The Great Pretender

By: Dangerlady

A/N: I know this is a late update so for that I am sorry. Stuff happens. I made this long to appease you all! Enjoy!

Chapter 10


Shit happens. And Megumi is the shit of my life.

'Where are you?' Megumi shouted angrily. I pulled the phone slightly away from my irritated ear and with a sigh continued to listen to her rants, 'You're Santa Clause! You're not supposed to be late. It's almost five Sano! You still have to help me with the decorating!'

Every year, there's always a little Christmas Party to celebrate Christmas together with our closest and dearest friends. Each year I skipped the Christmas Party and go to the bar instead. This year, Megumi was assigned to organize the party and she's hell-bent on involving me in the little get together.

"C'mon Meg! You don't really expect me to fly in the venue do you? And I have a valid reason why I'm late."

'What is that?' She asked cynically.

"I'm bringing Kaoru for you to boss around." I told her chirpily, a tic forming in my forehead. I really should understand. Megumi's menopausal.

'The only smart thing you could think! Just hurry up Sano!' I looked at the door before me and it reminded me of Megumi: hard and unyielding.

"Yeesh! You don't have to remind me every five minutes." I replied, already annoyed. The door, whereas in my vivid imagination was Megumi's face, was still left unopened after repeated times of using the doorbell.

'I won't have to remind you if you weren't so stupid.'

If we weren't friends…I'll…

And I begun knocking repeatedly at the door thinking it was Megumi's face I was punching. I could almost hear her pleading for mercy as her bloodshot eyes tearfully looked at my way. I smiled at the mental picture and I wonder if I would ever have a chance to shut her up like that. It's not that I hate her; it's just that sometimes she so bloody annoying that it hurts not to punch her right in the face.


I stopped short, my hand hanging in mid-air because for one short second I thought Megumi had read my thoughts and transported here to kill me. Thank goodness it was an…what the hell? I peered closer at the unknown creature before me and my eyes widen as I recognized the sunken eyes and the pale face.

"You look like shit." I said as my eyes travelled up and down. Her hair was in total disarray, her eyes were bloodshot and droopy, her eyebrows were unplucked, and there were the remnants of drools in her chin. The hasty thrown robes couldn't hide the red…hickies?...that covered her neck and her chest, her clothes were crumpled and torn as if there was a fight that happen last night and her feet were bare. This is Kaoru?

'I looked like what? Sano! You better not bullshiting me! I'm already stress out as it is.'

"Not you. Kaoru." I explained briefly, still stunned at the sudden inhuman transformation. And I got a feeling it was not due to another sleepless night of watching porn.

"Would you kindly stop gazing at me like I'm some sort of freak? Go in and I'll get ready to help Megumi." Kaoru said brusquely as she closed her robes more to hide the splotches of red that covered her skin.

"Uh…yeah." I muttered dumbly as I followed her inside. I pocketed my phone, not even listening to the loud protest coming from the other side. There was something off about Kaoru today. And I'm still wondering what those things in her neck were. Maybe later. I don't think my breakfast can hold down the gory details.

"Where are your housekeepers? Aren't they supposed to answer the doorbell?" I asked as I followed her up the stairs and into their bedroom door.

"I gave them the week off. And Sano, why on earth are you following me? Living Room. Stay." Kaoru said tersely. She held the doorknob tightly as her other hand shooed me away.

"Come now Kaoru. I'm just worried about you." I said sweetly as I enjoyed the animalistic anger shown in her face. It was that anger, that lively colour of red in her face that made led me to believe that she was going to be ok. Just like what I did to Sayo before she…

'She's dead Sano. Please release her.'

I looked up unable to believe Megumi's words. She can't be dead. It was impossible. We still have a lot of things to do together. We still had that promise to see the meteor shower together. She can't be gone. Can't they see that Sayo was only sleeping?


"Sano?" Kaoru asked worriedly, "Are you alright? Sano?"


