Title : The Bare Necessities

Rating: PG-13

Synopsis: Ianto can't cope, Jack can't help, and the twins... they can't get home.

Disclaimer: All these Characters belong to the BBC, I just use them for my own silly purposes.

Authors note: Sequel to "the bare essentials" Hope you all enjoy!

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Ianto ran his hand through his hair as he rubbed the back of his squalling son. He looked down at his equally distressed daughter and felt like crying himself.

In the few months since the emergency Caesarian which had nearly ended in disaster, Ianto had worked from home, mainly updating the computers remotely, cleaning baby sick from his shoulder, and wondering at what point his life had taken this unexpected turn.

"Come on Gethin, hush for your dad, I know your teeth are hurting" Ianto hummed soothingly into his sons ear, rubbing some more of the gel over the babies swollen gums.

He settled himself onto the couch, holding a child on each knee, and put some gel into his daughter Bethans mouth also. The screams eventually subsided and Ianto thanked whoever created Dentinox. He smiled down at the infants and placed them back together in a travel cot he had set up downstairs.

Life had been hard for Ianto over the last few months. Soon after he had given birth, Tosh and Owen had been killed, sending him into postnatal depression. Jack had only found out when he came home one night and found Ianto stood in the dark with his hands in the kitchen sink, and the babies screaming. Jack had to shake Ianto violently to bring him back to reality. The last thing that Ianto had remembered was washing up in the late afternoon.

Jack had tried his best to help, and now rang throughout the day to check on him. Ianto couldn't blame him, he was a bad parent and Jack must be worried about the babies and how Ianto was treating them. Unfortunately Jack had also found the items which Ianto had stockpiled "just in case". Not that he would ever hurt the twins, they were all for him. Just in case it got too much and the release would help. They hadn't't slept in the same bed since the resulting argument.

The door slammed hailing the return of Jack, and setting the dozing twins screaming again. Muttering under his breath, Ianto picked up one and signaled for Jack to pick up the other.

"I'd just got them to sleep" He said viciously

"They shouldn't sleep so late, they'll not sleep tonight"

"What does it matter, its not you who gets up to them" Ianto spat back

"I work all day, you know what its like" Jack leveled back, the twins screams getting louder.

"Of course I forgot, I just sit and was fucking Jeremy Kyle all day don't I" Ianto, retorted, his shout becoming a sob.

Jacks Adams apple bobbed up and down for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry"

"You're always fucking sorry" Ianto said walking through to the kitchen to get a dummy

"Swearing in front of the children?!" Jack asked with a fake shocked face, one hand covering his sons ear in an attempt to make his lover laugh.

Ianto breathed out a short laugh, his daughter becoming stiller in his arms.

"Hows your scar?" Jack asked shortly.

"Sore." Ianto answered after a few seconds pause, and handed the baby to Jack.

With all the disruption after the birth, Ianto had allowed his scar to become infected without him noticing, it was only when it was checked by a doctor, and Ianto had completed a course of antibiotics that his had cleared, but was still not fully healed.

Watching the babies giggle and squirm in their fathers arms, Ianto felt both a rush of warmth, and sadness.

"They prefer you to me, they never laugh like that with me"

"That's because you're here all the time, they don't appreciate you"

"Maybe" Ianto gave a small before looking away

"Definitely" Jack muttered, placing a small kiss on his temple "Shall we all have an early night?" He asked waggling his eyebrows.

"I should, I'm so tired." Ianto answered, still looking the other way.

A look of disappointment flickered over Jacks face. "I'll go and get these put down for the night then.

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"They are not of this world" a small humanoid said to another.

"They are surely one of us, scattered, we must bring them back to us, punish the kidnappers" The other said

"They are well fed and cared for, they should not be punished too harshly..." said a female

The first hissed "They will be killed."

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Please R+R :)