
Sakura just can't let it go when Sasuke tease her. She always tries to find a way to get him back for it. This time she might have just taking things a little to far, and know she ends up owing Sasuke big time. Not that she's complaining. (SasuxSaku)

"Let's Get This Teen Hearts Beating Faster, Faster!"



Chapter 2

Mistaken Identity

Sakura had been right, her Mom was livid. Not only was she grounded for the duration of the weekend, but she had to get up early tomorrow and help her mom bake the two hundred cupcakes she need for some villagers brat of a daughter.

It was official her life as she new it was over.

"Sakura straighten your spine." Her mother whisper in the over crowed airport. "Your fathers plane just landed, and we don't need him thinking his only daughter has turned into one of those devil listening teens."

Sakura was all ready used to her over dramatic mom. They way she would make some thing as simple as slouching your shoulder seem as dire as if you were dying from cancer. Okay so maybe the whole cancer thing was a bit much, but you get the point.

Over the years she had all so learned, that when it came to her mom, feigning ignorance was always a better policy. So Sakura did what she would do any other day; she rolled her eyes, and pretended not to listen.

It wasn't that Sakura like to be a "problem" child, as her mom would say. It was just that over the year she had grown bored with all the little inconsequential things her mom, one way or another, would fine some thing wrong with.

Simple things like wanting to color her finger nails red would earn a disdainful look from her mother and a simple comment of "Only sluts color there fingernails red." Which is really some thing to a ten year old when you think about it.

But no matter what Sakura thought of her mom at times, she was glad that she had her in her life. Sakura was smart enough and mature enough to know that with out her mom she would not be the type of person she was today. The always friendly, happy go lucky, self assured, indiscriminative young woman that her peers love to heat, but never out loud, and teacher adored, in every sense of the word.

In other words she wouldn't be Sakura.

Sakura was still ignoring her mom when she spotted her dad over the heads of the other passengers. Sakura loved her dad dearly but she hardly ever saw him; what with him being a dignitary of Japan and all. Heck, she was even lucky to reactive a call from him every once in a blue moon.

So you can just imagine the type of reaction she had when seeing her father for the first time in over four months.

"Daddy!!!" The young pink haired girls voice startled her mother out of the deep ranting she had commenced. By the time the older Haruno woman looked up, her young daughter was all ready flung over the shoulder of a tall dark hair man with big, kind, bright green eye.

"Oh Daddy, I've missed you so-so-so-so so much. Please say you wouldn't be leaving ever again." Equally bright green eye filled with tears. Yeah she could be over emotional at time, but so what it was her Dad.

Sakura was beyond happy, she was ecstatic. She finally had her Dad home, and so it was now time to commence her get out of jail plan.

Because really, when you were grounded in the Haruno house hold it was practically as if you were actually in jail. No kidding. You have to get up early, do chores, only get two meals a day, you also have certain hours for visitation, and not to mention the one, ten minute long, phone call. So can you see why she calls it "jail."

"Ha-ha, baby girl, you acting as if you haven't seen me in years!" Mr. Haruno exclaim, his bumming voice drawing looks from the people around them. He was happy to see his little girl again. It really had been a long time this time; about eight months.

Mr. Haruno looked down at his precious little girl and wonder where the time had gone. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, his little girl had become a young woman. A very attractive young woman witch meant only one thing.


Boy's were going to be after his little girls innocence. Mr. Haruno frowned at the direction his thoughts had take. He just couldn't help but think that he was glad he had that loaded forty-eight in his office. Yep, his the over protective type.

"Is every thing ok honey?" Mrs. Haruno asked of her husband when she felt his confusion. "Yes, sweetie, honey I was just thinking." Mr. Haruno kissed his wife lightly on the lips before returning his attention to his only child. "Sakura tell me some thing?"

"Yes, daddy?" Sakura was so happy she hadn't notice the change in the air. She just kept on smiling, her eyes bright and eager to please her dad. She hadn't the slightest idea of the dangers turn this conversation was about to take.