Her worry pulled me out from slowly sinking in depression. I looked at Kaoru and I felt ashamed of my behaviour. Here she was, her problems piling up and she was still worried about me. I should be the one worrying about her since she has the shitty life.

"Are you alright?" Kaoru asked again. Her hand moved to my face but I flinched away. She realized her mistake and pulled her hand back and said, "Sorry. I just wanted to…um…get the eyelashes off your face."

It's not that…I just hate the pity in your eyes. I don't need it.

"Don't worry, I'll handle it." I said goofily and I made a big show of wiping the invincible eyelashes off my face and in turn wiped off the pesky tears away.

"Don't dawdle now!" She finally said, putting the little incident aside. She put her hands in her hips and coldly she shouted, "GO MOVE! SHOO! SHOO!"

"Sorry. You can go in now your highness. I forgot how I high maintenance you are."

"I don't look good without make-up Sano." She rebutted angrily and I could just happily agree. Man, she looked damned bad.

"Go ahead. I'll wait here." I said as I stood stubbornly at the doorstep of her bedroom. She sigh resignedly and went inside. I was left alone outside; my wayward thoughts were my only company. Last month Kaoru implored for my help. I hesitated since I was still fiercely loyal to my best friend but the promise of intrigue and excitement made me agree. I knew that Kaoru thought it was only because of their parents' insistence that Kenshin agree. But we, meaning Aoshi, Megumi, and moi, beg to differ. There was blackmail involved and maybe Kaoru's plan could help me know about it.

Oh hell, it's gonna be fun! Who knows that nice little Kaoru can be so evil?

"KAORU! KAORU! KAORU! KAORU! KAORU! KAORU! KAORU! KAORU! KAORU! KAORU! KAORU!" I chanted loudly, excited at the turn of events. I could just imagine their faces and their reactions. So much drama and action might commence. I couldn't wait!


She opened the door angrily and I smiled as I saw her all dolled up. It made her the Kaoru I knew and love. If she never had made that request one month ago I would have never knew how demanding, bossy and temperamental she really was. Although I still prefer to remain in the dark. Knowing this kind of side to her really put me in edge. Who knew that underneath that nice, gentle, understanding façade lays a very dangerous woman? Did Kenshin know this side of her? Or was I lucky enough to see that she was something more than she let on? No…make that unlucky, unlucky enough.

"Don't shout! Kami! You sound like a little kid." She said exasperatedly and my smile widen. There was the woman I was used to seeing. She looked wonderful and problem free.

"Sorry." I said unapologetically, "I don't get it. What were you doing back there? Did you fell asleep? Ohhh! You masturbated didn't ya? Thinking about Kenshin again Kaoru? You stalker you!"

"I was there for twenty minutes you twit." She said, her eyebrows meeting together and her face, a lovely shade of red. But she was Kaoru Kamiya-Himura and all her life she knew how to ignore words, "C'mon let's go before Megumi murders us for being so late."

"And whose fault was that?" I asked cheekily and she looked at me irritably, "Not that I'm saying it was you or anything. But you really took too long. Seriously, what were you doing?"

"I was there for twenty minutes!"

"It was more like five hours. Seriously Kaoru, if you want to blame anybody for our supposed lateness! Whoa!" I cried out in surprise as I saw a flying slipper heading towards my face. I tried to dodge but the slipper was faster and before I could even blink it hit me straight in the face.

"Or I could just explain to Megumi that you were dawdling in my living room. You lazy ass you!" She said sarcastically as she sashayed towards my car. I clutched my aching face as my ego took a big hit.


"What are you sitting there for? Let's go already! You lazy ass!" Kaoru shouted cheekily, grinning from ear to ear. Unable to take the shameful loss, I shouted crudely, "You finally raped Kenshin?"

I laughed as I saw her slipped and almost bumped her chin at my car's door. Damn, vengeance is good!


