
When Wakka learned of Chappu's death, he blamed Sin. The eternal representation of Spira's guilt now had personal significance. More than his parents, who Wakka could hardly remember, Sin had taken his brother.

When Wakka learned of how Chappu carried himself in battle; brave and proud, strong, tall and faithful, Wakka was proud. Then he learned of Chappu's weapon.

Wakka blamed himself. He should have taught Chappu better. Been a better role-model, a better teacher. He should have insisted that Chappu use the sword, a representation of their brotherhood.

Wakka made his choice, he took the sword in Chappu's place.


The next day, Wakka told his team of his decision.

"But, Boss…Are you sure?"

"Ya I'm sure. Who else is gonna save Spira? Da Crusaders?"

"But, who're gonna be your Gaurdians?"

"Bah. I'll find some if I need 'em. You know me, I'll knock down any fiends dat get in my way."

When Wakka set out on his pilgrimage, he was not surprised to see the Aurochs waiting for him.

"We're a team."

"And we always stick together."

"'Sides, we may never win at Blitz, but dere's no way we'll lose at this."

Wakka was not surprised. He was overjoyed.


Yuna took the news the hardest. She had already lost her mother, then her father. Both taken, in some way, by Sin, and now she was going to lose Wakka as well.

But all too quickly Yuna dried her eyes. Looking at the determined girl Wakka knew exactly what she was thinking.

'No more. I won't let Sin take anyone else.'

Looking at Yuna, Wakka saw himself, his own dedication reflected back. Looking at Yuna, Wakka saw the future. Wakka knew he would bring the Calm. And when his Calm ended, Wakka knew who would become the next High Summoner.


Every year that the Aurochs had visited Kilika's temple, it was with a light air. Racing up the steps to pray for High Summoner Ohaland to help them in the upcoming games. The teammate to win the race would unfailingly be the first to score a goal in the tournament.

This year was understandably different. Kilika welcomed them not as blitzball players, but as Summoner and Gaurdians. Their prayers were for Lord Ohaland to lend them his courage, rather than his skills in blitz.

There was still a race up the steps, the winner being the first to strike Sin.


"Don't you losers ever get tired of 'Doing your best.'?"

The Aurochs turned to see the forward players of the Luca Goers.

Wakka considered how to react to the taunts. He could let it roll off his back like he had always done. He could respond in kind. Or he could tell them the truth.

"You guys are lucky, we're too busy to compete this year." Turning to walk away, Wakka tossed back a final comment. "But when the Calm comes, you'll know who to thank."

If he was going to die, he could at least have some fun first.


The Aurochs pounded against the Machina that held Wakka, but their blows glanced off its metallic hide. Wakka himself twisted and writhed within the creature's grip to no avail. The Machina was too strong for mortal flesh to defeat.

Wakka cursed the Al Bhed and their twisted, unnatural machines. He knew little about them, only what Yevon taught. He did not know how they were made nor how they functioned. But he did know one thing. They were comprised entirely of metal.

And metal conducted lightning.


The Aeon of the Storm charged forth and smote Machina and Summoner alike.


"Hey Chappu, how ya doin bro? Ya, I guess dat is kinda a dumb thing ta ask. Sorry. It's just so weird ya know. Back in Besaid, I kept expectin to see you, kept thinkin' I did see you…But you were never there. You're gone, aren't you. Sin took you from me. Just like it took mom and dad ya. Sin just keeps takin from us, from everyone. For so long Sin has taken from us all. I don't care about anyone else, what they lost. I just want you back…But hey, I guess I'll be seeing you soon huh."


The Calm Lands spread out before him. This was where countless Summoners across the ages had fought Sin. This was where some had won, and where some had lost. And this was where they all had died.

Wakka looked towards Mt. Gagazet, the last obstacle in his journey. Many a Summoner died upon its frozen peaks, died without ever seeing Zanarkand or completing their holy mission. Wakka wondered if he would be like them.

No, Wakka knew he would return here. This is where he would battle Sin. Where he would avenge his brother.

This is where he would die.


"One of you will become the final Aeon."

No one could move. No one could speak. Lady Yunalesca had just informed them that one of their number must die to defeat Sin, only to rise in his place. Ending the calm they fought to bring.

She had just told them that their efforts were for naught. That their sacrifice was for naught. That their faith was for naught.

How could they choose one of their own?

They couldn't.

As one, the Aurochs spoke, "I will do it."

Looking at his team, Wakka understood. They would always stand, and fight, together.


Wakka returned to the Calm Lands. Alone, but not alone. He stood, and watched as Sin rose upon the horizon. The enemy of Spira. The dark god that had all the land worship him as they feared him.

Before him stood the reason for his quest. The monster that killed his brother. The monster that took his faith. Leaving him only the bitter irony of the situation. Wakka was ready.

Wakka reached out, and brought forth his final Aeon. His team stepped from the ether, took their positions, and readied themselves for the play.

"Alright guys. Let's do our best!"


I am personally very pleased with how this came out. I'm a fan of the sentences format for fanfiction, as well as 100 word challenges. So as a personal challenge to my own literary skills I set a goal of ten scenes each with 100 words exactly. All set around the idea of what might happen if Wakka became a summoner.

This was challenging for two reasons, thinking of what scenes to write was difficult in and of itself. Then getting them to exactly 100 words was the second challenge. Most had to be trimmed down. Whereas the seventh one, where Wakka spoke with Chappu, had to be expanded (dialogue is one of my weak points as an author).

I hope everyone enjoyed these scenes, there will be other chapters for the other characters. I did my best to make each scene clear within itself and in regards to the others. If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Feedback in any form is always appreciated.

Thanks for reading.