Disclaimer: i do not own anthing associated with Tin Man. i just love the characters.

this will be 6 chapters in total. some a bit shorter some a bit longer. enjoy!

i don't see how to name the chapters... so until i figure it out it will be listed here.

Chapter 1 - The One Where He Sees Her New Pajamas

She's wearing a light blue tank top and a matching pair of skimpy shorts. What she likes to call her 'summer jammies'. She knocks on his door to say goodnight. When he opens the door his eyebrows raise and he is momentarily speechless. He can tell she doesn't have anything on under her night clothes.

"Not my usually sleeping attire I know. But it's almost Summer!" She smiles wide.

"A Princess shouldn't be seen wearin' somethin' like that." He says pointing.

"Uh, there's no one here but you & I Cain." she says frowning.

"Well you shouldn't be in a man's room dressed like that."

She looks down at her feet then back up to Cain and says "I'm in my room. And the last time I checked" she looks down again and peers inside her tank as she holds it open "yep, I've got girl parts." She grins as he groans. She opens her arms waiting for the inevitable hug. She can't go to sleep without it. He stalks over and hugs her hard. Her shirt has risen up and his fingers graze her sides. She giggles "No tickling."

He rolls his eyes as he releases her and says "Git to bed DG." He waits til she gets in bed then he says "Night Princess."

He hears a faint "Night Tin Man." as he closes the door.

a/n sorry it is so short but it is leading to something good... promise!