"Kashiwazaki Nenji."

"Shinomori Aoshi! Welcome! Welcome!" Kashiwazaki Nenji said jubilantly as he hugged me tightly, immediately throwing me off my game. My eyes widen in surprise and before I could even think he already pulled me into a chair and asked, "How do you find the US? Lots of pretty women no?"

I blinked rapidly, wondering where the real devil of the finance world was hiding. It couldn't be possibly this old man. He couldn't possibly left me in a meeting with this idiot since this meeting would have a big impact on his hospital. But the more I looked at him, the more it dawned on me that this old man might be the real thing.

"Don't be too uptight young man! Liven up! America has a lot of pretty ladies. If you want I could introduce them to you! I know plenty." He said mischievously as he winked at me and I felt the hair on my arms stood up.

"I'm sure they are. But I'm a very busy man Kashiwazaki…"

"Okina." He interrupted.

"…Okina…and if it is possible I would like to start this meeting."

"Seriously?" He asked dubiously and I nodded, wondering what crazy ideas he had in his head, "You rather want to talk business and not girls?"


"Pssh! You're not gay are you?"

"No. I believe I'm not."

"Fine! Talk." He said as he sulked in his chair. And now I understand why my co-workers gave me pitying looks as the CEO of the bank gave him as my assignment. As the president, it was normally not my task to go around meeting clients but this was different. Kashiwazaki Nenji was our biggest depositor until this little problem arose. St. Clair Hospital was not doing well and he had taken a lot of his money out to provide financial assistance to his dying hospital. Frankly St. Clair is an excellent institution but the way it was run was a turn off to a lot of investors.

Research shows, St. Clair normally would not accept payments from poverty stricken families. It would also cure immigrants without insurance. In the eyes of the bank it's a bad move and…

"I'm here to help you rethink in maintaining to run this hospital. You are a very intelligent man Okina and you know that closing this hospital would do you a lot of good. There are a lot of buyers willing to take this hospital off your hands if you would sell it as early as now. It would be both beneficial to you and your company." And to the bank.

For most this was a huge bomb but to Kashiwazaki Nenji he took it merrily. I was amused at the feigned nonchalance but it was still easy to spot the uneasiness hidden in his merry stance. He looked at me seriously as he said, "I built this hospital not to gain money but to help people."

"Yes, but the more you provide financial aide for this hospital, the more you'll cripple your finances. It will not do you or your businesses any good. How can you help people when you reach to the point you can't pay your employees?"

"Help me then."

"That's my job."

"No! No! No! You help me maintain my hospital. As I told you I didn't build this hospital to gain money but to help people. Don't you feel happy to see patients smiling happily because they're cured? I'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart. So help me. It would do me and your company good."

"I'm sure it will." And it will also help transition your granddaughter to the medical society, "But what good would it do when you won't ask for payment to every poverty stricken patients? If you want my help then this helping should stop. I don't think you want that."

"You mean I let them pay?"

"Or you would not let them in, in your hospital. It's not that hard you know. If you really want to let this hospital stay afloat then I would help you in any way that I can. But I need to help you my way."

"You'll change everything then?"

"Why? Would that worry you?"

He looked thoughtful as he considered his options. But if my guess was correct and he only built this hospital only for his granddaughter's own good then, "Ok, I agree."

"I'm glad to be of help."

He smiled knowingly as he said, "I know that deep inside that stoic, and gayness of yours lays a very kind man. You will see my reasons on why I insist on doing things like this to my hospital."

"I'm sure I will." But I doubt that. I would have said something more but my phone rung and knowing who it was I immediately ended our conversation,"I'm sorry if my visit is brief. But I have to go now. It's nice meeting you Okina."

"You too Mr. Shinomori."

I answered the call as I headed out of the door. But before I could even step further outside, I bumped into something very small.

"Sorry." I muttered as I gazed down at the extremely petite woman.