"Do you have a boyfriend Sakura?" All traces of pleasantries were gone from her fathers voice.

Sakura felt a chill run through her spine. If there was one thing her dad wouldn't be happy with, this was it. She was a firm believer of the saying that went 'What one doesn't know, can't hurt him.' But in her fathers case it would be more along the lines of "What daddy doesn't know, will be best for my boyfriends safety(aka life)."

Sakura's heart beat increased in it's palpitations and her inner voice was screaming at her to lie; to just tell her dad that she didn't have a boyfriend and that she was just concentrating on her school work, like she had promise she would be before he had left this last time. She would just deal with the situation later if her father managed to find out about Sasuke some how.

Sakura just hoped it wasn't any time soon. But she should have known that the devil would reel his ugly head in.

In other words her Mom.

"She's dating the Uchiha boy." The crude voice of Sakura's mom said. "We almost missed your plane because Sakura-dare here was taking her sweet time saying good bye to her boyfriend."

"Inconceivable, that boy is to old for you, Sakura. I forbid you from seeing him again. Do you understand?" Her fathers voice took the tone it always takes when he has given his final word on a deal. The one that say, this decision is final whether you like it or not.

Sakura stood still for a while, holding her breath, she didn't want her parents to see the turmoil going inside her head. At this moment Sakura wished nothing more the to strangle her mom for opening her mouth, and tell her dad what he could do with his inconceivable, and forbidding notions.

She wasn't a little girl any more. She was old enough to have a boyfriend if she saw it fit. She didn't need to be forbidden any thing like a little five year old girl. Soon she would be graduating high school, moving away, going to college and doing whatever she pleased. But yes, at the moment she was still under their regime with no way out for at least another two years.

Letting her breathe out slowly Sakura began to speak, "But dadday?" She whined.

"I said, NO, Sakura. You will not be dating that boy. He is way to old for you." Mr. Haruno didn't like the idea of his daughter dating one bit. So finding out that she in fact had a boyfriend had come as a shocking truth; but not only that, as if that wasn't enough of to deal with there was also the matter of the boy age. That boy was much, much to old for his little girl.

To say the least Mr. Haruno is not happy about it, not in the least bit. A boy of that age is only looking for one thing and one thing only, especially if he is dating a girl five years younger then him. He just want's to get into his precious little girls pants. This was absurd he was not having this conversation with his daughter any longer.

"That's my final word Sakura. You are not to see that boy again." Mr. Haruno jutted his should out for his wife to take, which she took, and began to walk away leaving Sakura to follow.

"But daddy! What are you talking about? Sasuke is my age." Sakura would normally just ignore her dads order, but she honestly was wondering why her dad was acting so weird. Plus she was just as stubborn as her old man when it came to who or what she cared about.

"Don't play that card with me Sakura, it won't work. Just so you know I have met the Uchiha's and that boy is definitely not your age." Her fathers voice only grow more menacing with each passing word. Seeing her father so mad was only making Sakura even more curious to her dad's behavior.

She wasn't at all surprise to fined out that Mr. Haruno had meet the Uchiha's before, after all Mr. Uchiha was also a dignitary of Japan which its only natural to say that they had met before. But when had her dad met Sasuke? Sakura was still think over the whole deal with her dad and the Uchiha Family when she caught her father words again. Sakura couldn't help but rise her brows at what her dad was saying.

"Not to mention he is with a different girl every week; if what I see in the papers is true. Honestly, Sakura, how can you even be with a man like that. Because he is a man, not a boy, just look at him." Sakura's father spat out. He was glaring a magazine cover that was being displayed at a stores front window in the airport.

There in big block letter read: "Uchiha dose it again!" and right underneath it in a smaller, but still lager print, the headline continued "Goes in with one girl, leaves home with two different ones."

