Hi everyone! Yes, I know it's been about a billion years since I've updated this fic. Apologies. I want to give a big thank you to all my fantastic supporters; each and every review absolutely makes my day. Also, please check out my other X-Men fic 'Second Time's the Charm' which I have updated recently, and my brand new TMNT fic called 'When all Hope seems lost'.

That night Lily had another dream where she was soaring high above the world. She wheeled and flapped, spotting a large, grey human building below her. Her sharp eyes saw a small black dog sitting on the grass watching her with keen interest.


A familiar voice broke into her thoughts and it brought focus to her dreamy mind.

Lily. Wake up.

She slowly descended towards the ground-dweller, wings flapping-


Lily awoke with a start, blinking furiously and trying to shake off her weird dream. A warm, rough tongue began washing her face and she sleepily petted Sphinx, "What's going on?"

Finally, I thought I was going to have to bite you or something.

Lily lifted her head and found herself to be lying face down in the grass outside the school. "What... How did I get here?"

Not sure. Let's go get something to eat.

Lily slowly picked herself off the grass, glad that it was a little before dawn and no one was around to see her lying on the lawn in her pyjamas. She followed Sphinx into the kitchen to find the guy she thought was called Bobby sitting in the kitchen drinking a coffee.

"Oh... umm..."she stopped suddenly, inwardly cringing and tried to smooth down the rat's nest others might call hair.

"Hey," Bobby said, suppressing a grin at her appearance, "Trouble sleeping?"

"Um, well, you could say that," Lily replied.

"If it's really bad there's a mutant here called Morpheus, he can put people to sleep, influence and create dreams, stuff like that. You could go see him."

"Morpheus?" Lily asked, "Isn't that kind of a weird name?"

"It's his mutant name. His real name is George, I think."

"Mutant name?" now Lily was even more confused than ever.

"Yeah, you know. Like Wolverine or Cyclops. They're like superhero names. Only way more awesome," Bobby grinned, "I'm Iceman by the way."

"Oh," Lily said, "Um, that's cool. Nice to meet you I guess."

Come on, this is boring! Sphinx huffed impatiently.

Lily looked to see Sphinx lying on the ground with his head between his paws, "Ok, I'm coming."

She said goodbye to Bobby and went back to her room, not looking forward to another boring day of school.

It wasn't until Phys Ed class that Lily saw Will again. Sphinx had opted to stay in her room and take a nap. She was kneeling down retying a shoelace when a pair of black sneakers came to rest in front of her. She tilted her head to see his trademark black t-shirt and a pair of running shorts.

"Hey," he said as she stood, "How's it going?"

"Not too bad," Lily said shyly, "Then again, we haven't started the class yet, so that might change."

He laughed and she loved the sound of it and the way his grin reached his beautiful green eyes, "True. Logan isn't known for his sparkling attitude."

Lily giggled, and then wondered why she found that so funny. Before she could ponder the thought too much, Logan blew a whistle loudly from behind her and the class stopped chatting and gathered around him.

"Ok kids. Today we play hide and seek. Everyone has ten minutes to get into the forest. If you survive by the time the bell rings for lunch you won't have to do a lap afterwards."

Logan blew his whistle again, "Ok, go!"

The whole class took off like the wind, running into the forest as fast as their legs could carry them. Lily, who was still standing there confused as to why they were playing a child's game and taking it so seriosuly, found that Will had grabbed her hand and was dragging her behind him into the forest.

"Hey," she protested, "What's going on?"

"This isn't regular hide and seek," he called back, not slowing his pace, "Wolverine is it! You definitely do not want him to catch you. Powers are allowed. No maiming though."

Lily laughed, until she realised he wasn't joking, "Are you serious? What could I do to him? All I can do is talk to a few animals!"

"Don't worry," Will said, stopping and looking around, "I'll look after you."

Lily's heart nearly skipped a beat and she tried to hide the blush creeping into her cheeks, "Thanks," she said quietly.

Will's grinned at her and winked, which nearly made her heart skip another beat, "It's my pleasure."

He came to a stop in front of a giant oak tree and turned back to her, "This is it. You're not scared of heights are you?"

Lily frowned, "Um, I'm not sure, I don't think so. Why?"

Will stepped right up to her, they were face to face, noses nearly touching, "Hold on," he whispered and snapped open his midnight black wings. Their amazing wingspan was nearly more awing than the sight of Will himself. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and she did the same, biting her lip. With a powerful downstroke, Will lifted the two of them off the ground and into the air. Lily gasped as he continued propelling them higher and higher until they were above the tree canopy. The view was breathtaking. Will descended a little until they alighted on a large branch of the oak tree and leaned against the trunk.

"Beautiful isn't it?" he asked.

Lily could barely speak, she just nodded.