AN: Here's another chapter. Hope you like it. Please R&R!

Disclaimer: I own no one. They all belong to the brilliant mind of JK Rowling. I do own the other Potter kids though.

Chapter 15: Truths

James was in the hideaway with Katie and Kerri when Zane came in. He was dressed, but still blurry-eyed. It was obvious that he had just woken up.

"Mom and Harry are on their way." He mumbled as he sat on the couch.

"Do you know what's going on?" James asked him.

"Just that Harry found out what the first task is. And he spent the night asleep on mom's office floor."

"What's the first task?"

"Dragons." Lily and Harry came in and joined them. "Harry saw them last night."

"You're sure?" Harry nodded.

"I think he just has to get past it." Lily said.

"Yeah. And that's so easy." Harry mumbled.

"James, we need to tell them." Lily looked at him. "Everything."

"You're sure about this?" he looked at her.


"Ok." He sighed.

"You're really going to tell us everything we want to know?" Zane sat up.

"Us too?" Katie and Kerri looked at them.

"I think the girls are too young," Lily stated. "But we need to be honest with all of you."

"Well, it started just before you were born, Harry. There was a prophecy madeā€¦" James started.

Zane looked at Harry frightened as James stopped talking. Katie and Kerri didn't really understand any of it and were confused by how everyone was acting.

"So I was marked for death before I was even born?" Harry asked.

"It's going to be ok," Lily told them. "We will be here for you."

"Why does my forehead hurt when Harry's does?" Zane asked. "Was I marked for death, too?"

"No, you weren't." James told him. "We honestly don't know why that happens. It could just be because you guys have a special bond like your sisters do because they're twins."

"You really don't know?" Zane asked.

"We really don't know." Lily said. "If we find anything out, we will tell you whether or not we think it's real or rumor."

"And that goes for everything that pertains to any of us, right?" Harry looked at them both.

"We promise," Lily assured him.

"Now do you guys have any questions about anything?" James asked.

"I don't think I do right now," Harry said. "I might later. Can I go now so I can think about all this?"


"Can I come with you?" Zane asked him.


"Can we go with them?" Katie asked.

"If it's ok with Harry." Lily told them.

"Come on." Harry told them and they followed him and Zane out of the hideaway.

"At least they know now." James sighed.

"Is it safe to come through yet?" they heard Sirius and saw his head in the fireplace.

"Yeah. Come on in." a few moments later, both Sirius and Remus were sitting across from them both.

"We heard you guys talking to the kids when we tried coming earlier." Remus told them. "So how much did you tell them?"


"Everything?" Sirius looked at them shocked. "How'd they take it?"

"The girls didn't really understand. Zane looked scared for Harry, though."

"And how'd Harry take it?"

"We're not sure." Lily sighed. "He was so closed-off and guarded. I couldn't tell how he reacted."

Harry led his siblings out of the castle and towards the lake where he finally sat down under a tree away from everyone else. Zane sat beside him leaning back against the tree trunk as Katie and Kerri walked along the edge of the lake.

"Don't get too close," Harry told them. "There's a giant squid in there."

"Do you think they actually told us everything?" Zane looked at Harry.

"I think so." He sighed. "I did want to know. But now I wish I never made a big deal out of it."

"Isn't it better that we're prepared for what's to come?"


"There you are," Harry saw Ginny and Hermione approach them. "We looked for you at breakfast."

"We were in the hideaway." Harry told them. "We had a very long talk with mom and dad."

"Did they tell you everything?" Hermione asked.

"They said they did."


"No offense to either of you," Harry looked at them. "But I'm still processing everything. I'll tell you about it later."

"We understand," Ginny took his hand. "So have you thought about what you're going to do about this dragon thing?"

"I have no idea at this point." He sighed. "I guess I should start doing research."

"Harry?" they all looked up as they saw Cederic Diggory approaching them.

"Hey, Cederic." Harry sat up.

"I just want you to know that I don't believe that you put your name in the Goblet of Fire." He told him.


"I saw your face when you came into the trophy room. You were definitely scared out of your mind."

"Thank you." Harry told him. "Would you like to join us?"

"Sure." He sat across from Harry on the grass and glanced at Zane. "You're Harry's brother, right? You just started your first year?"

"Yeah." Zane looked warily at Cederic, not fully trusting him.

"Zane, I believe him. Knock it off." Harry told them. "Go get the girls away from the edge of the lake."

Zane mumbled under his breath as he stalked away from the group and went to stop Katie and Kerri from reaching their hand into the lake.

"Sorry about him." Harry told Cederic. "He isn't very trusting of people. I blame the foster family he lived with before we found him."

"It's fine. I don't blame him for thinking that way after how my dorm mates have treated you. I talked to them about it-"

"It's fine. I've been hated by everyone before. Remember my second year when everyone thought I was behind all those attacks?"

"I remember that," Cederic said softly. "I had a feeling that there was something else going on then."

"Cederic, I think there's something that you should know." Harry told him. "It's about the first task."


"It's dragons. I think we just have to get past them. I didn't want you to be the only one that didn't know about them."

"Thank you."

"There's mommy," Katie and Kerri spotted her near the entrance to the castle and they ran towards her.

"Why is mom talking to Snape?" Zane asked.

"It doesn't look like a pleasant conversation." Ginny said. "I think they're arguing."

Lily walked down the staircase and started out of the castle to find the kids to bring Katie and Kerri back in because James was going back home soon. She spotted them all sitting underneath a tree by the lake with Ginny, Hermione, and another student she recognized as the other Hogwarts champion, Cederic Diggory.

As she started across the courtyard, she ran into the one person she had been trying to avoid since she started teaching there.


"Professor Snape,"

"It doesn't have to be like this."

"Yes, it does. As long as you punish my sons for something they didn't have anything to do with."

"They went running to you with their school problems?"

"Of course they didn't. The other teachers talk. They don't seem to have any problems with them in their classes. You're the only one-"

"Mommy!" Katie and Kerri ran to her and she smiled down at them.

"I was coming to get you two. Your dad's getting ready to leave."

"Can't we stay longer?"

"You can eat lunch with your brothers in the Great Hall, and then you have to go."

"Lily, we should talk about this." Snape tried again.

"No we don't." she glared at him. "But I do think it's time you get over your school boy grudge and listen to James when he tries to make it up to you. You can't blame everything on him. Most of it is your doing."

"I know," he said softly.

"Mom?" Harry and Zane appeared with the others. "What's going on?"

"Nothing important." She shot Snape one last glare before leading them all back into the castle. "The girls are going to eat lunch with you before your dad takes them back home."

"Let's go, guys." Harry took them into the Great Hall where they all sat down at the Gryffindor table.

"Cederic, we saved you a seat!" one of the Hufflepuff's called to him.

"I'm sitting with Harry and his friends." He shot back as he sat down by them.

"You can sit with them if you want." Harry told him. "They're your friends."

"I don't need friends like them." He told him as he smiled at Harry with his siblings.

AN: So what'd you all think? I wanted a friendship started between Harry and Cederic. I'm not sure if Cederic will die in this like he did in the books, but I wanted Harry and him to get along better than they did in the book. Anyway, please R&R!