It's actually been some time since I touched the Microsoft word to type a fanfic. My sch hols just started, but then, you probably don't care much about ym life and just want to get along with the fic, right?

Fine, then. Let the shi...i mean show, begin!

Basically this story, if you forgot the summary cuz you've got a uber slow computer like me, is about how all the people in the story think that Yuri likes somebody. If you actually support the pairing and I have painfully mocked it, well sorry, but this IS a fanfic, and I'm generally allowed to write whatever crap I want, right?

(dodges flying rotten tomatoes)


Yuri left Flynn's room after congratulating him on his promotion. Flynn had definitely made a name for himself now, while Yuri had ....sort of....made a name too...except in Yuri's case, it was a bad name. It wasn't really impressive to show off a resume that included booting knights into big drains, even if the knight WAS a Tweedle....

"Ah wells, guess I better chat with the rest before catching some sleep," Yuri thought to himself. Stupid game rules, always making him lose sleep so he could go chat to the rest of the party about what? Useless stuff he could guess! Like, DUH Rita would be working on some ....spell thingy that no one understood, and Judith would be wandering off somewhere on her own to talk to one of the Entelexeia, while Raven would be....goofin' off.

His usual routine was to look for Estelle first, then whoever he would bump into later. He was always compelled to look for her first. He liked to think that it was because she was the trouble magnet, but, like Flynn teased earlier, he suspected it was because he may have developed a teeny weensy crush on her. But Flynn liked to exaggerate, and make it seem as if he was totally in love with her or something.

"Idiot. "Yuri had responded when Flynn said something gross about Yuri and Estelle's relationship, after bonking him hard on the head.

Anyway, Yuri found Estelle without much trouble. She was gazing at the sky. He snuck up quietly behind her.

"I see one star, two stars...and look, one gigantic black thingy that's gonna eat the world!"

"Ahh! Yuri! I didn't hear you coming!" Estelle jumped a bit. She smiled at him, then went back to gazing at the sky.

"Um, you seem pretty distracted this fine night. What's on your mind?" Yuri asked. Inside, he was expecting the usual "Oh no the Adephagos is gonna eat up the world like a gummy ball and he can't do that cuz thats where I keep my stuff" speech, which would eat into his precious sleeptime.

What she DID say was a bit shocking.

"I'm thinking....well, um,"

Yuri was a bit surprised. This is new, he thought.

"I was wondering....what the higher-ups would think about gay knights..."

"Gay knights?! That's what's on your mind? Why the sudden thought? " Yuri was surprised to say the least. I mean, here was a silly princess who came up with cheesy determination lines like "For the sake of this world, I must FIGHT!". Yeah, that sort of thing. And now, in the middle of mayhem, she's worried about GAY KNIGHTS?!

"Is this about Flynn?" Yuri questioned.

Estelle nodded.

"You think....Flynn"

Estelle looked around, then nodded.

Yuri hid a chuckle. "So you're worried that your darling Flynn's gonna get convicted for being homosexual?"

"He is NOT my darling Flynn! And ....yes." Estelle murmured, finding Yuri's shoes very interesting all of a sudden.

"What makes you think that Flynn is gay? I mean, we're talking about the guy who had more fangirls than me and Schwann...I mean Raven combined, and you think..."

Estelle cut in. "You spend an awful long time in Flynn's room, like, ALONE, and that Sodia always come out of the room with a red face when she barges in, and Flynn always talks about you, and you guys know so much about each other..."

"That little pesky midget is always red in the face because she always blows her top when I'm around! think I'M GAY?!" Yuri burst out laughing.

"Well, the evidence is clear in these tomes I found!" Estelle thrust a book at Yuri. It was quite new-looking. Yuri opened the book.

"A collection of Fanfiction on Tales of vesperia? What's fanfiction? What the HECK is "Tales of Vesperia"?!"

"I don't know, but all of us star in the stories written in it. Here, flip to page 53..." Estelle grabbed the pages.

"Read it aloud!" Estelle demanded, stepping back.

"Erm...okay...Flynn faced Yuri eye to eye. "There's no escape, I'm taking you back to the capital!" With that, Flynn whipped his sword and cut Yuri, as Yuri was too slow to if THAT ever happened! I could block Flynn's moves anyday!...Yuri fell back and clutched at his arm, where blood flowed out. "Flynn....I thought we had something special between us..... hey wait a minute...'

Yuri was too shocked by the crap he just read. Estelle grabbed the book. A little loudly, she read. "And Flynn dropped in front of Yuri and said "We still do!" And he grabbed Yuri by the shoulders and they locked lips. Yuri was shocked, but not unpleased, and...."

Yuri's jaw fell to the floor. "Like, EW?! Flynn's lips are like, one of the last things I'll ever want to touch! EWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!"

Estelle was confused and frustrated. "It was written in this book! It must be true!"

Yuri suddenly heard barfing noises. He turned to see Flynn, going green and barfing into his helmet.

"Hey Flynn, hope you're gonna clean that later...." Yuri smirked.

"I will, but first, what ATROCIOUS FICTION did Princess Estellise read?!" Estelle gave Flynn the book.

Flynn flipped it open, but he sort of passed page 53...

His jaw dropped.


"Um, Flynn, I didn't quite catch that..."


"Um,, I don't understand punctuation..." muttered Yuri. "Someone get me a dictionary...."

"Flynn, you're at the wrong......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" muttered Estelle


"!!!" said Flynn and Estelle.

Yuri groaned. He snatched the book.

"Rita pulled herself closer to Estelle. She ....."

Yuri couldn't even read the second sentence. Together, the three of them shared Flynn's helmet as their barfing tub.

Half the stuff ended on the floor.