Disclaimer: Not mine. No money. The end.

A/N: I came up with this story last night because I couldn't sleep. :D There's not much dialogue. Also, if Newkirk and Hogan seem a little slow it's because they're exhausted and are still half-asleep.

Can't Sleep

It had been a stressful day for all of Hogan's men. They were nearly caught by the Gestapo three separate times during their mission.

On the way back to Stalag 13, Newkirk was so tired that he could barely keep his eyes open, but, for some reason, as soon as his head hit his lumpy mattress he was wide awake.

His body was telling his mind that he needed sleep, but his mind was still going a mile a minute, replaying the day's events.

Eventually, he climbed down from his bunk with the intention of making himself a nice hot cup of bad German tea.

That's when he noticed the light shining under Colonel Hogan's door. Apparently he wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep.

Tea forgotten, Newkirk moved across the room and slowly opened Hogan's door.

"Colonel?" He whispered, popping his head into the room.

Hogan, who had been sitting with his head in his hands, looked up.

"Newkirk, why aren't you asleep?"

Newkirk slipped into the room and closed the door behind him.

"Could ask you the same question sir, couldn't I?"

"Don't be coy," Hogan teased halfheartedly.

Newkirk grinned. "Couldn't sleep sir. Thought to get meself a spot o' tea to soothe me nerves and saw the light on."

"Mm," Hogan replied. "I can't sleep either."

Newkirk moved to sit next to Hogan on the bunk and put his arm around the colonel's shoulders.

"Wanna talk about it?" Newkirk asked, only half serious.

"Do you?" Hogan returned.

"Don't be coy," Newkirk teased.

Hogan laughed and leaned against Newkirk tiredly.

"Me neither," he said, understanding Newkirk's avoidance to mean no.

"What's your mum like?" Newkirk asked interestedly.

Hogan grinned and began to describe the amazing woman.

They talked about their families, friends, past sweethearts, old jobs, and anything else other than the war.

Eventually, they both fell asleep.


When Hogan woke up the first thing he noticed was that he was warm, something he hadn't really been since before he'd been shot down.

Then he noticed that his pillow seemed to be breathing and it had arms that were wrapped around his waist. It even had a heartbeat.

At that thought his eyes snapped open. His desk lamp was still on and he immediately recognized the sky blue sweater his head was resting on.

When Newkirk twitched in his sleep Hogan realized that that was probably what had awakened him.

Hogan bit back a yawn. He really should move. He could get to the upper bunk without waking Newkirk. Besides, if the corporal woke up he would more likely than not end up on the floor.

Just thinking about moving had Hogan's muscles protesting though and before he could make up his mind he'd fallen asleep again.


Newkirk woke up a short while later.

His arms were wrapped around something warm and soft. Newkirk tightened his grip and pulled the warmth closer.

A contented sigh escaped from the warmth, which he then concluded must have been a person. When that was followed by a soft snore, though, Newkirk started and his eyes snapped open.

He was taken completely by surprise when he saw that the person in his arms was none other than Colonel Hogan.

Newkirk was about to shove Hogan off of him when he noticed the colonel's face. He looked so relaxed and peaceful compared to how stressed he'd been earlier that night.

Newkirk sighed; he didn't have the heart to wake him up anymore. His colonel worked so hard all the time that he deserved all the rest he could get.

Newkirk leaned his head back down and he toyed absently with the soft hairs on the back of Hogan's neck as he allowed himself to be pulled to sleep once again.