'Sorry for what?' Kenshin asked confused.

"MISAO!" Kashiwazaki Nenji shouted happily.

"Sorry." The girl named Misao apologized blushingly.

"It's okay." I muttered as I continued to stare at her.

'It's okay? What are you talking about Aoshi? Did you call because of my…why did you call?'

"It's not you." I answered gruffly as I exited the office, leaving one last lingering glance at her, "I bump into someone."

'Oh. Someone huh? Should I get jealous darling?'

I smiled briefly at the joke. Since we've become friends there were a lot of rumours of us being gay and being secretly together. We played that skit time to time when we were tense.

"Kenshin, I know you have your own life and all but really what were you thinking?"

I usually never touch anything that involves the life of my friends but this was different. Kenshin could destroy all their lives if he went through his stupid, 'foolproof' plan. It was plain suicidal. Her parents would murder them both.

There was a pause before he answered, 'I wasn't.'

Unbelievable, "You'll hurt Kaoru, 't you ever think that? She's very fragile. I heard she was hospitalized for a week after Enishi's charity event last month."

'She was?'

"You didn't know?" I asked angrily. I can't believe he was this much of an absentee husband that he didn't know that his very own wife was hospitalized for two weeks.

'How did you know? You weren't here in Japan when that happened.'

"I got a call from Sano. Didn't he call you? Or her parents? I thought you were with Kaoru at the charity event."

'I…I went back to America the morning after. I…I didn't receive a call. They only told me she was staying at a spa or something.'

What the hell is going on here?

"You didn't know?"


"Do you care to know?" I asked already knowing the answer.

'I…No.' He answered silently. I took a deep breath to calm my anger. I understood Kenshin. He was not cruel. He was in love. He's been in love for ten years with the same woman. And I know he would not hurt Kaoru by marrying her, knowing his heart was set for someone else. But parents happen and his life seems to go downhill from there. It's just that I fault him from not trying too hard.

"Ken…couldn't you try harder to love Kaoru? She's trying too hard to make you love her. You should reciprocate it."

'I did.'

"Really?" I asked sarcastically, "For a few weeks?"

'No. I tried for the first two years of our marriage. But no matter how hard I try I couldn't let go of my anger. You know that my father is cheating with her mother. And I can't help it but blame her.'

"It's not her fault." I told him. I was only a few who knew about the secret affair. And that was thanks to one drunken night when Kenshin was off guard. And it was no secret that Mr. Himura favoured Kaoru more than his son. It almost felt like he was competing with her.

'Don't you think I don't know that? I just don't know. You know the feeling when you see a person your blood immediately boil. That's how I feel about her. And her constant affection is nauseating and suffocating. I can't stand it.'

"You notice? I thought you were blind to her advances." I said mockingly.

He ignored it as he continued, 'Am I wrong Aoshi? I chose Tomoe over Kaoru? Am I wrong to do that?'

YES! "You're married to Kaoru Kenshin! Stick to it!"

'Why?' he implored, 'Only women can divorce their husbands because they can't stay with them anymore?'

"Fuck Kenshin!" I shouted that earned looks from other passer-by's. I ignored them and entered the bank. Employees greeted me respectfully and I nodded at them silently in return. I waited until I get inside my private elevator before I continued, "You're the one who is cheating with Tomoe!"

'Not at first. I really tried to control it. I admit I love her so much that not being close to her is killing me. But I controlled my feelings for both our sakes. I don't want to ruin Tomoe. I love her. I can't put her into danger. But I can't help it Aoshi! She's like a drug. I kept thinking about her. I kept thinking about the way that we touched. And I gave up. At the day of the charity event I asked her to come with me.'

I watched the elevator opened and I went directly to my private bar. I got a scotch and got myself drunk. Ha! Other guys at a situation like this would hesitate because of their wives. Kenshin on the other hand hesitates because he cared more of the well being of his mistress. My friends are really weird.