Sakura couldn't help the laughter that erupted out of her mouth when she looked from her father to the magazine. The expression he had was completely murderous; which change instantly to confusion at his daughter's outburst.

'Why was she laughing at what was the magazine said of her boy friend? Didn't she care that the Uchiha was cheating on her? Unless she already new but didn't care. No that was not true. Sakura was a lot more responsible then that.' Mr. Haruno just didn't understand what was going on.

"Oh daddy," Sakura said when she finally managed to control herself enough to talk. She took one last look at the magazine cover, of the all to familiar deep set onyx eyes, strong facial features, and dark black hair, and she smile one last time as she shock her head and look up at her dads eyes.

"Daddy," She said once more, all laughter gone from her voice. "That's not my boyfriend, I mean come on, look at him he is way to old for me." Sakura gave her dad a 'do you think I'm stupid look."

"But you and your mother said you were dating the Uchiha?" Mr. Haruno was confused. Hadn't both his wife and daughter said that the Uchiha was the man Sakura was seeing.

Mr. Haruno took one step back and looked form his wife to his daughter for answers.

"Dad! I said I was dating Sasuke. That there," Sakura pointed at the glossy magazine picture of Itachi with to blonde woman draped over both his shoulder. "Is Itachi, Sasukes older brother."

"Yes sweetie, I'm afraid to say that you were indeed confused. That there is the oldest of the Uchiha boys. Our Sakura here is dating the youngest, Uchiha Sasuke, I believe his name is." Mrs. Haruno explained to her husband as best she could.

Sakura couldn't help but smile.

'Kami, what a day it has been. First I get my boyfriend off in a running car, and then my dad thinks that I am dating my boyfriends old brother. Honestly what a peculiar life I live.'

"Sakura, honey, are you coming?" Mrs. Haruno asked.

Sakura startled a bit at the sound of her moms voice. She nodded once and then began to fallow as her parents continued on their way. She had just been thinking that this actually hadn't turn out so bad. That maybe she hadn't been giving her dad much credit. But of cores those thoughts went out the window with her dads next words.

"I would like you to bring this, Sazuki, boy over for dinner tonight."

Say what?

"But I'm grounded." She said. Yeah, know she definitely wanted to be grounded. What with her dad wanting to meet her boyfriend. This could only end one way, can any one say a complete disaster.

"Not any longer," Sakura's Dad said as he opened the door to the back seat and allowed his wife and daughter to enter before he did. "But that is only if you bring Sasumi over for dinner."

"But what if he can't make it Daddy," Sakura wasn't about to give in that easily. She was going to find a way out of this situation. She just had to keep stalling to agree to this dinner thing her dad had set his mind on. "And his name is Sa-su-ke, Sasuke, dad."

"Yeah sure, sure just make sure he come's. If I can't meet him then you are not dating him, plus you will be grounded for an extra two weeks." Mr. Haruno made sure that he keep his eyes on his little girl while he said this. He watch as the shock that had appeared on her face faded and then as she just gave him a small node of her head before resting her head on her seat and closing her eyes.

Sakura couldn't believe what her dad had just said. 'So Sasuke had to come tonight or she would be ground for two weeks! And that wasn't even the worst part if Sasuke didn't show up she was going to have to break up with him.'

She wasn't going to let that happen, any of it. If her dad wanted to meet Sasuke toning then bi-golly he was going to meet him.

'Kami,' Sakura thought. 'It going to be a long night to night.'

&~* = *~&

Yeah I know boring but I promise that there will be a little more SasuSaku action in the next one. This is mostly a filler. So thank for reading and thanks to all those how reviewed and add me and this story to their faves.

Oh and to the few of the many who read this story and took the time to review I just want to give you and extra special thanks, it really dose mean a lot.

Like I always say a review is best gift a writer can get.

So here it is THANK YOU! and take care


Ps: if you see any mistakes of any kind just let me know so I can go back and correct them