Chapter eleven- The End.

A/N- Many of you guessed it was Ryan, and you were right. I had this planned for quite some time. And then you get to see the last two gifts given. Enjoy the last chapter. This is it for this story.


"Oh my God." Sharpay whispered, speechless for a moment before realizing she wasn't dreaming. She grinned. "Ryan!" She suealed, jumping into her brother's arms.

Ryan caught her easily, swinging her around a couple times before letting her go so he could get a good look at her. "Shar, God, I've missed you so much. You look fabulous."

Sharpay giggled, hugging her brother again. "I can't believe you're here. I thought you had to work?"

Ryan laughed. "Sorry, but the lying was necassary. Or said your boyfriend." Ryan hinted, looking slightly toward Troy who standing behind them smiling.

" did this?"

Troy shrugged. "It's no big deal. I just asked if he wanted to come. The rest was all him."

Sharpay grinned, hugging Troy and giving him a very thankful kiss. Ryan cringed. "Ew, that's going to take some times to get use to."


"So what have you been up to?" Ryan asked, interested in his sister's life, but alos trying to et out information of her and Troy.

Sharpay shrugged. "Not much. School's going good. Made some cool friends. Oh, you'll never believe this. Chad and I...are friends."

Ryan looked shocked. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, good friends too. Did you ever see that happening?"

"Not in a million years."

Sharpay giggled, happy to finally be able to be with her brother agian. "Everything's so different from high school. I'm really happy Ry. I finally have everything I always wanted, and I did it without being a bitch to everyone."

Ryan laughed. "I always knew you had it in you. I'm really proud of you Shar. You've grown up a lot. And I'm happy to see that you're happy."

Shaparpay giggled again, hugging her brother once more. "I am happy.

"That's great. But now," He started seriously, setting down his cup of hot coco and looking at his sister with a serious expression. "What's going on with you and Bolton?"

Sharpay rolled her eyes, stratching her legs across the couch. "Please Ry, don't go all big brother on me."

"I'm serious. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'm not going to." She sighed, knowing he wasn't about to give up. "Fine. I love him, and he loves me. Happy now?"

Ryan thought a moment, and smiled. "Yup."


"Hey." Troy called as he slowly peeked through the dorm room door. "Is it okay if I come in for a minute? I just wanted to say goodnight."

Sharpay smiled, and Ryan could see that she really did love him. And if she was happy, that was good enough for him. "Yeah, come on in."

"Thanks." He nodded towards Ryan, and kissed Sharpay forehead. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Wait." Sharrpay said, sounding excited. "I have my gift for you. Just one minute and I'll go get it." She skipped out of the room...literally. Ryan gave her a funny look and Troy smiled.

Ryan sighed, but smiled. "So Troy, can I talk to you real quick?"

"Yeah, sure."

"You love my sister right?"

Troy felt awkwad under Ryan's question, yet answered honestly. "Yes. I really do. A lot."

Ryan nodded. "Then I'm happy for you guys. That's all I needed to know."

Troy looked at him curiously. "So that's all you want to know?"

"Yup. I already know Shar loves you, you love her. And she's really happy. Happier than she's ever been."

"So am I."

Ryan smiled, liking the answer he got. "Good. But I am still Shar's big brother. hurt her I'll kill you."

Troy gave a nervous laugh. "Right. But...don't worry. I'm not going to hurt her."

"Well, I would hope not." Ryan smirked. "'Cause it's your ass if you do."

"Ryan!" Sharpay scolded, walking back into the room with Troy's present. "Don't harass him. And making death threats, that's low."

"Just looking out for you."

"Thanks, but I can handle it. Um, could you give me and Troy a moment, please?"

Ryan nodded, standing up. "Sure thing. And just know guys, I have eyes and ears everywhere. Not just on my face. Watch out." He said before leaving the room.

Troy shot Sharpay a look. "You grew up with that?"

She sighed. "It use to be funny. Now...well, yeah."

Troy chuckled, putting an arm around her and sitting htem down on the couch, Sharpay in his lap, his arms wrapped around her waist. "So, do you want to give me my gift first or should I?"

"You have another gift?"

"I told you I did." He grinned. "It's a really pretty gift too."

Sharpay laughed. "Fine. Let me see."

He grinned again, taking the box out of his pocket. He opened the small box to reveal a single diamond ring. Sharpay gasped. "I know we're way too young to get married, so I figured a promise ring was better. That way, less people freak out."

Sharpay smiled in awe at the ring. "I love your taste in jewlery."

"Well, all the better for you huh?"

She nodded. looking up at him with tears in her eyes. "I love you Troy Bolton."

He smiled gently, kissing her slowly. "I love you too Sharpay Evans."

She grinned before handing him his gift. "It's not as good as a ring or necklace, or...a brother. But here."

He opened the gift, to reveal a a black picture frame with a picture of the two of them, kissing at the park one day. He noticed at the bottom of the picture frame it was engraved with the words 'Screaming For You.' He smiled, remembering their first kiss in the thetre after his scream of frustration there. Troy smiled at the memory. It was funny how at the time it seemed his entire world had been falling apart, but was what made his world so great now. Because of Sharpay. He leaned over and kissed her passionatly. "I love this. It's the greastest gift I've ever gotten."



She smiled. "You know, this has been the best Christmas of my life. But I think it had more to do with just the fact that it was with you."

Troy smiled, nodding. "If you think this Christmas was good. Just wait until next year. And the year after that, and the year after that, and the year after-"

"Okay Troy." Sharpay laughed, kissing his cheek. "I got it. It's better for teh rest of or lives."

"Every single day of the rest of our lives." He corrected, pulling the girl he loved more than anything closer and kissing her.


The ending sucked, but all of mine do. This is the end of this story. No more after this. Sad, right? It was kind of hard to put in all the lovey dovey stuff because right now I'm so close to dumping my now, suddenly, jerk boyfriend. Ugh. I just need to take a couple deep breathes. I'm starting to hate guys. Except for the Cullen boys. But they're not even real. So that sucks.

Anyways, I'm still thinking of doing a sequel so let me know what you think of that idea.

And thanks so so much to everyone who has reviewed, read, or anything for this story. You guys are so great. Thanks so much for al of your support and it means so so much to me. I love you guys!!