"And you're involving Tomoe with your suicide plan? That's just crazy." I said angrily as the thoughts of poor Tomoe in another situation where Kaoru's parents would put her in shame. And Kaoru, fragile Kaoru, it would break her heart when she'll know that he chose Tomoe over her.

'I know its suicide but I'll go insane without her. We'll elope somewhere that no one would find us. I don't care about anything. I just want us to be together.'

"What about Kaoru huh? What would happen to her?"

'I'll let my lawyer handle everything. And…we already talk.'

"You told her you wanted a divorce?" I asked incredulous.

'I planned to. But I couldn't. Maybe it's the guilt but I couldn't say it. Something is different about her that night.'

Maybe because she knew about the two of you, I wanted to say but I kept that thought to myself. I waited for Kenshin to continue not wanting to interrupt this rare soliloquy.

'And last night we…we…'

We what?

'We…we…had …we had sex.'


"You did what?" Sano shouted incredulously and hit the brake by mistake. I was thrown towards the headboard and I glared at Sano as I tend to my aching forehead.

"You raped him?" He asked his voice considerably low. The disbelief in his voice was insulting and the blaring horns from the other cars were maddening. It only takes one push, just one push, and I'll murder Sano. I shouldn't have told him. Why did I tell him?

"I did not rape him." I said indignantly. I covered my ears with my hands as the beep of the other cars increased.

"Fuck you! MOVE!"


And others just shouted angrily. But Sano was still oblivious as he tried to process the words I had said. Was it that difficult to understand that I had sex with my husband? It's the most natural thing to do!

"Then how on earth did you make Kenshin fuck you?" He finally said as he started the car again, oblivious to the oncoming punch in his face. When he did it was too late since I already hit him straight in the eye. Satisfied I went back to my seat and my smile widen considerably. Sano being too overdramatic react exaggeratingly, "You punched me!"

"You were being stupid!" I retaliated, "Can't you understand that Kenshin and I made love?"

"Can't you love me? Please?"

"No. Kenshin don't love you. We both know that."

"I can't. I can give you anything but my love. It's too much to give."

"So plan A worked huh? You seduced Kenshin to bed. Kamatari's a good teacher."

"What are you doing?" Kenshin asked sceptically as he tried to force my hands off his shoulders, "I'm sorry but I need to sleep now Kaoru. I'm tired. I just arrived from America. I need my rest."

"One month Kenshin." I said softly as my hands slowly slid away from his shoulders, "I waited a month for you to return. I wanted to do this to you so badly."

"Do what?" He asked confused.

"This." And I slapped him hard in the face.

He looked at me thoughtfully and remarked, "You're frowning. Did the plan failed? But you said you had sex. And the hickies hidden in that sweater is proof enough. What really happen?"

"What the?" he muttered in surprised as he staggered backwards.

"That night I saw you with her. Do you still love Tomoe Kenshin?"

I blinked back the tears as the memories of last night kept coming back to haunt me. It was the happiest yet the saddest time of my life.

"What happen last night Kaoru?" Sano asked worriedly, "Please tell me. I'll punch him if he did anything bad to you. I promised Kamatari I'll take care of you and you know how that scary bitch gets when he's angry."

I laughed a little, remembering how Kamatari warned Sano ferociously to guard my well-being since he agreed to my stupid plan. Maybe Kamatari was right. Maybe this plan was stupid. But I can't back out now. I already started this and I need to finish it.

"Did something happen?"

"No. Nothing happen. Just that." I lied. I stared in front of me and my eyes widen in shock. My hands automatically clutched Sano's arm and nervously I met his eyes. He looked at me questioningly and I anxiously replied, "Watch out!"

His attention immediately returned to the road and he muttered obscenities as he tried to manoeuvre his way out of the big truck. But it was risky, the road was steep and we're turning into another blind curve. But the incoming truck was swaying dangerously on the deserted road and blocking much of our sight. Oh why on earth did we choose a venue that is way far out of the city?

