Jasper's POV

I turned from my command post to look over at Peter. I had felt grim determination coming off of him so I was curious.

"What's on your mind," I inquired softly as not to disturb Maria. He jumped, I don't think he was expecting me to notice him; it was laughable, his emotions were the only ones that weren't caught on bloodlust, hate, or greed. He shook his head and said he was fine, I felt tired all of a sudden, it's odd; vampires aren't supposed to get tired. Then I realized that it was not my own emotions, curse this gift.

I turned back to my watch over the newborns, it was disgusting and hateful. They were either trying to kill someone or caught up in bloodlust. I shook my head and jumped to the ground. I surveyed the area and found nothing but ferns, and even those were sparse.


I turned at the sound of my title, I was glad I had kept it after I was changed. I saw it was Maria who had called me so I flitted over to her. I kept my eyes downcast as I said, "Yes Ma'am?"

"Go over to newborn tent 16, get rid of them, they are of no further use. Dismissed"

Oh, great. Perfect; time to go rip some heads off. I called peter and told him to come with me, where as these newborns weren't as strong I was outnumbered. Peter came up with a questioning look on his face, I shook my head and motioned for him to follow me.

We soon found ourselves at tent 16 and I said to the young ones in there to form a single file line and come out one by one. It was torture and murder I know but I had to obey. I dawned on Peter as to what we were supposed to do, and he went into a crouch though he was disgusted at himself. I sighed and called the first one out. We had settled into a routine I get one then he gets one; it came to the second to last newborn and this one was going to be Peter's but I felt him freeze when she came out.

"Private," I murmured, wondering if he was in control.

He looked at me and whispered quickly, "That's Charlotte, I can't kill her." He deliberated for a moment and hurriedly said "Come on Char, Run!" they ran as fast as they could past me, and I just watched them go. I could've stopped them but I felt like I owed Peter. Shaking my head I called the last one out and took care of it. I didn't think of them as people, just things I had to kill.

I started walking at what a human would consider a sprint, back to Maria's cliff top tent. I stopped outside her tent and asked if I could enter I heard a faint yes from inside. I walked in and saluted, she was still my commander.

"Ma'am, all of the newborns in tent 16 are terminated." I paused "Unfortunately, the Privet that went with me, also had to be killed, he attempted to run away."

I thought 'there you go Peter; no one will come after you.' Maria was sending off calm waves so I decided it safe to look up. I was right she was relaxed on a chair studying a map. "That's fine Major, he was loosing his use anyway. Now I have to leave for a while so I am entrusting you with the duty of filling my position while I am away, it should only be for a night or so."

So that's why she is studying the map "Yes Ma'am. Understood." I would just keep the mayhem at a normal rate.

"Very well Major Whitlock, I shall see you in a few days." I watched her go then returned to my post, snarling at a few rowdy newborns on my way by.

Three days later

Jasper's POV

I hadn't moved much since Maria had left. Besides killing off one of the ranks. It had been disrupting and killing most near it. I caught Maria's scent along with another, great more newborns; just what I need. "Ben ten hut!" I shouted so all of the 'recruits' could hear me. All of them moved in an orderly fashion and saluted. I nodded, pleased that I got their attention. I turned to the west and saw Maria and I teenage girl running along side her. The girl, I saw, was a bit taller than Maria so she seemed to be around five' four. Chocolate brown hair down to the middle of her back, petite features; she looked beautiful even by vampire standards. I was shocked; since when did I start caring?

Maria was now in front of me so I saluted her, she told me at ease so I clasped my hands behind my back. I got a better look at the girl's feelings, she was terrified but she seemed……. Comforted? I felt better when she was at my side; odd I will have to ask Maria about that later.

"Major Whitlock; this is Miss Isabella Swan. She is a new 'recruit' for our cause." Her eyes were flitting between us and she felt gleeful. Yes something was defiantly wrong; Maria is never 'gleeful.'

"How do you do Miss Swan?" I asked curios about the person Maria left to retrieve personally.

She looked like she was blushing, only no red colored her cheeks. "I am well thank you Major Whitlock, just a slight tingle."

I was instantly concerned, hadn't she hunted or something! I looked to Maria in alarm; she whispered to me 'she is unique' and my concern died down a bit. I turned back to the ranks and yelled "Dismissed!" they al left to go back to the carnage, I knew I wouldn't be at ease if Isabella were down there. I turned back around and saw that Maria had left. I looked at Isabella, she held her hands around her stomach and it felt like I was going to fall apart.

I cleared my throat and said, "Miss Swan, would you follow me please?"

She nodded and we started to walk, I had already decided to put her in my quarters, I barely used them anyway. We flitted through the tents and finally came to stop at the largest one besides Maria's. I held the tent door open and she walked in. she looked around and a small smile graced her lips, it made her even more beautiful.

"This is where you will be staying Miss-"

"Please, call me Bella, and thank you, the others were slightly intimidating."

I smiled, happy that she felt this comfortable; I first had to go through the regular procedure.

"Bella, first you know that you are a vampire, correct?" she nodded so I continued "Have you hunted and when were you changed?" she seemed to think about it.

"Well, I woke up today and no I haven't……umm hunted" she seemed uncomfortable with the thought of hunting so I decided to have her come with me to hunt animals for a change.

"I don't want to kill people," she said nervously. I understood; I only killed because I had to. I nodded, "That's why I'm taking you to hunt animals they're less satisfying but they suffice."

She smiled brightly and walked up with her hand outstretched, I smiled at the electric shock that passed through my hand as I grasped her. I chucked at myself and thought 'you're worming your way into my heart Miss Bella Swan.'