisha got to her feet, her knees still feeling a little weak. All that Aisha could hear was the sound of the trees rustling in the wind. She had to admit though the sound of quiet was good, and the feel of the wind upon her neck was good.

"No. I don't hear anything unusual" she said.

Aella laughed and clasped her hands together, "Me either! The voices of the Wind! I can't hear them! They've stopped!" She said cheerfully, almost ready to do a little dance of happiness.

She clasped Aisha's hands, "Ooh! You did it! Not only did you free me from Chaos, and ensured that I lived-but you got the voices to be quiet! Oh! How can I ever repay you?!" She asked bouncing up and down happily.

Aisha crossed her arms. She could think of one way.

"Can you help us? What can you tell us about the Ancient Guardians-about Beelzalea, and this Chaos thing."

(Oh, Wow. That took forever. after about a dozen rewrites, a extensive writer's block, and pure laziness I finally finished this chapter! Finally decided to finish this chapter up and try to progress the story. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Can't guarantee when the next one will be up and ready.)