"Shit. The driver's drunk." Sano muttered tautly. I held his arm tightly as my life flash through my eyes.

Shit indeed.


I speedily walked my way to the tiled floors of the Chiba University Hospital. I got an emergency call twenty minutes ago while I waited at that damn jock. I had to run back at the hospital without even finishing the decorations. Uggh! That Sano is useless! I should have let him have his merry way to that stupid bar. And let him live a miserable fucking life. If I see that man, I'll really kill him.

"Doctor? You're needed at the Emergency room! ASAP!"

I heard the urgency in her voice and I run towards the room all the while wondering what on earth had happen. My nerves were already frazzled all thanks to Sano and this emergency call had me on edge.

I entered the room and I was greeted by the frantic flurry of activities. The EMT wheeled in a bloody person, probably coming from a car accident. I immediately rushed towards the person and tore off his clothes as I examined his breathing and the sources of the blood. There were multiple scars on his head, a glass piercing in the left side, hopefully nowhere near his heart, there was also a big gash lower of his ribcage, and the bones of his feet were probably broken.

"What happen?" I asked as I immediately tended to the patient.

"Car Accident. Two people are involved. They're already identified and there relatives are informed of the situation." The nurse said briefly as she took the equipment I had asked for.

"Two?" I asked confused, "Where's the other one?"

After I had asked the question the EMTs' brought in another bleeding patient. I immediately went beside him, only to stop when I recognized the face. My heart stopped, my face paled, and my hands shook as I touched the patient's face.

"Are you okay doctor?"

I couldn't hear them. My world seems to stop and all I could see was the bloody mess that was Sano. The man before him was luckier because he received lesser wounds. But Sano…dear God…Sano! He was bleeding all over. There were glasses everywhere in his body, his arms that had lain limply have a big gash on it, and his head was bleeding profusely.


A familiar hand pushed me out of the way and I stumbled backwards. My eyes were foggy due to tears but I still could hazily saw Dr. Gensai treating Sano's wounds.

"What are you doing? Stop standing there and help!" Dr. Gensai reprimanded but I couldn't move. I was rooted to the spot as Sano's words rung back in my head.

"I'm bringing Kaoru for you to boss around."

"I'm bringing Kaoru for you to boss around."

"I'm bringing Kaoru for you to boss around."

"I'm bringing Kaoru for you to boss around."

"KAORU!" I shouted anxiously. I went outside but found no other patient waiting to be wheeled inside. I took a EMTs' hand and asked, "Kaoru? Where's Kaoru?"

"Doctor? Are you okay doctor?"

No I was not okay, "Where the hell is Kaoru?"

"You need to sit down doctor." An EMT told me as his partner discreetly called a nurse. It felt like hundred of hands manhandling me as they tried to calm me down.

"Is there another passenger? Were there only two of them?" I asked, my hands shaking in apprehension. I caught them looking at each other and in a kind voice answered, "Those two are the only ones that were not part of the fire."


"Do you know them doctor?" The nurse asked.

"What fire?" I asked my legs felt wobbly. I clutched the arms of the ones who were holding me for support as I stared at the EMT before me.

"The car that took the hit from the big truck fell in the ravine and immediately combust. There's a big fire now and our group are still searching if there were still bodies inside the car. Do you know them doctor?"

"I'm bringing Kaoru for you to boss around."



My ears perked up as I heard Kenshin's voice. But my stomach dropped as I thought of the news I had to deliver to him.

"Where's my son?"

My hands were sweaty as I clasped them tightly. I couldn't tell Mr. Sagara the situation. He would be devastated to know that something happen to his favourite son.

"Doctor?" The nurse inquired but I ignored her as I shook away their hands that were holding me. I went back inside and to the waiting lounge and met the anxious and confuse stare of Sano's father as he dreadfully asked, "My son? What happen to my son?"

"He is…" I gulped, "He received many critical wounds from the car accident Mr. Sagara. But we have to wait for Dr. Gensai for more clarification."

"Sano…" Mr. Sagara whimpered as he clutched the chair near him. Kenshin helped the old man on his feet; his eyes were wide with fear.

"Is Sano okay?"

I looked behind Kenshin as I heard the voice and saw Tomoe and Enishi running towards us. There faces were full of apprehension as they looked at me with hope in their eyes.

"I don't know yet." I admitted. I was too much of a coward to touch Sano. I was afraid I'll kill him.

"You don't know yet." Enishi said slowly as he fell into the seat.

"There's more." I added nervously.

"What is it?"

"It's Kaoru." I said, gulping back the hindrance that made me want to stop talking. They all looked at me expectantly, fear in their eyes.

"Where is she?" Enishi asked savagely as he clutched my wrist tightly. I winced at the pain but willed myself to face them.

"Not here." I answered and I saw Enishi and Tomoe sigh in relief.

"But she's with Sano. And the car they rode was burned. The EMT is looking if her body is in there. Or if Sano has company."

"No." Tomoe whispered as she fell down the floor, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Are you sure?" Enishi asked, "Are you sure she's with Sano?"

"Yes." I answered and I felt him let go of my wrist. He shouted savagely as he punched the wall. He touched his forehead in the cold wall to hide the tears in his eyes.

I went to the corner as I cried myself dry oblivious to the pale, still Kenshin standing with Mr. Sagara. Mr. Sagara looked at him worriedly but he said nothing because there were no words to comfort the young man. He closed his eyes as the inevitable happen.

I looked up as I heard a loud noise and saw Kenshin running towards the elevator. I looked at the tired old man and asked, "Where's he going?"

"Probably back to the accident sight. To see if his wife is there."



"Unto Almighty God we commend the soul of our sisterdeparted, and we commit her body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust..."

Come with me

" sure and certain hope of the Resurrection unto eternal life, through our Lord Jesus Christ; at whose coming in glorious majesty to judge the world, the earth and the sea shall give up their dead..."

We'll go somewhere else... a place we could have our freedom

"...and the corruptible bodies of those who sleep in him shall be changed, and made like unto his own glorious body; according to the mighty working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself."

I love you so much


And suddenly I was not anymore in the dingy motel room. Or hear Tomoe's guilty cries as she tried to push me goodbye. I could not anymore feel the guilt wrenching pain as my dream of freedom was almost within reach.


Instead I feel numb as the voice thrust me back into reality. Back to the accusing silence and silent walls. Back to hearing the droning voice of the priest and soft clank of the shovel. Back to the cruel pity and mask indifference. I was back at this detested mansion, eating alone in the twelve sitter dining table and for the first time I missed hearing her useless chatter.

"Sir? Is the food not to your liking sir?"

My eyes inevitably glance at my late wife's chair and I was back again in seeing her casket slowly went down her grave. I clutched the fork and I immediately fed myself food to disperse the dreary thought. My face went sour as the food was not what I was used to eating. It was still my favourite dish but it has a different flavour than I was used to.

"It tastes different. Did the chief try a new mix in his recipe?"

"Ano…" the maid looked hesitant but eyes prodded her to continue, "Mrs. Himura always cook for you sir."

"Kaoru?" I asked incredulously. Kaoru can't cook! "She did?"

"Yes sir." The maid answered, oblivious to the inner turmoil I was in. I pushed the chair backwards and threw the napkin in the table. Confused, the maid asked, "Is the food not to your liking sir?"

"It's alright." I answered as I went towards the bar. I took a bottle of wine and rode my car. I can't settle down. I need to meet my wife. I need to put this feeling - whatever this feeling is - to rest. Twenty-five minutes later I arrived at the quiet cemetery and I can hear my heart hammering in my chest. When I pictured my wife dead I thought I could smile but here I was unable to make myself believe that it was all okay.

"Hiya Kaoru!" I said as I settled beside her grave. I put the bottle down and asked, "Want to drink?"

The chirped of the fireflies had answered me back. I shrugged and took a swig at the bottle, "Your loss."

I stared at the stars thoughtfully, wondering if this was fate. I felt guilty of all the wrong things I've done but I couldn't fine it in me to feel regrets on what I did to her. Even in her death I couldn't love her. Maybe I was too heartless but I was thankful that she was finally gone in my life. Because there was no one that held me back anymore.

"Kaoru, maybe when you hear this you'll hate me. But I thank you. I do not wish for you to die but it's still great…for me that is, that you croak. And I apologized for last night. I shouldn't have shouted at you. Because you were right, I am a cheating bastard. But you know I have a reason. Your parents and my father blackmailed me in marrying you. I can't find it in me to love you. Because my heart only belongs to Tomoe. You know that. And I know you know that from the very beginning."

"Do you know why I hated you that much? When I was young, I knew my father loves you. He loves you to death that it made me want to wring your neck to take you out of the picture. At first I was competing with you for my father's attention but as I got older and learned that your mother was to blamed for the wreck of my parents marriage it was easier to blame you. And then my teens happen. You were too in love with me and it caused me my first sweetheart. I hated you so much then. And then there comes Tomoe. Everything that has happened to her, I blame myself. I couldn't blame you."

"Love me. Just this night, love me."

I closed my eyes to disperse the thoughts of last night. I took another gulped of beer and continued, "I couldn't blame you. I blame myself. I was the one who fell for her despite the warnings our friends gave. I knew the consequence of loving Tomoe but I couldn't stop myself. It's because of her that made me feel so alive. She made me lose all that anger I have towards you. She made me lose all my pretences. I love her so much that it hurts not to be with her."

"But she was still punished. And now she's back to me and you're gone. For that I have to thank you. I guess no one wanted for me to say this but really thank you for dying. When they pulled you out from that fire all charred and unrecognizable all I felt was relieve. You're finally gone in my life. You know I don't wish for that accident to happen on you or on Sano. Thank goodness Sano's alright. You'll be glad to know that he's already okay and healing quite nicely. Megumi's taking care of him right now."

I took another gulped of beer and I put my head down to her marker. I could feel the cold hard stone but the feel of her closed to me made my heartbeat relaxed.

"You know what I'm really angry at you sometimes. Whatever I do to push you away, you always remain to be so good in front of me. It was gross! And I'm happy I would never experience the likes of you again. You're spoiled rotten by your parents. I'm really happy that you're dead."

If I'm happy, why can't I stop crying?




"I'll see to it," I said. My eyes went back to the room of my daughter and smiled as I saw her happily playing with her pet rhino, "Just don't touch anything until I get back ok? I need to settle something with someone."

"Aah! I'm gonna hit it! Stop! Stop!"

I stilled as I heard the familiar voice. My eyes searched for its owner but I found no one in the hallway. It must be my imagination.


"Sorry. Run that by me again." Yea, it was just my imagination. I slept late last night because I was looking out for my cute little daughter. It couldn't be her. She was long gone.

"You're so bad! I thought I'll bump the wall. But your right it was fun."

My ears perked up as it strained to listen more.

"Misao told me the great news! I might leave the hospital tomorrow!"

I can't be wrong! It was her voice. I pocketed my phone and searched for the owner of the voice. I ran across the hallway, oblivious to the couple that passed me by. In the end of the hallway just near the stairs I saw a black haired woman and my heart pick up speed. I touched the woman's shoulders and muttered, "Kaoru!"

End of preview

So here's the thing. It's kinda awkward writing chapter eleven right after this so instead I'll go to my first plan in writing a sequel. Thank you everyone for their support! I hope you'll read the other one too! I love you all! Don't forget to review ok?